The Fundamental Ideology Of Equality by Ruben Frankin - TopicsExpress


The Fundamental Ideology Of Equality by Ruben Frankin (Article) There are kind people in this world. People who dare to go where man most fears to tread; a person who tries to see the good in all people. Even if that person has become lost, themselves. Whatever your personal beliefs, the core idea of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you, speaks volumes! And I am not even religious or a believer by any means. Although the Christian Bible has many great points. As Im sure many diverse religious scriptures do too. When I speak of tolerance, I dont mean the shallow tolerance that exists in America to keep people from complete and utter chaos. But a more sincere Honest tolerance from the heart. To accept ALL Mankind. To be grateful for your fellow man. Because let me tell you, for the next time you may ask yourself, Why are we here? Id say back, WE are NOT alone!! We have each other. People effect people. Man cannot exist alone in an isolated state. Gratitude for humanity means so much for a person who has actually been deprived of basic human-contact; day to day human interaction. Speaking on behalf of myself, humanity is enough for me… Helps me to know I am not alone on this earth. Thats why my aim is to respect humanity. And Ive probably failed at the respect thing more than you! As for my further much more in depth cryptic beliefs I blather on about, like how I believe the world would be a better place without leaders. Or how we shouldnt be so quick to judge jihadists. - These analytical thoughts of mine, that most likely cause public disagreement, are NOTHING compared to my core belief… We Are All Created Equal! Thats what this all comes down to. Im Not the first nor the last to feel this way! Ultimately my cause or movement or non-profit-social-media organization (whatever the heck youd like to call what Im doing for this cause of mine) is solely based on Equality. And of course all of which go hand in hand with equality. Including, of course, the things on the opposition. (social-oppression, social-equality, social-class, peace, love, honesty, tolerance, fascism, discrimination etc). Nonetheless, equality! Were active with anything that is for or has to do with equality. For instance, Ive always represented the LGBT Community. Anti-bullying organizations. Though I intend to act with my fist, so to speak, not with my wallet. And I say that in the most peaceful sense. Violence and bigotry are one of my few no-nos. There are so many endless ways that you can be a part this! For me personally, this belief I hold dear to my heart has nothing to do with The Constitution of The United States. Or does it have to do with God. I say this with the upmost respect, not to offend anyones beliefs! I say it simply because thats my personal perception. Furthermore from my experience as being ME. It was hard for me growing up with the hand I was dealt. Thats not the easiest thing to admit when I am so very grateful and blessed. This is my life and Im proud of myself. I believe that the most important kind of pride is the pride one has in themselves. And all our diverse beliefs which help propel us when weve got nothing else (nobody else) to motivate or support us. When you perhaps feel as if you dont even have control over your own life choices. Youre stuck. Wherever it is you may feel stuck or trapped. Locked up in a hell that doesnt seem to quite kill you. But it doesnt seem to make you stronger either. I know, I KNOW I AM NOT ALONE!! As I also know it takes courageous people who see the bigger picture who will speak up on behalf of The Ruben Frankin Project Movement. Whatever is holding you back. Whether youre holding yourself back. Or someone else is holding you back. Whatever all of your diverse situations may be, we got a few things in common, all of us... Self-hatred, depression, addiction, abuse, shame, indignity, stigmatized, vilified, categorized, loneliness, neglect, alienation, disconnect, anxiety, disassociation, trauma, unloveable, distrusting, jealous, anger, confusion. You possibly feel hate towards other people. Or just hate, in general. Ive felt all of these feelings, myself. And most people do feel this stuff from time to time. But most people are just that; Most people. Still theres good, kind people out there no matter who you are! But you dont need me to tell you this simpleton stuff. To the downtrodden, I stress to use your voice!! Use your voice before you die!!! Use your voice as loud as possible! Because were obviously not the ones who are being heard. The last thing I want to come off as is angry. Though, the majority of people being heard is the majority! The herd is heard. And what they say has everything to do with all that they abide by. Whatever your adversities may be, pat yourself on the damn back. We can help each other fight for our lives! No one else is going to help us. We dont fit in therefor we have to be D.I.Y. (do it yourself). We cant depend on others. But we can accept & love others. Learn to love them and let our hate go. Theres too much hate in the world for us to be apart of hate any longer. We do NOT have to relate to every damn thing in able to get along. Social-Classs have been taring this world apart forever! And to anyone who believes in the basic belief of Equality, if you believe it then act like you do. Get your hands dirty. Money isnt everything. Especially not with my cause which is strictly non-profit. The value in the barter-system is helping another person. As for oppression, dont allow yourself to be oppressed by systematic injustice. By ignorance. You need not play the villain any longer. Deep down beyond all of the shame, you know you have a world of love your heart has been literally dying to give! This is about NOT sitting back throwing a pity party. My cause is a basic fundamental belief that so many people have died for. But the death, the tragedies, the utter suffrage and corruption is too much. There has to be a better way. In the age were living in with such progress, this is not a time to stop dreaming! If we utilized technology; social-media in better more positive & creative, honest ways, theres no doubt in my mind that the children of today could possibly see a shift in social-equality by the time theyre seniors! You dont have to feel like me or share my views. You dont even have to think or relate to me! But I bet ya can! Were already really all in the same fight. Fighting for justice and all things fair and equal in a world with so much beauty but with too much hate. Its just too much! Its too much to hear the tragedies of people who felt like Ive felt resulting in shooting up another school. Its too much when the answer is right in front of our faces! The minority is NOT outnumbered. The downtrodden our not victims with nothing to offer. Quite on the contrary, we have centuries of things to be said. We know at the very least a small taste of what discrimination feels like. What abuse feels like. What mental illness feels like. What being gay feels like in a society that spits on you. What being tormented at school everyday feels like. What being laughed at, stared at, made to feel like horse sh*t feels like. What stigma feels like. We take it. We tolerate it as best as we can. My movement is for the hope that one day it can grow into something legitimate where people dont have to buy into the propaganda were fed and result to more death of young people. May the world ever be a place of equality? In my lifetime? No. Although just like time-travel, a world of equality is theoretically possible. It has been proven by many brilliant minds. People whove died to make a difference. Just a difference. If thats all I can do is make a difference, thats enough. Because while I am alive on this earth I will not support what I believe has anything to do with corruption. Racism. Discrimination. Injustice. And inequality. As long as Im alive, although my views and beliefs may evolve and change, I will never support inequality. This is a basic fundamental belief that so many people claim to believe yet do nothing about it. Well, its personal for me and I chose to not bury my head in the sand. Call me Crazy call me whatever you want. I dont care. We are all created equal. If so many people believed this would we use the ongoing tragedies as an excuse over this constant debate over gun-control which in my opinion is not even the real issue… Some people dont feel comfortable admitting that they just do not feel comfortable with a black president in office - Point blank. Sorry, I got a little political there. I dont care for politics. I also dont consider any form of activism to have anything to do with politic. Youre free to choose whether you believe in your government, the establishment etc. etc. Youre free to be you. And Im free to be me, here in the U.S. So, If you believe in the fundamental ideology of Equality; the very basic importance of equality, youre more than welcome to help out. I am NOT asking for your money. Im not even asking for too much of your time, in a generation where everyone is wired up and ready to go. At the very least, it would be a nice start to see people in the Rochester, Ny area getting a tiny bit involved. Instead of throwing my flyers on the ground right in my face. Or hacking my computer. Ive indeed taken a lot due to my cause. And I dont mind. Its not the bigotry that bothers me the most, its when people who claim to be down with the idea and do not make any attempt to participate UNLESS it is benefiting them. Its not that difficult to give of yourself. I realize maybe why its been so very hard all these years to get people involved. Because Im letting them see me emotionally naked; vulnerable. That scares people away. But if you believe in equality… Think. Why are you so scared? Embarrassed or ashamed to be apart of this? I dont expect anyone to pour their beliefs unto Social-media. I dont expect that out of anyone! What I do expect is the people who understand me or even possibly relate to me (cause god knows theres a lot of lonely displaced hearts out there and trust me, Im not so unique) to come forward. I dont want to be no follower, leader or preacher. I dont like leadership anyway. But I would feel a hell of a lot better if I didnt feel so damn alone in this world. Hopefully we can all play a part in making The Ruben Frankin Project (or my FEAO Facebook Support Group) something we can all feel proud about. Reaching the people who need us most! For those who do not feel comfortable with any of this, its okay to tell me. Im sensitive but not that sensitive! Id truly rather you tell me straight out so were not wasting each others time. I of course will respect your decision and we can continue to remain friends on FB or in actual life without you being a part of the cause. But Ive come to a point in my life where I got to do what is best for myself. Im working on number one; me. I know in my heart that I need to continue working on my Cause and this belief for my own sanity. So, if youve come this far, I admire and respect and thank you for your time that you have put in reading this entire thing!!! Like Ive always been saying, please write me @ [email protected] · Take heart to everybody. Take heart to all of the people that I know will laugh if they read this. I forgive you. Take heart all of the people who dont see the bigger picture which is something I simply cannot put in words. Take heart for all haters and all lovers. Kind regards, Ruben (John) Frankin (P. Morana) - You dont have to live this way anymore. Youre the way out. Just believe in yourself. We can all support each other!!!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 11:41:34 +0000

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