The GOP and all of the folks out there who supported the partys - TopicsExpress


The GOP and all of the folks out there who supported the partys agenda have reason to be proud. Weve sent a signal to Obama, but in most probability, he wont care one way or the other. Compromise is a word that eludes his vocabulary. But now that Harry Reid will no longer act as obstructionist in the Senate, who knows how the remaining two years will shake out? That said, one certainty is apparent. Hillary Clinton will be the democrats anointee to carry the party label in 2016. That move has already begun as evidenced by Diane Sawyer and the folks at ABC News, when last night, even before the Senatorial races were called one way or the other, Sawyer trotted out to gush over Hillary. I should not have been surprised. So now--the Hillary juggernaut begins. But before the GOP and its followers get too caught up in that, we should well remember that both Clintons campaigned hard in states like Georgia, Arkansas, as well as others, to elect democrat candidates. And they were turned back! Perhaps much of the nation has tired of hearing about Hillary Clinton? Personally, I know that I am. And Im also tired of hearing about the possibility of Jeb Bush winning the GOP nomination. This country, hopefully, has had enough of the Bushes and Clintons. Its time to move on, and this time, the GOP must select a candidate that we can support. Im not talking about lukewarm support; Im talking about a candidate that the entire nation of Conservatives, Independents, and alienated Democrats can get behind and push him or her over the finish line. We should not waste our valuable time trying to tap individuals like Paul, Bush, Huckabee, Christie, Ryan, Perry, Rubio, Cruz, Santorum, or Jindal to carry the GOP banner in 2016. I realize that each of these men have reason to be proud of their accomplishments--and they have many regional followers, but they do not have a nationwide appeal. If any one of them obtains the GOP nomination, all will be for naught. None from this list can compete head-to-head with Hillary Clinton. I suggest that we think outside the box and consider names like Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin or Governor Scott Kasich of Ohio. Who should the Republican nominee be? As of this moment, I dont have the answer. But I caution all of you, wed better come up with someone, and fast. The GOP needs to hit the ground running, and we should reach out and be sincere about carrying the votes of women, Hispanics, and Blacks. We will not win without them.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 16:12:52 +0000

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