The GRAND JURY are the Heroes and our PRESIDENT is a - TopicsExpress


The GRAND JURY are the Heroes and our PRESIDENT is a RACIST Ferguson Grand Jury Announcement The “POOR” UNARMED YOUNG BLACK TEEN was VICIOUSLY GUNNED DOWN BY A RACIST WHITE COP! These have been the headlines in one form or another for months across America. The race baiting and race hustlers Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and host of Rappers with various celebrities in tow had even descended on the small town of Ferguson, Missouri. Hundreds if not more race baiting City and State officials (Representatives and Senators) from various States and Missouri, along with Attorney’s and (so-called) Civil Rights leaders had taken to the air-waves to spew their inflammatory rhetoric. The Missouri Governor Jay Nixon had even gone on the record in a speech trying to skew the verdict coming from the Grand Jury. After several comments emanating from the White House and Attorney General Eric Holder eliciting a desired verdict, this Grand Jury still stood tall. After the White House ( who today must feel very foolish) even sent 3 representatives to Mike Brown’s funeral service in a show of solidarity and support for the Brown family, the Grand Jury still kept silent and did their jobs. In the face of overwhelming public sentiment, an incredible level of pressure being applied by the highest ranking officials in America, this Grand Jury and St. Louis County Prosecutor still performed their task with professionalism. All of the (what we now know as rhetoric, lies, distortions, fabricated events) pressure and media scrutiny would not change the “FACTS AND EVIDENCE” in this case. If ever there was one; this case in Ferguson, Missouri should go into the history books as a classic example of “DON’T JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS before the EVIDENCE IS HEARD”! Because of this incredible display of childish behavior by our President of the United States and our Attorney General, we have a burned out town, hundreds of torched vehicles, hundreds of damaged businesses, dozens of injured people and a citizenry on edge. ONE WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THE PRESIDENT WOULD HAVE LEARNED HIS LESSON WITH TRAYVON MARTIN ABOUT JUMPING INTO A LOCAL SITUATION, BUT ALAS-HE DID NOT! At 8:15pm central time last night, the St. Louis County Grand Jury came down with their verdict for the world to hear. I have posted the entire (nearly 1 hour) video for you to watch. Listen very carefully (15 min. in) when the Prosecutor list the evidence that the Grand Jury heard. It is not even close to what the media, race baiters and government officials wanted us to believe. THE FACTS ARE THESE AMERICA; 1. Officer Darren Wilson stopped Mike Brown and his side-kick while they were walking down the middle of a street. (Perfectly justifiable by a police officer) 2. Officer Wilson began questioning (again perfectly normal and justifiable) the boy walking down the middle of a street. 3. EVIDENCE SHOWS the “boy err very large man” attacks the police officer and tries to take his weapon and a fight breaks out. 4. EVIDENCE SHOWS; shots fired inside of Officer Wilson’s squad car. 5. 3 Autopsies later, 70 hours of testimony later from 60 witnesses later (some reliable and some with bogus information) the evidence is overwhelming that this Officer acted in self-defense from the attacks of a very large, very angry young black man. In the end America; this is what we have learned from this case. The President of the United States along with his Attorney General tried in vain to skew a Grand Jury verdict. This to me is the epitome of RACISM! The President, Attorney General, public figures such as Sharpton and Jackson along with the bulk of the media MADE THIS CASE ABOUT RACE! The evidence shows it was not about race at all! It was about a criminal black boy who had just robbed a store and was trying not to get caught. When it appeared he was going to be caught, he tried in vain to steal a cops gun after assaulting the cop and ended up getting shot and dying for his efforts. RACE WAS NEVER A CONSIDERATION! THE PRESIDENT, AG AND THE RACE HUSTLERS MADE THIS ABOUT RACE! Today because of the President, AG and Race Hustlers, we have a burned out town, millions upon millions in property damage. We have a Police Officer whom can probably never go back to his chosen field of endeavor (for fear of this happening again), lives destroyed (people who invested their lives into owning a small business), careers destroyed and huge black eye for our White House to display to the world just HOW INEPT AND STUPID THEY ARE! This is what happens when you have a racist for President and Attorney General! NO SHOTS TO THE BACK and every Coroner (3 of them) said Brown was attacking the Officer when the fatal shots were fired. In other words, Brown was the criminal whom was a fool for attacking a Police Officer in the first place. In other words, this President and his pals (Jackson and Sharpton) have thrown gasoline on a situation that should have been handled totally different when you’re the President of the United States and Attorney General of the United States. To further the tragedy, even after all the evidence is in and even after the Grand Jury has ruled the Officer is innocent and acted in self-defense; these leaders of the free world are still going to go after Officer Darren Wilson for “Civil Rights” violations in a Federal Court. This to me is utterly reprehensible. I honestly have no words for just how utterly despicable this piece of slime in the White House is! Barack Obama; you’re the damned President of the United States. If anyone is this nation is supposed to support and defend a citizens Constitutional Rights, it is supposed to be YOU! Because you’re the one who is actually racist and don’t like the verdict coming down from a Grand Jury, you’re going to sick the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT on this Police Officer to try in vain to clear your name from being stupid! THAT IS THE BOTTOM LINE AMERICA! THIS President once again has shown himself to be a complete idiot and he is going to use an innocent Police Officer to save his rotten backside. I hope and pray that all of these Civil Rights Crusaders will show up in D.C. and support Officer Wilson as they have a criminal black man in Ferguson. I want to take this opportunity to personally thank the very brave members of the St. Louis County GRAND JURY. You truly were a Davey versus Goliath. You stood and very courageously did your jobs and did them very well. You stood for justice and ruled on evidence not emotion and rhetoric and pressure. WELL DONE TO EACH OF YOU! BE PROUD OF YOURSELVES! LIKE us on Facebook; https://facebook/crowsnestpolitics Twitter; Oh yea we are a bird after all; @kwrcrow Email; Ken@crowsnestpolitics Patriots; Remember, none of us here at Crows Nest earn an income and haven’t for years. We do this because we are trying to educate and save our nation. We humbly ask for your support when and if you can. Please don’t hesitate to donate or shop at Amazon, we are always grateful. Christmas is coming and we would love to be able to get a tree. Many thanks and God Bless.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 01:21:45 +0000

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