The GREEK HOLOCAUST EXPLAINED WITH THE LENSES OF KEYNES Causes an intense feeling of disgust condemnation of the horrors of the past (click to read ) , and Im referring to Napolitano , the work of those who consume the same number in the present ( click to read ) . The peoples of the Mediterranean , due to the murderous austerity policies endorsed and defended even by our President of the Republic, are experiencing a real holocaust for pain and suffering comparable to that suffered by the Jews during Hitlers infamous domain . It is not a hyperbole or a provocation. What other term can in fact be used to define a condition in which , see Greece , many mothers are forced to leave their children in orphanages because they can buy the bare minimum to feed them (click to read ) ? I already know the objection of the hypocrites in the face of such an approach useful to unmask the raw ferocity and cold sadism . It is not comparable to the extermination of the Jews to the present suffering of the people of greek . The first case is the work of the will of a murderous criminal political system , while the second is the son of an economic downturn that is independent from action of governments and flies over the will of man. Be aware that this topic is absolutely false. And I show you why. Almost a century ago, precisely in 1926 , Keynes wrote an important pamphlet entitled The end of laissez- faire . The misery and mass unemployment were perceived as serious problems even at the time when, waiting to sink in the quicksand of World War II at the hands of the Nazis, the consolidation of social injustice fostered the rapid materialize impending catastrophe. Drift among other widely anticipated by Keynes in a vaguely prophetic text of 1919 and significantly entitled The Economic Consequences of Peace. It good to remember that prior to the time of Keynes neoliberal orthodoxy was, if possible, even stronger than it is nowadays. Says Law , which states that it is the offering which creates its own demand , it was accepted by all as if it were gospel , and the aggravated social tensions , the so-called elites could not find something better to do but advise governments to look the other way while waiting for work and power of the Holy Spirit, things suddenly began to improve. A framework , I am sure you will agree with me, at the same time ancient and current. Keynes, with the power of passion and intelligence , he was able to crack first fake truth apparently granite , indicating to the world a different and better perspective. But after a few decades humanity seems to have willfully forgotten the lessons of the English genius . And to think that to get out of the tunnel in which the European technocracy has driven enough to reread some immortal vergatodalleconomista step that changed the course of history. But back to the brochure The end of laissez- faire . Keynes explains that the idea that the pursuit of selfish ends always with the realization incorporate the general has no scientific basis . This approach has its origins in the philosophical debate innestatosi in Europe since the end of the seventeenth century , when the divine right of kings gave way to the natural liberty and to the contract . On this basis, the advent of the doctrine diDarwin , to demonstrate the strict correlation between the improvement of the species and the weak succumb , ended with the offer transversely to the advocates of free trade and laissez- faire a formidable weapon conceptual . It is , therefore, reinforces the principle of survival of the fittest . It also true that the liberal rhetoric also drew sap of the smallness and insignificance of the alternatives . Protectionism and Marxism , Keynes went on , are characterized by weakness pure logic. Keynes could not understand how Marxism , which he considered illogical and stupid , could exert a lasting influence in the minds of so many men . In a similar way today, defenders of the status quo turbo -liberal benefit from the extravagance of some alternative theories propounded by those who, shouting for change , it ends up more or less consciously to shore up the existing one. Yesterday protectionism or ilmarxismo today degrowth and grillismo proponent of a criminal tax increase on consumption. After a thorough and accurate analysis to clarify the genesis and warning signs of problems to deal with, Keynes chose to sink the shot : Lets get rid from the metaphysical or general principles upon which , from time to time , it is based on laissez-faire. The world is not so governed from above that private and social interest always coincide , it is conducted down here so that in practice they coincide . It is not a correct deduction from the principles of economics that enlightened self-interest always operates in the public interest . It is true that self-interest generally is enlightened (...) . We must aim at separating those services which are technically social from those which are technically individual . The most important action of the State does not relate to those activities which private individuals already be felt , but those functions that fall outside of the range of action of the individual, to those decisions which no one accomplishes if not carried out by the State. The important thing for the government is not doing what people already do , and do a little better or a little worse, but what do you do at present not at all ( ... ) . Many of the greatest economic evils of our time are the fruits of risk , uncertainty and ignorance. And why certain individuals , lucky for the condition or ability, are able to take advantage of uncertainty and ignorance , and also because the big business is often a lottery , which creates strong inequalities of wealth , and these same factors are also due to the unemployment of workers and the disappointment of reasonable commercial expectations and the weakening of efficiency and production . However, the cure is out of the work of individuals and can even be in the interest of individuals to aggravate the evil . I believe that the remedy for such things should be sought partly in the deliberate control of money and credit by a central institution (...) . There is more wisdom and common sense in these few lines in all the sloppy and false analysis of all our economists and political scientists who pontificate daily surcharge unified networks . Conscious of the profound cultural revolution is anchored by its reasoning , eager to prevent attacks instrumental by the most reactionary among the priests of the temple, Keynes finally took care to point out : We direct these reflections on possible improvements to the technique of modern capitalism by means of collective action. There is nothing in them that is seriously incompatible with what seems to me the essential characteristic of capitalism, namely the dependence from one extreme to appeal to the instinct of gain and love of money by individuals as the main driving force of the machine economic (...) . Before Keynes was possible to make a mistake in good faith. Not today . It clear now why the Greek people can be defined peacefully victim of a new , polished, consistent and pre-ordered Holocaust? Francesco Maria Toscano Source:
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 13:28:34 +0000

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