The Gambari North must go, pack out of the Niger Delta now, - TopicsExpress


The Gambari North must go, pack out of the Niger Delta now, Enough is Enough, give us Republic of Niger Delta , We demand One hundred percent resource control or nothing , Renegotiate Nigeria now, Chibok missing girls is a scam, Sanusi Lamido is a dog , The South is not the slave of the North, Oby Ezekwezili you are an agent of the Supremacist, were amongst the several placards carried by youths of the Niger Delta who thronged the streets of Ughelli town of Delta State in a State of the Nation Road Walk as their immediate response to the arrogance of youths of the North who recently in Kano demanded the Break Up of the Nigerian Union. The youths under the aegis of the Alhaji Mujahid Abubakr Dokubo Asari led Niger Delta People Salvation Front ( NDPSF ) amongst other groups from across the Niger Delta who participated in the State of the Nation Road walk stated that one of the main reason of embarking on the road walk was to thank the President of the Nigerian Union Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan for appointing a son of Ughelli and Urhobo Nation as the Minister of Niger Delta Affairs in his government in response to the cries of the Urhobo Nation for a more prominent place in his administration, a cry which they have actively supported and help give currency. Converner of the State of the Nation road walk Comrade Rex Ekiugbo Anighoro who is the Spokesman to Alhaji Mujahid Abubakr Dokubo Asari and the Niger Delta People Salvation Front ( NDPSF ) Worldwide and also the leader of the Coalition of Urhobo Nation Youth Leaders and Stakeholders ( CUNYLS ) stated that the arrogance of the barren and impotent Gambari North was getting to petrifying and that it was time to put them where they belong. indeed our mission here marching the streets of Ughelli and converging peacefully at the Palace of the Ovie of Ughelli is to Thank Mr. President for listening to the cries of well meaning Urhobos and Niger Deltans to give the Urhobo Nation visibility in his administration, we are indeed grateful to him for making Dr. Steve Oru Minister of Niger Delta Affairs and we do congratulate Dr Steve Oru on his appointment. We stand in solidarity with him believing he will not disappoint nor waste this opportunity to make the difference, we believe he can score the injury time goals even as we urge him to make haste to empower Niger Delta youths expecially these youths looking at me here, we have led protest against Orubebe his predecessor for non performance, Orubebe was a mistake and a minus like Mikel Obi, we want to believe we will not have cause to come back here to lead a march against him, all we demand is performance and we are hopeful that he Dr. Steve Oru will perform. Comrade Rex Emojite Anighoro who recently issued a press release on behalf of Alhaji Mujahid Dokubo Asari demanding one hundred percent resource control or nothing irrespective of the final determination of the National Conference went on to reiterate that Chibok missing girls is a scam and that Emir Sanusi Lamido who had engineered youths to protest in Kano demanding that Niger Deltans should leave the North issuing a two weeks ultimatum was a dog who is beneath the least traditional ruler in the Niger Delta. He called on all Northerns to vacate the Niger Delta with immediate effect warning that should any thing happen to any Niger Deltan in the North then the North should expect far worse reprisals from the Niger Delta as enough was enough. He called Dr. Oby Ezekwezili as a shameless agent of the supremacist and ugly Chibok scammer who has been milking the international community dry since respite from joblessness came her way with her scam Bring back our missing girls smear campaign having failed to secure government patronage and appointment, she so badly needs. While we Thank Mr. President for his good works and declare that there is no vacany in Aso rock in 2015, we must not fail to most respectfully let Mr. President know that we are tired of this Lugardian edifice which is a mistake of 1914, we call for the dissolution of this contraception as we cannot tolerate any longer the arrogance and provocation of the predatory and parasitic Gambari North that we have for long shown unneedful charity. We think that the Republic of the Niger Delta is the best response to dismantling this gargantuan colonial edifice of deception. We seek to be free from this rape of an illicit and unprofitable wedlock perpetuated on us for one hundred years now.Let the criminal expansionist and supremacist from futa jallon go their seperate way as we are not one and can never be one, let them leave the Niger Delta now since they have asked our people to leave the North they too must leave our republic at once, we are not issuing two weeks we are saying with immediate effect, let them start packing their bags now. Nigerias renegotiation has proven to be an illusion and so this artificial creation of the British Empire and mere geographical expression of an incompatible oil gold digging Northern poor husband and a Southern rich wife ought naturally now be repudiated. It should effectively be to your tent oh Isreal because marriage nor be by force, simple. Youth leaders from the various Nations of Niger Delta took their turns to address the road walk, All thanking Mr President on his appointment of Dr. Steve Oru, declaring that re electing President Goodluck Jonathan in 2015 was non - negotiable. Other placards carried by the youths include Thank you Mr. President, for appointing an Urhobo as Minister, Congratulations Dr. Steve Oru please no time to waste, Dr. Steve Oru we stand in total solidarity, No retreat, No surrender on Goodluck Jonathan we stand.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 17:22:48 +0000

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