The Game to Rule Level 1 I was not among those who were the - TopicsExpress


The Game to Rule Level 1 I was not among those who were the best. They always called me a loser. But for me I was actually a big loser. They all enjoyed playing their favorite games during their free time. But I didnt as they never allowed me to play with them. So I used to go in a lonely place.A place where no one would insult me and no one to see me depressed. But what should I do in that lonely place? I sit there all alone and Think. I have seen the past, where I have done nothing impressive. I was living in my present where I was keeping myself silent without complaining and without making any noise. But I used to think about the future. A future which I need to create. I knew that if my destiny is different then the path will be different. And if the path is different then I will be all alone in that path. No one will be there to support and no one to take care.But if I want to play an interesting game then I need to choose the toughest. And from that day I decided.... They will always call it Life but I will call it Game. A Game, to rule till the end. But a game always have its own rules. And the rules are made for those who have their weak points. But I was not in a mood of following any rules. So I decided not to keep any weak points. If I would have had a girl friend then maybe I would be weak at certain point. But I lost my girlfriend few years back. I belong from a middle class family and my family was very simple. Yes, they too were my weakness. So I decided to stay away from them all alone. But whenever they would need me I would come to support them and after that I would leave again. And lastly the most weakest part of mine was my heart. It always makes me weak. So to control this weakness I decided to control it by my mind. I learned to pretend. Pretend to be strong, whenever my heart makes me weak. And then finally staying alone without any girl friend, family and controlling my heart, I was ready to play without any weakness. And thus the Game begins.... I took myself in a new city and got myself a rented room at the cheapest rate. The things which I had by that time was my old laptop, some money, a cell phone and few clothes. I had enough money to survive in that lonely city for one month. But I need to think for the later months. Every morning I went out with my laptop and roam around the city and return back by the evening. And by roaming around whole day I was observing the life style of the people. People from the poorest to the the richest. I started studying peoples mind. Because one day I need to deal with people. People of different mentality and different kind. People who will be poor and people who will be rich. People with big heart and people with cheap mentality. I saw that beggar who dont have one hand. He was young but he was handicapped. Every morning he comes and sit beside the bus stop. The passer by help him with coins. Whole day he sits on the footpath with an umbrella and a bowl in his hand. I too feel pity for him and that is why I too drop some coins in his bowl every morning. As I was staying in a cheap rented room, I was asked by the owner to share the bathroom with another guy. That guy was working in a call center. Although we both were neighbors we both were never close to each other. He was always rude to me. He used to argue with me for some silly reasons. Or in short every morning he argued with me. Resons like sharing bathroom, drying clothes in the rope where we both dry our clothes and the music I played at night in my mobile. I never knew why the hell that idiot was always in a mood of arguing with me. He was among the cheapest mentality people whom I ever met. But I was not at all interested to waste my time thinking about those cheap mentality people. And then I met another person and that person was the owner of our rented room. The person with two luxury cars. He was also the general manager of TATA MOTORS. And the life style he had was the life style I always dreamt to have. Yes, I was jealous of him. My mother used to buy motivational books by great writers.Once she bought me a book by Shiv Khera when I was a kid. But unfortunately I never read any of those. But I have seen a motivational quote in the cover of that book where Sir Shiv Khera said, Dont do different things but do things differently. Well, I was little bit impressed by those words. So to implement his words in my life I made few changes in his words. And I changed it to, Dont think different things but think differently. And when I applied those words in my life I came to know the big truth. And the truth was that, every truth has a hidden face. Well, lets not make things complicated now. One day again I came out in the morning and was standing near the bus stop, waiting for the bus. As soon as the bus came I got into it and took the window seat near the exit door. But then the conductor came out of the exit door and moved towards the beggar who was sitting beside the bus stop. I could see from the window that the conductor gave that beggar a 500 rupee note. Well, I was literally shocked to see the kindness of the conductor. But then the beggar returned him back five notes of hundred rupees. The conductor actually asked the beggar for a 500 rupees change. And I found that the beggar was richer than me that day. After that shocking scene in front of me I started thinking and made some calculations in my mind. And when I was done with it I was smiling as I found myself the greatest idiot. That beggar sits from morning to evening near the bus stop every day with his bowl. And every day he makes thousand rupees minimum, from the coins by the passer by like me. Or I could say he was making more than thirty thousand rupees every month. He dont need to have any educational qualification nor he need to pay any tax and he dont even need to make any investment to make that money. He was actually enjoying his life. And that was the hidden truth. One night I came out of my room to smoke a cigarette. When I was smoking I heard the voice of the call center guy who was talking over phone. And as I was jobless by that time I started listening to his conversation. And while listening to his conversation I came to know that he was talking to his mother. He was saying his mother to do the medical tests by borrowing some money from the neighbor and he would return that money as soon as he get his salary. And that time I came to know that his mother was not well and was in need of medical treatment but she was unable to manage the money. I fell pity for him, so next day keeping my attitude behind I talked to him nicely. After two or three days we became good to each other. But during those days I came to know about him. He was the only son of his parents. His father was a retired private school teacher. But he lost his father when he was pursuing his engineering. After retirement his father used to give tuition classes to students and run his family but after he left it became hard for his family to survive. His mother somehow managed to live by selling her jewellery until he became an engineer but he was not selected in the campus interview. His mother thought that their life will change when her son will become an engineer. But he was unable to say his mother that he was not selected in the campus interview. So he decided to come to the city and search for a job. But unfortunately he didnt find any vacancy in any company. But he cant reveal the truth to his mother. So he joined a call center. A call center where he start and end his day by bearing the slang words of the callers, silently, everyday. He didnt have any reason to be a kind man. And when I came to know about him I saw that he was actually a handicap person. And that was the hidden truth. The owner of my rented room was a rich man with two luxury cars but he used those cars only to go to his office and the official tours but not to spend a holiday with his family. He was the person who didnt know what Sunday is. The only thing he had in his life was his work. He was earning in every single second of his life but unfortunately he was unable to earn happiness for a single moment for his family. He was a person who almost forgot to smile peacefully. And that was the hidden truth. They say it depends upon luck to get something which you need. But I believed luck favors when preparation meets opportunity. And I was almost prepared to play the first level of the GAME by then. I knew opportunity could knock my doors at anytime so I need to be prepared for that with a sharp and a fast mind. I was in need of a data cable to connect my phone with my laptop. So I went to a mobile repair shop near the bus stop. There were two friends of around 30 years of age who was running that shop. I was bargaining for the data cable and that was exactly the moment when another customer came to that shop with a mini laptop in his hand. He told that he was unable to install operating system in his laptop with a CD as his mini laptop didnt have a CD drive. They replied him that they dont repair computers and they deal only with mobiles. As I was standing nearby, I came to know what I need to do at that moment. Because that situation was the opportunity I was looking for. When I was a kid I never went to play with others as they never allowed me to play with them. During those days I used to spend my time staying alone somewhere or with my computer. So in the mean time I have learned how to deal with computers. I knew that if a CD drive is not available then a operating system can be installed with the help of a pen drive. But for that we need to make the pen drive bootable with some commands or some codes. When I was listening to their conversation, I searched for those commands to make a bootable pen drive over Google in my phone. And finally I found those codes. I turned back to the customer and asked if he had a pendrive with him. He replied positively. I told him that I could help him out if he gives me half an hour. He was badly in need so he agreed. As I always carry my laptop with me, that day too I had my laptop where I had the setup file of the windows operating system. I made the pendrive bootable with the code, copied the setup file from my laptop and installed the operating system in his laptop within an hour. And I charged him 400 rupees for that. But my plan was not to earn that 400 bucks. My intention was to make a deal. I always had a thought in my mind that whatever might be my situation, I will never work under anyone to earn money and for that I need to do business but not a job. And if we need to do business we always need to show others their profit and then only we can make a profit. I have done the installation standing in the same shop and those two boys who was running that shop agreed as I told them that I would pay 100 rupees to them after the installation is complete. When that customer left I told those boys that everyday I would sit in his shop with my laptop and whenever a customer for any computer or laptop issues comes, I will solve it. Whatever I will earn will be divided in 70 - 30 % share every month. And if they allow me to do that, they dont need to make any investment neither they have any chances of any loss but they will count some extra profit every month. When I said that they thought for a while with a smiling face looking at each other. But they dont need to think much as I had already proved my words few minutes back. And thus I strike the first level of the game because....... The deal was done. From the next day I started sitting in that shop with my laptop. As that shop was located in a commercial area, an average of four to five customers comes with computer issues everyday. I knew that no computer repair shop will repair a computer below 500 rupees in the market so I took a repairing charge of 300 rupees from my customers for any kind of issues. I gave my numbers to all the customer to contact me if they have any further issues. People started calling me from their offices to repair their desktops. But I gave them my contact number not to make money but to bulid a relationship. Because I knew one day I will be in need of them. I earned around 1000 rupees every day and after the end of the first month I had 17400 rupees after sharing the 30 percent of net profit to the owner of the shop. They were happy and I was too happy as that was my first income in that new city. People say we should donate a part of our first income to any religious place in the name of GOD or to the beggars. But I knew that GOD was not in need of money and when it comes to beggars, my readers knew how I would react to that. So that was a bullshit idea. That day I went to my room with my first income and gave a treat to the call centre guy. And then I told him to call his mother in the city to do her treatment and I would bear the cost. He was not in a mood of accepting my help but as it was about his mothers health, he called her. Next weekend his mother came by taking a train and we received her in the train station. We did all the medical tests and got her all the medicines the doctors prescribed. And then when she was about to leave she took out a bottle of pickle and said to him, I thought of making few varieties of pickle this season but as I was ill I am able to make only one variety of mango pickle. Take it and both of you share it. As I will be fine now, next time I will come with some more variety. When she said that I saw his tears dropped down. And then his mother said wiping his tears with a smile, Oh ho !!!! This boy will always remain a kid. I dont know how he stays here alone. And then turning towards me she said Son please take care of him. And when she said that she wiped her tears too. But that scene in front of me made me realize what I had earned from my first income. Life was moving on with that attitude and I started preparing for the next level of the GAME. Everything was arranged, everything was preplanned and everything was in my hand but then the Game took an U turn and it suddenly left me numb. And it started from the day I received a message from an unknown number. The message seemed to be little funny, little confusing and little bit irritating but later it took everything from my hand. I was returning to my room from my work place and on my way I received that message from an unknown number. The message was, Do you believe in Ghosts? To be continued.....
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 08:37:57 +0000

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