~ The Gathering Storm ~ Commemorating General Lees 200th - TopicsExpress


~ The Gathering Storm ~ Commemorating General Lees 200th Birthday Riding past the Salem Church along the Orange Plank Road towards the historic town of Fredericksburg Virginia, General Robert E. Lee felt the gathering of a storm. Reports from his scouts indicated that the Federal Army was massing across the Rappahannock River for another advance. As a northern front was soon to blow rain and then snow across the countryside, it was the job of General Lee commanding the Army of Northern Virginia, to somehow stop the new threat from the Federal Army. General Robert E. Lee was up to the task. He was born the son of a Revolutionary War hero, General Light Horse Harry Lee, who was one of George Washingtons cavalry commanders. Robert had been raised by his mother to revere and pattern his life after General Washington. He graduated at the top of his West Point class and distinguished himself in battle during the Mexican War. He had already successfully led his army in the Seven Days Campaign, the Second Battle of Manassas, and the Battle of Sharpsburg. As his mentor George Washington had led his country in a revolution for independence, General Lee believed it was his responsibility to do the same. General Washington wore three stars on his uniform signifying his rank, as did General Lee. Lees horse Traveller was named for one of Washingtons favorite mounts. It was said that Lee even packed one of General Washingtons swords in his personal baggage for inspiration. As Washington seemed to have been protected during battle, receiving bullet holes in his uniform on a number of occasions, General Lee too never received a serious wound. On a personal reconnaissance to the front in the Second Battle of Manassas he returned with the mark of a Northern sharpshooters bullet on his face. Most of his generals would either be seriously wounded or killed in the war. It was now the plan of the Federal Army to mass 120,000 troops at Fredericksburg and overwhelm the Southern Army. But countering with 75,000 men, General Lee held the high ground. The audacity and brilliance of the commander of the southern revolution and his soldiers was about to be demonstrated. The battle of Fredericksburg would be General Robert E. Lees and the Army of Northern Virginias greatest victory. Artist: John Paul Strain
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 03:49:08 +0000

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