The Genesee Association Of School Members Annual Holiday - TopicsExpress


The Genesee Association Of School Members Annual Holiday Gathering and Board Service Awards...Retirement Awards Program 2014.MASB Member Transcript Brenda Battle-Jordan, It take some members 20 years to get where I am in 8 years,see my.. MASB Member Transcript ..and it needs an update. 2510 LSD Westwood Heights Schools -07/1207 -12/312016 Level 6- Master Platinum Award Advocacy Skills Specialty Award{Advocacy Skills Specialty Award... Is Used For Arguing In Favor Of A Cause, Idea Or Policy...Such As, The Mackinac Center for Public Policy, CBA Credits CBA 101 Introduction to School Board Service 6 07/16207 CBA 102 Policy 3 10/9207 CBA 103 School Finance & School Budget 3 10/9207 CBA 104 Basic School Law 3 12/1207 CBA 105 Curriculum & Instruction 3 12/1207 CBA 106 Community Relations Leadership 3 10/9207 CBA 107 Labor Relations 3 10/9207 CBA 108 Legislation 3 12/1207 CBA 109 Technology 3 12/1207 CBA 214 Open Meetings Act 3 02/4209 CBA 223 Parliamentary Procedure for Board Members 3 02/4208 CBA24 Succession Planning 3 10/28014 CBA 227 Ethical Challenges 3 02/4208 CBA 232 Communicating Effectively in Difficult Times 3 10/28014 CBA 234 Using Persuasive Skills to Reach Consensu 3 02/4208 CBA 246 Advanced Community Relations 3 02/4208 CBA 251 District Goal Setting 3 02/4208 CBA 25 Media Relations 3 10/4208 CBA 253 Board Operating Procedures 3 02/4209 CBA 259 Creating Trust: Key Ingredient in School Improvement 3 10/28014 CBA 260 Public Speaking Skills (limited to 16) 3 10/4208 CBA 261 Advocacy for Public Education 3 10/4208 CBA 262 Spokesperson Training ( limited to 16) 3 10/4208 CBA 264 Shaping Public Opinion About Public Education 3 10/4208 CBA 274 Board Self-Evaluation for Continuous Improvement 3 02/4208 CBA 276 Board/ Superintendent Relations 3 10/28014 CBA 297 Effective Board Meetings 3 01/92012 CBA 298 Creating High-Performing Schools 3 01/92012 CBA 309 Current Trends in K-12 Technology 3 1/2013 C BA 315 Anatomy of an Audit Report 3 01/92012 CBA 320 21st Century Skills to Succeed in a Global Society 3 01/92012 CBA 325 Board Leadership: Overcoming Obstacles 3 01/42013 CBA 35 Dealing with Board Member Turnover 3 10/28014 CBA 340 The Power of Dat: ATol for Board Members 3 01/2011 CBA 341 Dat First: Foundations 1 3 01/72014 CBA 342 Dat First: Foundations 2 3 1/2013 CBA34 Dat First: Teacher Quality 3 04/152014 CBA 345 Dat Dashboards for Board Members 3 1/2013 Page 112/82014 MASB Member Transcript CBA Credits CBA 351 Social Media 3 01/42013 CBA 358 Customer Service, If Not Now, When? 3 01/42013 CBA 360 ISDs/RESAs/ RESDs /ESAs: What Can They Do for 3 My District? 01/201 CBA 380 Effective Committee Structure 3 1/2013 Education Credits BPW.1 Board President Workshop 10 04/1201 CAUCUS.10 Caucus Meeting 5 12/31201 CSA.08SP Spring Law Seminar 10 07/1208 CSA.10SP Spring Law Seminar 10 07/19201 DEL_209 Delegate Assembly 209 10 10/209 DEL_201 Delegate Assembly 201 10 1/04201 EDU-CBA.1 Education Credits for CBA 320 5 12/31201 EDU-CBA.12 Edu Credit for Dup CBA 5 01/23014 EDU-CBA.13 Edu Credit for Dup CBA 10 01/23014 F01.8 State, National or Regional Conferences 40 12/31208 F01. State, National or Regional Conferences 40 09/15201 F01.2 State, National or Regional Conferences 50 12/312012 F05.7 Participate in a CASBA/ISD Workshop 5 12/31207 F05.8 Participate in a CASBA/ISD Workshop 15 12/31208 F05.9 Participate in a CASBA/ISD Workshop 20 12/31209 F05.10 Participate in a CASBA/ISD Workshop 25 12/31201 F05.1 Participate in a CASBA/ISD Workshop 30 12/31201 F05.12 Participate in a CASBA/ISD Workshop 40 12/312012 F05.13 Participate in a CASBA/ISD Workshop 10 12/312013 F05.14 Participate in a CASBA/ISD Workshop 5 08/12014 F06.8 MASB Workshop 20 12/31208 F06.9 MASB Workshop 15 12/31209 F06.1 MASB Workshop 10 05/9201 F07.1 Participate in a Local Board Workshop 5 12/31201 FC.07 Fall Conference -Friday &Saturday 40 12/1207 FC.08 Fall Conference -Friday &Saturday 40 01/6209 FC.09 Fall Conference -Friday &Saturday 40 12/31209 FC.1 Fall Conference -Friday &Saturday 40 01/92012 FC.12 Fall Conference -Friday &Saturday 40 01/42013 FC.13 Fall Conference -Friday &Saturday 40 1/2013 FCE B.08 Fall Conference -Early Bird AlDay 20 01/6209 FCE B.09 Fall Conference -Early Bird Full Day 20 12/31209 FCE B.10 Fall Conference -Early Bird Full Day 20 01/201 FCE B.1 Fall Conference -Early Bird Full Day 20 01/92012 FCE B.12 Fall Conference -Early Bird Full Day 20 01/42013 FCS.10 Fall Conference -Saturday 20 01/201 GES.08 Governors Education Summit 10 03/2608 GES.1 Governors Education Summit 10 05/9201 LEGIS.1 201 Legislative Conference 10 05/9201 LEGIS.14 2014 Legislative Conference 5 04/182014 LFA.08 Leadership for Achievement 20 10/4208 Page 212/82014 MASB Member Transcript Education Credits LRN.08 Legislative Relations Network (LRN) Conference 10 07/1208 S03.10 Serve as Panelist, Speaker, Moderator Etc. 15 12/7201 S03.1 Serve as Panelist, Speaker o Moderator 25 12/31201 S03.12 Serve as Panelist, Speaker o Moderator 15 12/312012 S03.14 Serve as Panelist, Speaker o Moderator 5 08/92014 S03.14 Serve as Panelist, Speaker o Moderator 20 08/92014 S05.7 Promote Public Education: Articles, TV, Radio, 5 Forums 12/31207 S05.10 Promote Public Education: Articles, TV, Radio, 15 Forums 12/7201 S05.1 Promote Public Education: Articles, TV, Radio, 10 Forums 12/31201 S05.12 Promote Public Education: Articles, TV, Radio, 15 Forums 12/312012 S05.13 Promote Public Education: Articles, TV, Radio, 0 Forums S05.13 Promote Public Education: Articles, TV, Radio, 15 Forums 07/24014 S05.14 Promote Public Education: Articles, TV, Radio, 20 Forums 08/92014 S12.08 Serve as local board officer 5 06/30209 S12.09 Serve as local board officer 5 06/30210 S12.0 Serve as local board officer 5 06/30211 S12.1 Serve as local board officer 5 06/30212 S12. Serve as local board officer 5 12/312012 S.07 Superintendent Search 25 02/3209 URB.08 The Urban Project 208 10 07/1208 URB.1 The Urban Project 201 10 04/12011 CBA Credits: EDU Credits: 129 1,060,......Common Core opt-out form to submit to your school district, courtesy of the group Truth in American Education.Common Core State Standards Opt Out As the parent or legal guardian of ___________________________(child’s full name), having the fundamental and legal right to direct the upbringing and education of this child, I hereby respectfully and formally demand that this child: [_] be placed in a classroom that will not be using the Common Core State Standards. [_] be placed in a classroom that provides explicit example-based instruction, guided practice, and independent practice to reinforce the learning. [_] not be administered any assessment related to the Common Core State Standards. [_] not be administered any assessment involving the use any computer or electronic device. Keep this demand on file in my child’s cumulative folder. I further request: that this school avoid enabling or otherwise lending legitimacy to the usurpation by the federal government of power regarding education, which power the tenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America denies to the federal government and gives to the states and the people. that the adoption by this school of any part of the Common Core State Standards be preceded by disclosure, to the parents or legal guardian(s) of all students, of a true and honest accounting of any and all direct and indirect costs related to the adoption and implementation of the Common Core State Standards and all related assessments. that any expenditure by this school for anything related to or supporting the adoption and implementation of the Common Core State Standards or related assessments, professional development for teachers and administrators, or CCSS-aligned instructional materials, be preceded by approval from a majority of the taxpayers of the school district. that this school avoid disclosing to the state longitudinal data system, or to any other state or federal or private entity whatsoever, any child-specific data or information, without prior full disclosure to and approval from the parent or legal guardian of the child, of the data and information to be disclosed, how and to whom it is to be disclosed, and how it is to be used. Child’s name___________________________ Grade Level_________ Parent’s name___________________ Parent’s signature__________________________ Date___________ School Name_____________________________ School District_____________________________ School Year_________ lkaneshiki says MARCH 18, 2013 AT 1:21 PM Home Schoolers will not be able to opt out of Common Core unless you are not college-bound, because there is going to be a college entrance exam based on Common Core. Monday says MARCH 26, 2013 AT 11:12 PM College is not the end-all be-all of a persons life or career. There are other ways to succeed.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 16:01:01 +0000

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