The German Who Didnt Give a F@#$ What is the most daring thing - TopicsExpress


The German Who Didnt Give a F@#$ What is the most daring thing you’ve done in your life? What is the very meaning of courage to you? Is it standing up to a friendly dare to safeguard your reputation among friends? Perhaps it is your action of bravery referenced by what you think is moral and just? This question I often ask myself; especially after knowing this story of the person I am about tell you about a Shipyard laborer by the name of August Landmesser. Unlike how people of great audacity seemed to be described in plays, poetry or in novels, He is rater the average character without any or meager flamboyance. If you could have known him he could have simply passed as the average Joe. So what sets this individual apart from the rest of mankind? It is a simple picture taken at the right time. The year was 1936. It was the year when the German army was inaugurated at Vessel. The program was attended by the grim figure of world history Der Fuhrer Adolph Hitler. For the people who attended the spectacle, he was a golden being and some were afraid to think otherwise. However for one person in the audience Der Fuhrer was a complete warmongering lunatic. He wasn’t afraid to show it either; When the whole turnout chanted “Seig Heil” August Landmesser put on his best ‘go to hell’ face and sat with his hands over his chest in the multitude of Nazi endorsed idealism(Depicted in the picture). His Derided face is priceless. It shows his firm bond with ethics and his authenticity to the truth. But beyond anything as person who love humor I love his utter smirk. It looks as if he is saying ‘have thy gone Mad?’ I showed this picture to a colleague and she said “he looks board” That is what I know as pure and distilled bravery. Standing up for what you believe is right and geared up to pay whatever price is necessary to shelter your version of the truth. When this picture surfaced some 50 Years later, it was recognized as an icon for extreme Courage. But August landmasser wasn’t finished in this picture. Shortly that year he was caught red handed trying to marry a Jewish girl ‘what a badass’ He and his wife didn’t survive the war. But his memory and legacy will survive through his two daughters and his courage is an inspiration to all who are faced with the wickedness stalking human freedom. Be the Ethiopian who didn’t give a F@#$.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 06:19:28 +0000

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