The Giant Mousetrap (My Halloween Short Story) Part Ten We - TopicsExpress


The Giant Mousetrap (My Halloween Short Story) Part Ten We never stuck around to find out if the woman was friendly or not. We simply dashed towards the direction of out street, fighting against the rain. I didnt hear anything behind us, but I heard a faint sound coming from beyond the rain. As we ran further, it began to sound a little like a fog horn echoing from all directions. I didnt know which was worse, the strange women behind us or the origin of the sound. “Is she…behind us?” One of clones asked between breaths. None of us answered as we reached a steep hill, we never heard anything between the pounding of rain, feet and the deep looming noise, and we were not willing to look back. I was always as very good runner, and I never slowed down even when I’m tried, but I couldn’t help but to feel very sluggish as if gravity had become heavier. The rain felt as cold as ice despite the warm blood being pumped throughout my body with every step I took. Every time felt shivers I’ll imagine Marigold’s gray fingers brushing against my neck…waiting for an opportunity to grab the collar of my sweater… “ooooooo…ooooooo,” the strange horn like noise was much more noticeable now. “Where is…that sound…coming from?” I asked while trying to take my mind off of Marigold. I don’t know…I think…wait…there is something up ahead…something huge,” Dark Clone ran far ahead of us, leaving us hoping that we were not left behind to die. But as we reached the top of the hill, we saw why he went ahead. “You have got to be…!” I could barely contain my shock as what looked to be a twelve foot pile of garbage blocking the road toward out street. But as when reached the bottom of the hill, we became even more baffled. “No Way!” Nerdy Clone started to slow down, forgetting that we were running for our lives, “did every one in town dump their laundry here?” I looked behind me and I started to slow down as well, “She’s gone…we lost her.” “Thank God,” Nerdy Clone said, “Do you think she was trying to kill us?” “I don’t think she was even chasing us,” I said, “Maybe she was trying to help us? “OOOOOO! OOOOOO!” The strange horn like noise had echoed closer now, it sounded less like a fog horn and more like ominous chanting. The gray sky seemed to be turning bright red as the noise faded out. As we stood there, the rain seemed to be turning red as well, but it was just reflecting off the light from the sky. “I think that lady is the least of our problems,” Nerdy Clone said. “Hey!” Dark Clone called. “Come here!” We ran to the Dark Clone and he handed us a blue winter coat dripping with water from the giant pile of clothes, “this is what Buster was wearing when everyone vanished.” Nerdy Clone grabbed the soaking wet coat out of our hand and stared at it without any expression on his face. The clone looked toward the nearby street, it was completely empty. Soon his face started to turn pale as looked towards the ground, “I think everyone here is dead.” We stared grimly at the giant wet pile, there were sweaters, pants, coats, socks and shoes all simply piled on top without any rhyme or reason. There wasn’t any hint of blood any where on the clothing, but that didn’t make us feel any better. “I mean why else would there be a pile of clothes here,” the person I once mockingly called ‘Nerdy Clone’ looked at us crying, “whatever monster did this killed everyone in Buster’s town and is using their clothes to taunt us. Let’s just ‘scurry’ out of here and warn the people that are still alive, because I’m done with this ‘secret’ magical club or whatever in God’s name we were trying to do. “We need to head to the back yard of the house,” the one I called ‘Dark Clone’ said, “we can’t keep this a secret anymore now that there are things after us.” The Dark Clone gave small, polite smile, but the running eyeliner made it look like my other twin was crying as well. I looked back at the pile, something didn’t seem right. I quickly began to pull the soaked sweaters out of the giant pile, each making a wet noise as I threw them to the ground. “What are you doing?” Nerdy Clone asked angrily. “Check the sizes on the sweaters!” I shouted, “Check the colors as well!” Nerdy Clone grabbed a hold of me, eyes blazing, “Stop it! They are dead! Just leave them alone!” “Wait a minute,” Dark Clone pulled us apart, “most of sweaters are red.” “What does it matter if the sweaters are…?” The Nerdy Clone stopped talking and looked at the sweaters; some were green, blue, and black. But most were indeed red. Nerdy Clone knelled down on the ground and began to check the size tag for each of them, “they are all the same size…they are all us.”
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 18:40:40 +0000

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