The Gift One of the most amazing gifts my father had was how - TopicsExpress


The Gift One of the most amazing gifts my father had was how animals would react to him. It did not matter if it was a dog or cat; they just wanted to cuddle up to him and never leave his side. Looking back, trying to understand why animals felt so secure being next to him, I believe it was because he was a genuinely kind man to everyone and everything. I think dogs and cats have a sixth sense about us, and they know the difference between good and evil. We all have known unpleasant people, and for the most part animals stay away from them. We all have known some very mean dogs in our lives, and I can tell you that I saw the most amazing thing happen on a number of occasions with my Dad. He would be walking down a street and a mean dog would come out of nowhere and start to run at my Dad. Once he got close, the dog would stop and start wagging his tail. My Dad would gently kneal down and whisper something in his ear; the dog would start walking with him. I don’t know what he said or how he said it, but it always worked. My Dad has been gone for a few years now, but I still think about the kindness he brought to this world. When I see dogs running down a street, I drift back to what my Dad taught me about kindness and how it can positively affects people and animals. My Dad had the gift we don’t see very often, but I was one lucky person who got to see it firsthand every day. Thank you Dad! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 17:08:02 +0000

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