The Gift of Faith All believers receive and actively use faith - TopicsExpress


The Gift of Faith All believers receive and actively use faith every day. Faith is like a muscle; as we exercise it more,it grows stronger. On the flip side,walking in our own strength rather than by faith causes our faith muscle to atrophy. All Christians must possess and exercise faith to grow into fullness and maturity in Christ. There are,however,some people who have been given the Holy Spirit gift of faith. These people see Gods will as if it is already an accomplished fact. Examples of people gifted with this type of faith abound in the Bible. Noah, Abraham, Nehemiah, Moses, Joseph, David, Daniel... Mary, John the Baptist, Peter, Stephen, Paul...just to name a few. Though not everyone lives the extraordinary lives of these gifted believers,Christians today are still given the Holy Spirit gift of faith. What an encouragement their faith is to the body of Christ to press forward and triumph despite opposition and obstacles. Prayer: God,help me to know Your will for my life and to walk by faith every day.I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen. If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain,Move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you(Matthew 17:20).
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 12:22:51 +0000

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