The Gift of Goodbye… Sometimes, the best and only option is - TopicsExpress


The Gift of Goodbye… Sometimes, the best and only option is to say good bye and move on. Hey dear! This post is dedicated to those who just lost something; those who just experienced a break up or lost a loved one to death… Goodbye is not just a word we say when people leave us; it is actually the ability to let go of things or situations when they’ve run their course and have come to an end. As much as we wish that some things, moments, or relationships last forever, in reality things have a time limit and so they eventually come to an end. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, the breakup of a relationship/courtship, the drifting apart of a friendship due to distance or something else, or the loss of something you love, you need the gift of goodbye to successfully let go of the loss and move on to better things. Although the loss of a relationship, loved one or something dear to you sometimes feels like the end of the world, there is light at the end of the tunnel. The truth is that there are better days ahead; if you will just get through it, you will come out stronger. Here are a few tips to help you say goodbye to your present losses and move on to better days. Grieve if You Feel Like It Now is not the time to form “macho”; if you feel disappointed, hurt and tempted to cry, by all means cry. Lock yourself up in the room and cry to help let out all the anger and hurtful feelings bottled up within you. Research has proved that crying when we’re hurt is quite helpful as it helps let out all the hurt and leaves you feeling, lighter. Make it even better by crying unto God, pouring out your heart to him and asking him to heal your heart as well as help you get through this phase of life. You’ll be amazed at how much stronger you’ll feel when you’re done. Stop the Blame and Wishing Game When we lose something, someone or a relationship, our natural tendency is to blame it on something, someone or even blame ourselves and wish that so so so thing that led to this thing never happened. Looking for who or what to blame it on and wishing it never happened/wishing you could turn back the hands of time will only leave you feeling depressed and more miserable than you already are. Take a break from psychoanalyzing the whole scenario repeatedly and from asking “why me?” and “why did this have to happen now?” continuously. Those questions are not productive. On this side of the universe, unexpected unpleasant things happen sometimes and we all have to learn to go through them. Where Possible, Get Help Involve capable and trusted friends and family members as you go through this grieving process. Let them be your support system. Let them be the hands that hold you when you cry and the lips that intercede for you in prayer when you are too weighed down by sorrow to pray. Believe me, you need all the prayer you can get. Listen to the stories of people who went through similar situations like yours and have come out stronger, it will motivate you a great deal and boost your faith and zest for life. Look for and read helpful books that handle what you’re going through. Take Each Day as It Comes Going through a loss/a goodbye moment usually feels like the end of the world even though it isn’t. Instead of wondering if you’ll ever love/trust again and if you’ll ever find anyone like the one you lost to death or a breakup, focus on taking each day as it comes. Wounds heal, tears dry up (because no one cries forever), broken hearts heal; you will eventually learn to laugh and smile again. It is the things we go through that make us stronger, wiser and shape us for the better. Don’t shut your heart, don’t become nasty or rigid because of the things that have happened; otherwise you will shut out the good things God has in store for you in the days ahead and guess what, the only person who would lose would be you. Kathryn Kulhman once said the things we go through can either make us bitter or better; it all depends on the perspective we look at and how we take it. When we focus on “I”, we become bitter; but when we focus of “El- Shaddai”, we become better. Allow this goodbye moment to make you better, not bitter. The end of one chapter is the beginning of another chapter. Your best days lie ahead; say goodbye to what you lost and those that left, move on and catch up with the good days that lie ahead. Did you enjoy this post? Do you have more useful tips on this topic? Feel free to leave your views!
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 10:05:33 +0000

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