The Girl on the Hook Once upon a time there was a girl on a - TopicsExpress


The Girl on the Hook Once upon a time there was a girl on a hook. There she was, hanging by the scruff of her collar, legs dangling, unable to reach ground. It was a work-related thing, this thing she was on the hook about, but it could just as easily have been love-related or anything-else-related... Try as she might to get at the whole matter, it was impossible to gain any perspective, much less do anything and move forward, from this place on the wall on a hook. One day the girl realized it had been she herself who had put herself on the hook... It was a part of her with a lot of worries about this work-related thing. This part of her kept showing her horrible pictures of what would and wouldnt happen if such and such did or didnt happen. The girl --in this space of noticing and becoming aware of the whole hook thing-- listened to the worried part of her and all the reasons she had put herself on the hook in the first place. She didnt agree or disagree or take sides, she just nodded and listened and payed supreme and kind attention. And then one morning, with the aid of wise council (a.k.a. friend), it came to be that the girl took herself off the hook and gave her sea-legs, or rather, air-legs, time to reacquaint themselves with the ground. At first she wobbled around and fell but then, step by step, she felt more trusting of the ground. Later that day she and all the parts of her --because, yes, this girl, like most of us, contains multitudes-- found a time and place to be still and breathe and be calm and then, from that place, she made a date to come back to and to be with the whole hook-y matter. She marked that time in her calendar and left lots and lots of space around it for ideas and worries and thoughts and feelings, indeed, anything and everything related to the whole hook-y matter to be seen and heard as it came up. So thats the story of the girl on a hook. This story was written by Heidi. ---------------- What about you? Are you on a hook about anything today?
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 16:24:37 +0000

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