The Glorious Night. Topic: Time to forgive and forget. Base - TopicsExpress


The Glorious Night. Topic: Time to forgive and forget. Base Bible: (Matthew 18: 21-22; 18: 21-35). Then Peter came and said, Lord, how often forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven? Jesus said: I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven. Introduction: Remember when? Those words are often heard during Christmas. Among family or friends we recall pleasant memories of Christmas past. But we come to the experiences we do not want to remember memory: the pain of something that happened the sting of the negative reviews, the disappointment of some unfulfilled promise, rejection, and afflictions. What we do with that kind of memories? Are we to drag the rest of our lives, along with the rest of our burdens? It need not be so, we can get rid of those memories; indeed, we have to get rid of them. But there is only one way to do: through forgiveness. Forgiving others seem easy to do, however, very few do. Forgiveness looks like an alternative that we have in life, something that we can accept or discard. But the truth is that forgiveness is a fundamental requirement in the believers life. From the point of view of God, bitterness - or lack of forgiveness - is an evil. In (Matthew 15), Jesus tells a parable that illustrates the consequences of anger. The parable speaks of a servant who owed his master a debt equivalent to millions of weight. When the day was to be paid arrived, the servant said unto his master: Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. The love was so moved that he forgave the entire debt. Later that servant sought out a friend who owed the equivalent of $ 15 Weight. Learning that the friend could not pay him, had him thrown in jail and did not mind the prayers that this made him. When the master of the servant heard what happened, he was indignant and said it was an evil servant, and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due. Note the amount of debt that was not forgiven: fifteen weight. Small debts are what we usually cause more problems: the petty resentments between spouses or between siblings, grudges that do not seem important enough to address them. Be careful, thats the kind of debts that Satan uses to torment. Jesus Christ paid a mountain of debt for you. No doubt you can be generous with others cents debts owed. Look to the Holy Spirit and ask him to show any resentment you are harboring. Then, repent and get rid of that grudge. Make this Christmas not only a time to remember, but also to forgive and forget............God bless this glorious night Shalom.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:33:09 +0000

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