The God factor in relationship, marriage and life will make it - TopicsExpress


The God factor in relationship, marriage and life will make it happen in one day! In Daily Devotional I feel like blessing someone this morning! I woke up this morning knowing God will do some definite, unbelievable things in the life of somebody reading this. 7 Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. 8 Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children (Isaiah 66:7-8 KJV) There is always the God factor. There is the mans normal way of doing things and expectations. Man has even done a lot and they can predict to a reasonable extent how something will turn out using the technology available. But there is always the God factor in everything you do. This God factor is what separates you from the crowd. It is the God factor that separates the men form the boys. Before she travailed, she brought forth. The word travail means to engage in painful or laborious effort. The normal course of a womans body is to go through labour pains and then deliver a baby. But with God factor, even before the pain surfaces, a man child, not a baby, can be brought forth! How can that ever happen? Well God has done it before. Adam did not go through babyhood or toddler stage, a man child just came forth! It is only God that can do that. It is only God that compress season into time. Thank God for all your calculations and projections, but do you realise that God in his sovereignty and almightiness, can suspend protocols for you? That before you travail, your miracle has been completed. That is Gods factor! Yes, grace can suspend the rules! Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Can this ever happen? Oh yes, it has happened before! The children of Israel, has been in slavery for 430 years. It is a generational slavery in which little boys became great-grandfathers in slavery. It is the kind of slavery where the grandmother is telling her grandchild, that I was born into this! It was almost like there is no way again. Are you in a situation like that and it looks like you will never get married again as a lady? Well, in one day, the nation of Israel was birthed! God delivered them with a great hand! God is saying I can make the earth to bring forth for you in just one day! Last phrase there says as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children! That is all I require from you. Get into that prayer mode, and see how God will turn around things for you! Your children are waiting for you to be birthed. Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? It looks crazy, but God will do it! I once heard Pastor Poju Oyemade use this illustration, and I saw the video online later. There is this woman who pretended she was pregnant and was on the road walking with a man, possibly her husband. All in a moment, labour pangs came upon her, and she started screaming. A lot of grown up men who didnt know her surrounded her and were trying to get her to the nearest hospital. But she said it was too late and that the baby was about to come out. They laid her down as the labour pain gripped her the more. All in moment and without warning, the baby who is like a five year old boy, jumped out from beneath her cloth with just pampers on, and you know what, all the men took off. Nobody waited to know what happened, because that was strange! What God is saying here, is that I am about to do something in your life, and when it happens, people will simply take off! Heathens will see what God has done for you and they will praise God on your behalf. People you dont know will help to share your testimonies to encourage others. That is what I call God factor. Believe it. God can do it and He will do it! Your courtship doesnt have to be five years. A marriage can be born in just six months and there will be no issues. Mary didnt need a sperm. A contradiction of human physiology. Jesus walked on water. A scientific enigma. Jesus ascended. Law of gravity was disgraced. Jesus fed five thousand with a little boys lunch. Economics demystified and confused. Joshua stopped the sun and the moon. Elemental powers subdued. Red sea parted. Contradiction of nature. The axe head swam. No explanation. Jesus rose from the dead. Body decomposition reversed. Somebody said it is only God that can use a basket to fetch water in order to disgrace the bucket! It is only God that can relocate Joseph from a prison to palace in one day in a strange land. It is only God that turn captivities around in a twinkle of an eye. I come to you this morning in the name of the Lord. I prophesy into your life, your children are coming forth. Your man child is coming forth. As soon as you travail, your breakthrough will be there. There was a woman that wanted children. She has been barren for some time. She requested that a man of God pray for her. The man told her Go and have children. But when kept following the man of God, the man asked her, what do you still want? I want prayer sir, she answered. Is it prayer you want or children? Go and have children. She came back a few years later and begged the man of God, Please, tell me not to have children again! You see, five children in quick succession, and she became scared. God is a too much God and He is coming on your behalf. He will do it. That long standing issue, I dont care for how long, but it cant be up to 430 years. And yet in one day, God took an eraser like a little boy will, and erased their status as slaves. I see an eraser in Gods hand, I see the blood of Jesus, erasing every shame and every disgrace away from your life! God will change your status. They might have even given up on you in your family that any thing will ever happen, but some people are about to take off at what God will do in your life! In your life, nations will be birthed in one day. I declare that into your life this morning with the strength of my call. That contract will come through. Angels are working in your behalf right now. That marriage will become a reality. That dream of yours will come to light. That company you have carried as a baby will be birthed in Jesus name. All I require from you, all God requires from you is your right standing with him and your faith! Stay away from any form of iniquity and trust God for that breakthrough! My ears yearns for your testimony…and it is here in Jesus name!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 12:32:45 +0000

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