The Golden Ratio Format of the Bible Explained #19: A brief survey - TopicsExpress


The Golden Ratio Format of the Bible Explained #19: A brief survey of Job and Proverbs (For best understanding, you need to read all of the posts in order.) O Book 5.4 (Book Pair of Job & Proverbs): Discipline and Wisdom in the Kingdom of God C Part 1 (Job): The Discipline of Jehovah in the Believer’s life U Chapter 1.1: Job was confused over his sudden calamity C Chapter 1.2: Job was trusting in the sovereignty and wisdom of Jehovah C Chapter 1.3: Job was triumphant over the criticism of his friends O Chapter 1.4: Elihu was contemptuous of Job O Chapter 1.5: Jehovah was protective of Job C Part 2 (Proverbs): The Wisdom of Jehovah for the Believer’s Life U Chapter 2.1 (Proverbs of Solomon): The Fear of Jehovah is the Beginning of Wisdom for the Young Man C Chapter 2.2 (~400 Proverbs of Solomon): The Fear of Jehovah is the Beginning of Wisdom for All of Life C Chapter 2.3 (~120 Proverbs of Solomon): The Fear of Jehovah is the Beginning of Wisdom for All of Life O Chapter 2.4 (The Proverbs of Agur): Good things and Evil things O Chapter 2.5 (The Proverbs of Lemuel): The Righteous King and the Virtuous Woman This is one of the easiest examples of the Golden Ratio design of the Bible that I know of. The other is the Book of Acts. This will be a survey study, and not a Chapter by Chapter study. Use this link to view the text of the KBV and follow along. You can also use the KJV 2014 with this link: Job is well known as a recorded debate of theological issues between 3 men and Job; and later a monologue by Elihu and a monologue by Jehovah God. Almost without even trying, if you have read Job before more than once, you can immediately understand that the debate between Job and his 3 friends takes up most of the document and makes up a group to itself, and the 2 monologues at the end are quite different. See how easy this is? Each of the first three Chapters are a round-robin of speeches by each of the 3 friends and Job, except for Chapter 3, which is mostly Job. Chapter one (Introduction) A conversation between Jehovah and Satan about Job and his faithfulness to the Lord. Job speaks - Eliphaz responds Job speaks - Bildad responds Job speaks - Zophar responds ----------------------------- Chapter 2 Job speaks - Eliphaz responds Job speaks - Bildad responds Job speaks - Zophar responds ----------------------------- Chapter 3 Job speaks - Eliphaz responds Job speaks - Bildad responds Job long monologue ----------------------------- Chapter 4 Elihu monologue attacking Job ----------------------------- Chapter 5 Jehovah monologue defending Job In the Conclusion, Job is restored to health and prosperity ----------------------------------- O Book 5.4 (Book Pair of Job & Proverbs): Discipline and Wisdom in the Kingdom of God C Part 1 (Job): The Discipline of Jehovah in the Believer’s life U Chapter 1.1: Job was confused over his sudden calamity C Chapter 1.2: Job was trusting in the sovereignty and wisdom of Jehovah C Chapter 1.3: Job was triumphant over the criticism of his friends O Chapter 1.4: Elihu was contemptuous of Job O Chapter 1.5: Jehovah was protective of Job C Part 2 (Proverbs): The Wisdom of Jehovah for the Believer’s Life U Chapter 2.1 (Proverbs of Solomon): The Fear of Jehovah is the Beginning of Wisdom for the Young Man C Chapter 2.2 (~400 Proverbs of Solomon): The Fear of Jehovah is the Beginning of Wisdom for All of Life C Chapter 2.3 (~120 Proverbs of Solomon): The Fear of Jehovah is the Beginning of Wisdom for All of Life O Chapter 2.4 (The Proverbs of Agur): Good things and Evil things O Chapter 2.5 (The Proverbs of Lemuel): The Righteous King and the Virtuous Woman It should be easy to see that these two documents complement each other in their themes. It should also be easy to see that their Chapter UCCOO patterns are identical, which is the exact same pattern as in every Whole Book in the Bible. Chapter 2.1 of Proverbs is a series of essays on The Fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom for the young man. Chapter 2.2 is an Anthology of proverbs written over a number of years by Solomon. These start with 10:1a The Proverbs of Solomon. There are approximately 400 individual proverbs in this anthology. I hesitate to say exactly 400, because it is hard to determine in a few cases where one ends and another starts; but it seems clear that there are approximately 400 in number in this Chapter. Chapter 2.3 in another Anthology of proverbs written by Solomon; and these start at 25:1 These are also proverbs of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah copied out, and continue until 29:27. There are approximately 120 individual proverbs in this group. The themes for Chapters 2.2 and 2.3 seem to be essentially identical: The Fear of Jehovah is the Beginning of Wisdom for all of life. They cover the same basic range of topics (to be covered in a future study). But they clearly Complement each other in their themes. But Chapter 2.4 and 2.5 are quite different than the first 3 Chapters of Proverbs. These two have Opposite themes: Good and Evil things and The Righteous King and the Virtuous Woman. Both of these Chapters are relatively brief. Just by the style of the content, it is easy to see the Golden Ratio design of Proverbs: U Essays C 400 Proverbs C 120 Proverbs O about 2 dozen sayings O 1/2 sayings, and 1/2 Hebrew Acrostic That is all that I will say at this point for the purpose of this survey study. There is much, much more to discuss when we cover each Chapter! The internal arrangement of the Proverbs is quite interesting, because Chapter 2.2 has a similar Golden Ratio structure to the entire Bible with 2 Divisions, 8 (5+3) Volumes, and 5 Books to each Volume, 2 Parts to each Book, and 5 proverbs to each Part. Chapter 2.3 has a similar structure, only with 2 Divisions, 8 (5+3) Volumes, 3 Sections to each Volume, with 5 proverbs to each Section. I believe that God intended by these two virtual copies of the Golden Ratio structure of the entire Bible to confirm that the Bible (that is to say, the Traditional Canon of Scripture) is complete and perfect; and no other religious documents (e.g. the pseudepigrapha, the Apocrypha, the books of Mormon, the Koran, etc) can be added to the perfect and complete Traditional Canon. There are no lost Gospels, and no lost parts of the Bible. We already have the perfect and complete Word of God in our hands, and it is all that we need to be perfectly equipped for all good work. All Scripture is God-breathed; and is beneficial for doctrine, for rebuke, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be complete, and thoroughly equipped for all good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17 The implications of these two virtual copies of the overall Bible Format are powerful. It completely demolishes the credibility of the pseudepigrapha and the Apocrypha, as well as the credibility of the Koran, the books of Mormon, and all the others which oppose the teachings of the Bible, and reinforces the inescapable conclusion that our Bible is indeed perfect and complete. God has preserved His Word from the first word of Genesis to the last word of Revelation, from the original writings to the present day. We can depend on it, believe it, and obey it with complete confidence in what it says. The Counsel of Jehovah stands forever; the thoughts of his heart to all generations. Psalm 33:11 O The Law of Jehovah is perfect, converting the soul. O The Testimony of Jehovah is sure, making wise the simple. C The Statutes of Jehovah are right, rejoicing the heart. C The Commandment of Jehovah is pure, enlightening the eyes. U The fear of Jehovah is clean, enduring forever. U The Judgments of Jehovah are true and righteous altogether. C More to be desired are they than gold; moreover, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. C Moreover by them is your servant warned; and in keeping of them is great reward. Psalm 19:7-11 I will continue in Volume 5 with a general survey of Book 5 of Volume 5 in the next study. ------------------------------------------------------- The Bible is the very Word of the one Living and True God. Believe in the Jesus Christ of the Bible as your Savior, so that you might come to know the One True God; Believe every word in the Bible, obey it, follow it to the best of your ability, and God will bless you in return. Are you saved? Do you know the Jesus Christ of the Bible as your Personal Lord and Savior? Have you been Born Again (John 3:3-5)? If you are not sure, please visit this page on my site to learn more about how to be saved and know the one true God of the Bible as your Lord and Savior: Read the full text of the English KBV in your browser, or one of the other 2 versions published by JHS Publishing: Download free PDF samples of selected Books from any of 3 different Bible versions: The English KBV, the Spanish KBV, or the KJV 2014 Learn more about how the Golden Ratio pattern of UCCOO is manifested in both nature and the Bible Additional Information about JHS Publishing Ministries Download a free PDF that provides all of the information in these posts and more (it is being updated with the material in these posts weekly) You can purchase a copy of any of the 3 Bible versions published by JHS Publishing on Amazon at these links: English KBV Blue Cover amazon/Kingdom-Bible-Version-Blue-Cover/dp/1500663867/ref=sr_1_1 Black Cover amazon/Kingdom-Bible-Version-Exclusive-Golden/dp/1500386782/ref=sr_1_2 Burgundy Cover amazon/Kingdom-Bible-Version-Burgundy-Cover/dp/1500664073/ref=sr_1_4 KJV 2014 Black Cover amazon/King-James-Version-2014-Exclusive/dp/1500386618/ref=sr_1_9 Burgundy Cover amazon/James-Bible-Version-Burgundy-Cover/dp/1500664219/ref=sr_1_7 Blue Cover amazon/King-James-Bible-Version-Cover/dp/1500664383/ref=sr_1_8 Spanish KBV Burgundy Cover amazon/Spanish-Kingdom-Bible-Version-Burgundy/dp/1500662828/ref=sr_1_6 Blue Cover amazon/Spanish-Kingdom-Bible-Version-Cover/dp/150066314X/ref=sr_1_5 Black Cover amazon/The-Spanish-Kingdom-Bible-Version/dp/1500612774/ref=sr_1_3
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 20:39:12 +0000

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