The Golden Teachings of the Great Gurus Chapter one THE - TopicsExpress


The Golden Teachings of the Great Gurus Chapter one THE DISCOVERY OF YOUR DIVINITY ~LJC- Apr 10/72~ In his ordinary awareness, man has no interest in what cannot be seen by his physical sight. But man has a Divine Self which, though not physically visible, can be expressed and experienced in the physical dimension. This Divinity in man is often hidden, and what he ordinarily expresses in his physical life are the desires of his physical senses only. Throughout the ages, very few have strived to discover their Divine Self. Many do not believe that they can discover it, and this is because of the wrong notion that only the things that are felt by the five physical senses have truth and meaning. This is the reason why man’s spiritual senses do not manifest and predominate in his physical body. For those who would like to discover their Divinity, here are some of the methods needed: 1. KNOW YOURSELF. By knowing yourself, you will know your good traits, your faults, and everything that has something to do with your physical life. If you are a member of any sect of faith, take time to consider these questions: Why am I in this sect? What are the things being done by the members of this sect? As a member, what should be my role? Am I following the teachings of this sect that I have joined? 2. UNDERSTAND YOURSELF. It is not enough for you to know whether something is good or bad for you. You must understand why you think it is good or bad. What is your basis or comparison? You will also understand yourself better if you compare your situation with that of another person. Also understand how your life is going in the physical plane. If you are sad, find out why. Then, when you have really understood yourself, the sadness will just go away. 3. KNOW YOUR FELLOWMEN. By knowing your fellowmen, you will know their mistakes or the things that need to be changed in them. You must also find a way to help them. By always understanding your fellowmen, you will also gain confidence in yourself. You will know if what you are going to do will give sadness or happiness. And you will realize that giving happiness to others gives happiness to yourself. 4. UNDERSTAND YOUR ENVIRONMENT. Everything in your environment needs to be scrutinized in order to obtain the real meaning of all the things that are happening. Even the smallest thing needs to be understood. 5. FIND OUT IF THERE IS A GOD. Take a look at your surroundings; listen to the beating of your heart; look at the small seeds that grow in a few days after being sown. Then ask yourself if in all these things there is a Director and if this is what is called God. When you have realized that there is a God, try to understand your present state and find out the way or method by which you can commune with Him. 6. UNDERSTAND THE NATURE OF GOD. It is taught by all sects of faith that God is loving and understanding. These words are true but need to be understood because many people still blame God of being the one responsible for all the hardships that they are experiencing. They do not yet understand the real nature of God. Man’s wrong use of his free will is one of the real reasons, and that is why it is very important to fully understand what God really is. For example, in one family, there might be one who would prefer to be sick just to avoid doing household work. But the moment he gets sick, is it right for him to blame God for his suffering? 7. COMMUNE WITH GOD. If you accomplish all these things, then nothing can prevent you from communing with God because God is everywhere. But you cannot say that one thing or experience or thought can express the whole of God. You can only say that there is a God because you cannot encapsule the whole of God in mere words, in an experience, or in His creation that only seems to be His shadow. Even those who have achieved union with God cannot fully express or define God because the whole of God is infinite. What can only be said is that there is a God; God is love; God is everywhere, and God loves us all. Hopefully, all of these methods will be understood and practiced by all men so that they will discover their Divine Nature. When man understands himself, his fellowmen, and his environment, then he will also understand the nature of God and how to attain union with Him. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q: How and by what standard could we know what is good and bad for us? A: What you do is good and helpful if it makes you happy and other people happy, too. But if it makes only you and not other people happy, then it is bad and stagnating for you. Q: If we should find some teachings of our sect of faith that are contradictory to the teachings that You are giving, which one should we follow? A: All the teachings of different sects of faith have one goal, the union of man with God. Thus, these teachings are all good. Each sect of faith is a path towards one and the same destination—God. Though there may be many different paths and ways of presenting it, the truth is all one. However, a sect’s teachings can adopt a negative meaning for a member who does not practice them because he has not experienced he different facets and levels of the truth hidden in the teachings. His understanding remains narrow and limited, and thus he gets confused. But the moment he practices the teachings, he will be on his way towards union with God. Q: What is the quickest way to know God? A: The quickest way is to close the senses and ask yourself: Who am I? In this way you will know God. Q: What is meant by Three Persons in one God? A: This is a symbol that has many different meanings. For your present level of evolution, the most important thing is to understand the Three Persons in you: your Divine Spark (Spirit), your Higher Self (Soul), and your external vehicle (Body). This three make up one whole. Q: What is the sign that a person has already attained understanding of himself? A: The sign is when he is no longer affected by anything related to the five senses and when his understanding of himself is: I am one with all of creation. If all men would only spare just three times a day to know themselves and God, there would never be troubles in this world of yours. Peace will always prevail. The three moments a day that you will devote to know yourself and God our very short but our one very effective way to maintain order and harmony in this world.\ Q: Why is it in the study of Occultism, being intelligent becomes a hindrance to understanding oneself for those who are called “learned”? A: One can only be called “learned” if one has understanding. With understanding, one’s knowledge and intelligence will never be become a hindrance. We know that it is easier for one who is intelligent to understand than one who is not intelligent. So how could one’s knowledge be a hindrance if it can be used to understand many things? One’s knowledge becomes a hindrance only if he who is called “intelligent” does not have true understanding. It becomes a hindrance if one does not want to accept the things that will further expand his present knowledge. The moment one thinks he already knows everything, he stops his learning and advancement. He is like a sentence that futilely attempts to encapsulate the whole of God in the words: This is God. Thinking that one’s knowledge is already enough is putting a limitation to one’s own development. The knowledge that can be learned is limitless. One who think he is already learned has no understanding and it only means that he is not yet really learned because knowledge is understanding. And without understanding, there is no knowledge. Those who are really learned always apply all the knowledge that they have learned whenever there is an opportunity. Those who are not learned ignore the true teachings, so they are far from truth. Q: There is someone whom I have been healing and teaching these types of lessons. When his children got to know about it, they took him away and did not allow him to return to me anymore. They event got angry at me at accused me of being insane. What teachings can I give to people like these? A: When you teach, you should fit the teachings to your students’ way of thinking. Knowledge about God can be taught to them but it must have relevance to their customs and everyday life. You should first understand the situation of your students so that you can put the teachings into relevance with their life, and in this way it will be easy to them to understand. If a professor is understood by his students, then he is truly able to teach. If your student does not want to accept the teaching, it is possible that you have not fit it to his present situation or level, and it might be that you are only teaching because you want to have a follower of your orders. But if you have really made your teaching the most simple and it is still not accepted in spite of your wholehearted help, you should still be happy because, no matter how, you were able to serve your fellowmen. If you get offended because your teaching is rejected, you leave some negative feeling instead of happiness and harmony. That is why, what you teach should be the most simple which you know will really give happiness or enlightenment to your students. What is important in teaching is not the speech but the feeling and experiencing of truth. †††††††
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 07:33:13 +0000

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