The Good Book tells us that all things done in the dark, will be - TopicsExpress


The Good Book tells us that all things done in the dark, will be brought to the light for the world to see. We are soon to be treated to just such an unveiling! I am not a fan of this administration, that is no secret. However, I take no joy, no happiness in the evil, nor of the scandals that they are plagued by. Untold millions of people are being injured, directly, and indirectly, and the pain, will be felt for years to come. Our perceived weakness as a nation, has already emboldened many to take up arms, to expand far beyond their once accepted influence. A vacuum shall not remain void, and that fact is being proven again. Our very currency is on the verge of collapse. The growth of a once powerful economy is stagnant at best. The lawlessness of a president unfettered, with little regard for the rule of law, which inexplicably is allowed to move against the Constitution even those things prohibited, set forth as being checks and balances with opposition, chained by a cowardice paralyzed to the point of causing the people to ask, what good are they? Yes, it would seem to be a perfect storm, and evil seems to have taken an opportunity to climb out of the dung, to present its self in every form of deviant behavior and life style, known to man! A culture battle, where those who adhere to a moral foundation accepted by the Founding Fathers, sanctioned by God Almighty have been silenced by every means of media, or demonized to the point of being seen as outdated, or evil. People so engrossed in their I-Phones and other distractions, to be oblivious that their world is about to be changed for the worst forever. Like the proverbial frog in the pain of water on the stove. Never paying attention to the fact that the water temp is being turned up. Ever so slightly, until the frog has been cooked, never realizing that a simple jump would have saved its feeble little life! It is preferred, and easy to destroy those, who for whatever reason, never realized that the enemy had been at war with them for years! So it is with socialism, social justice, and other smoke and mirror concepts. My people parish, for their lack of knowledge! Difficult to tell if it is due to ignorance, apathy, or blatant stupidity! Regardless of what it is, it will be of little comfort, should they, the opposition succeed. While some are already looking forward to 2016, the mid-terms hold a far greater significance, and rightly so! Too often the Republicans cut off their noses to spite their faces. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory! Sure, I would love to have both houses, and the White House! Which could happen, however, I would rather have both houses, solid with conservative God fearing people as representatives! While it appears that we are rocked with one scandal after another out of this administration, fatigue is setting in. We must make sure that the fatigue is not with the press, or of hearing of the deceitful mismanagement of our nation, nor the total disregard for our laws by those charged with upholding them! We must, remain strong enough, to insure that those truths be directed to the source, and that it would show that the blame, the fault lies at the feet of a man who should have never been elected, Obama! Once he is gone, then we have the task of cleaning the barn out. Like cows, Liberal Progressives leave the same kind of mess, only smellier!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 20:56:29 +0000

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