The Good Samaritan Go and do likewise ! Recently, I - TopicsExpress


The Good Samaritan Go and do likewise ! Recently, I stopped on the text of the parable of the Good Samaritan . Luke 10 : 25-37 25 A certain lawyer stood up, and said unto him , tempting Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? 26 Jesus said to him : What is written in the law? What are you reading ? Read more A Samaritan was walking on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho , known to be a dangerous road . This is so much like the world in which we live with its dangers, its traps and seductions . Many have fallen into the snare of the fowler , trapped , trying to get out , we can not ignore . Unfortunately, the priest and the Levite in our parable ignored their responsibilities , unlike the Samaritan . He was filled with compassion , which led where the wounded were . As Jesus himself , he did not shirk the call from his father to come to our land to save us from sin . HE SAW THE NECESSITY The Good Samaritan immediately saw the need . He did not need insistence, no cry . As Jesus said, when he saw the injured man ( v33 ) , he recognized the need . Our task is to seek Gods direction , to see the real needs, to have spiritual discernment , so that when we are next to someone in need, we can minister to this person. This vocation requires the next feature of the Good Samaritan . IL had compassion Jesus told the Samaritan took pity on him ( v33 ) . He was moved with compassion. He considered the urgency and need , it does not could not intervene. He had to do something . A heart full of compassion is always followed by action. He could also look away continuing his journey. But the love of Christ breaks down barriers . Good Samaritan crossed the racial barrier , placing the priest and the Levite in shame. A love heart always leads to positive action , as we see in the following feature: HE TOOK CARE OF HIM He bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine ( v34 ) . Care is expensive sometimes . He took the time to stop for man beaten and wounded , to give him first aid. The priest and the Levite were both busy men, they were too busy to take the time to help a fellow traveler in need. Charity begins with oneself . but sometimes we have to give way to a priority call if the Spirit of God leads us in this direction. Care can cost money. The Samaritan gave freely of its own resources , he put the man on his own animal , brought him to an inn, and took care of him ( v34 ) by promising that he would pay the landlord the invoice . Caring requires commitment, as someone said : Giving Freely , fight and do not take into account injuries , toil and not seek for rest, work and not ask for reward, except to know that we do His will . We can be sure that our Lord does not ask us more than we can give , because he knows all the circumstances. After seeing this portrait of the Good Samaritan , I wonder if you can think of someone who is fully consistent with this model. The only person who matches him quite the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Indeed, the Gospel says Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem ( 9:51 ) . It was a journey that ended on the Cross. Here is the ultimate model of love. He cared about us, even if it would cost him dearly . Our guilt was enormous, but on the cross, He took upon Himself all our sins, our sorrows . On the cross , he paid everything for our salvation . This is the question asked a doctor of the law : Luke 10 : 36-37 36 Which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the robbers ? 37 It is He that shewed mercy on him , said the doctor of the law. And Jesus said unto him, Go, and do thou likewise. It is not always popular or practical to follow the example of the Good Samaritan , but this is the right way. This is the way of joy : Go and do likewise .
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 07:51:28 +0000

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