The Good Word For Today: TRUST July 11, 2013 Trust: A - TopicsExpress


The Good Word For Today: TRUST July 11, 2013 Trust: A confidence or belief in the strength, ability, honesty, etc. of a person or thing: to expect with confidence or hope, to commit something to the care of, to believe. For many of us the word trust brings back unhappy remembrances when we listened to promises and placed our confidence in people who only served to disappoint us by not being worthy of our trust. It is a challenge to be the kind of person another can truly place their trust in. It also takes a discernment to be sure that another person is capable of handling the trust, sometimes our lives, our happiness, our future and our fortunes, that we are considering and are willing to place in their hands. Proverbs 3:5, 6 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths”. The hard part for us is that we have come to the place that we are not going to let anyone, including God, tell us what to do. We think we got it all figured out and then we go out and make some of the same mistakes all over again, never considering what God’s path for us might be. They have been fools who do something in a way that fails, but continue to do it over and over again, the very same way, expecting a different outcome. When will we ever learn? The answer my friend . . . is blowin’ in the wind! “Trust in God does not supersede the employment of prudent means on our part. To expect God’s protection while we do nothing is not to honor but to tempt Providence”. –Quesnel
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 04:10:31 +0000

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