The Goodness of Gods Grace Gods grace is the fuel in our - TopicsExpress


The Goodness of Gods Grace Gods grace is the fuel in our spiritual engine. It is not just an extra boost to help us move along, but it is the strength of Christ abiding in us and enabling us to accomplish His will. Grace is not careless or timid; it is extravagant and intentional. It is the powerful gift of God’s love and favor, which we cannot earn and do not deserve.grace Grace is contrary to human nature. Instead of working to reach God, we realize that God has already reached out to us. Instead of trying to earn Gods forgiveness, we realize that He has already extended it to us. What we believe about God affects how we live. How would our lives look if we trusted Gods intentions toward us? We would begin to trade our anxiety for peace, our hopelessness for joy, and our selfishness for humility. We would be less afraid in the face of uncertainty, and more confident in Gods ability to lead us. We would begin to approach the throne of grace confidently rather than fearfully. God has already given us the way to live the grace-filled life. Jesus gave the answer very simply in John 5:19: The Son can do nothing by himself; he can only do what he sees His Father doing. Jesus was completely dependent on His Father. His dependence enabled Him to live an entire life without sin. His life was not trouble-free, but it was full of joy, purpose, and sacrificial love. When we are reborn in Christ, it is the Holy Spirit who empowers us to live as Jesus did. The more we rely on Christ, the more our lives will look like His. Many receive Gods grace at salvation, but do not receive Gods grace for daily life. It is this day-by-day relationship with God that satisfies our hearts, blesses the people around us, and brings glory to Him. As we follow Christ, He will ask us to do things that are impossible to accomplish in our own strength. What He requires of us is only possible as we continue in intimate communion with Him. Although this communion will not solve all of our problems, it will supernaturally sustain us through our walk with God. We need grace to run the race, to endure suffering, and to love others the way God does. As we begin to walk more in step with our Lord, we will begin to see the magnitude of His kindness and power displayed in our lives. Is your tank full, or are you running on empty? The key to a victorious life in Christ is to abide in Christ Himself. Every time we turn from our spiritual independence and rely on Gods strength within us, we are choosing to live the way Jesus did. As we let go of our own self-sufficiency and open up our hands to His grace, we will experience the fullness of the Lords freedom, rest, and power in our lives.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:02:13 +0000

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