The Gospel Barnabas is A False Testimony (Source: The Good - TopicsExpress


The Gospel Barnabas is A False Testimony (Source: The Good Way) source: INTRODUCTION It has been determined that the book is known as the gospel Barnabas has nothing to do with Christianity. Because the book is the false testimony of the gospel and the holy is an attempt to express the things that are very wrong about Christianity. In many ways this book is equated with a form of the Koran written by Museilma, the liar, or composed by al-Fadl bin Rabi . Book associated with Barnabas is translated into Arabic by Dr. Khalil Saadah, from a copy in the English in 1907 to meet the demand Sayyid Muhammad Rashid Rida, a founder of the magazine Manar. Which case is fully rejected by Christians because it is the translation of the manuscript forgery. Those who accept it is a sect of Muslims. They do so with a very simple reason because the parts of the book back up the claims that Christ was not crucified, but his resemblance to fall on Judas who was crucified replace him. VIEWS OF THE DEGREES Scholars who scrutinize about this subject unanimously found this book, which is attributed to Barnabas, never existed before the 15th century It appeared almost 1,500 years after the death of Barnabas. If this book can be used in the period, the Muslim scholars such as al-Tabari, Al-Baidhawi, and Ibn Kathir certainly would not be fragmented in their views about the end of the life of Jesus Christ, and of the knowledge of someone who will personally He is said to have been crucified in place. If we associate with Muslim writings such as Golden Pastures (Pastoral Gold) by Al-Masudi, The Beginning and the End (The Beginning and the End), by Imam Imad-ud-Din, and Ibrizis Version (Version Ibrizi) by Ahmad Al-Magrizi, we can note that scholars regarded stated in the works of their paper, that the gospel Christians written by all four gospel writers, namely Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Al-Masudi writes, We have mentioned the names of the twelve and the seventy disciples of Christ, about their spread across the country, and other news including jobs and their burial place. Authors including four Gospels of John and Matthew is among the twelve, while Luke and Mark were among a group of seventy (Al-Tanbih wal Isharaf, page 136). If we look at the ancient texts of the Bible, as far back as the pre-Islamic period and the period in which the Quran shows and witness the truth, then we will not encounter the so-called Gospel of Barnabas is associated with. And also not mentioned in the table of contents of the books that make up the Bible as prepared by church leaders. A study of history shows that the original manuscript of this false gospel appears for the first time in 1709 in CRAMMER goods, a King of Prussia Advisory. This text is taken from him and deposited in the Library of Vienna in 1738 All scholars who study noted that these covers are made in the style of the East because it had marginal notes in Arabic. From the test paper and ink used, it appears that it was written in the 15th century or the 16th. The British scholar, Dr. Sale, said that he found the book in Spanish were written by a Ukrainian named Mustafa Al Arandi, who claimed to have translated from the Italian language. In the introduction of this copy is stated that a monk named Marino, which is close to Pope Sixtus V, the Pope visited the library on one day in the year 1585, and found a letter from St. Irenaeus who criticize the apostle Paul and his criticism was based on the Gospel of Barnabas. After that Marino is determined to find the gospel. One day he met with Pope Sixtus V in the papal library, and when they talk, the Pope asleep. The monk uses the occasion, he sought the book and found it, he hid it in one of his sleeves. He was there until the Pope awoke, he had just left the place, carrying the book. However, every person who read St. Irenaeus was not going to meet clues concerning the Gospel of Barnabas, and also there is no criticism of any kind addressed to the Apostle Paul. There is one fact that can be known by everyone. There is written in the Acts that Barnabas himself together with Paul during Paul preached in Jerusalem, Antioch, Iconium, Lystra and Derbe. Barnabas also preached the gospel with his nephew on the island of Cyprus. It states that he was a man who believed in the gospel of the cross is preached by Paul, Mark and the other Apostles, and can be summarized in one short sentence: Christ died on the cross as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world and rose again on the third day for a justification for everyone who believes. Because the Gospel of Barnabas would deny this basic fact, the evidence is already clear that the book is a forgery. Some scholars believe that the author of the Gospel of Barnabas is a monk Marino himself, after he converted to Islam and called the al-Arandi Musatafa. Other scholars tend to believe that the Italian version is not copy the first one because it was translated from the original Arabic. For everyone who read the gospel of the alleged Gospel of Barnabas may realize that the author has a vast knowledge of the Koran and almost all of its contents are literal translations of the verses of the Koran. The only amongst the first to embrace this view is Dr. White, in 1784. Its Author: A CHRISTIAN IS converted to Islam Whatever the views of later scholars, it is certain that this book relate the history of Christ in a form that is consistent with the contents of the Koran and contrary to the content of the gospel. This leads us to believe, that the writer is a Christian who later converted to Islam. As we see in the following examples, where there is an indication that exaggerates Mohammed on Christ. It is written that Christ said, And when I had understood him, my soul was filled with consolation as he said, Oh Muhammad, may Allah is with you, and hopefully I made him worthy to open your shoe laces because achieve this, I will become a great prophet and messenger of Gods holy people (gospel of Barnabas 44 para 30-31). It also says, And the Messiah said, although I do not deserve untied laces (shoe) it, I have received grace and grace (Gospel Barnabas 97 para 10). This book contains expressions that match the ancient Muslim writings. Christ said, The name of the Messiah is Commendation , because God himself gave him the name that, when He created His spirit, and placed it in a celestial glory. And said, Wait Muhammad, for the sake of you, I am willing created heaven, and the world and all the creatures, which I submit to you, so that anyone who blesses shall be blessed, and those who curse you, be damned. When I send thee into the world, I will make thee as my messenger for safety, and be true to your word, the heavens and the earth will be destroyed destroyed but your belief (religion) will never be destroyed. Muhammad, come quickly for the salvation of the world (79 paras 14-18). And when Adam stood up and he was a solar writings, which reads, Only God Almighty, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah In the meantime, Adam opened his mouth and said, I thank Thee, O God my God, that Thou hast willing created me, but tell me, I beg of you, what is the mandate of these words, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah . God replied: Welcome, my servant Adam. Verily I say to you that you are the first creations of all creatures. Thing you see is your son who came to earth in the future. My messenger He will be in which I created for him. If he comes , he will give light to the world, in which his soul had been there 6000 years in heaven before I created all. Adam replied: Oh, God give this article on my nails, and God wrote the article on Adam right thumb. there is no god except Allah and on the left thumb Muhammad is the messenger of Allah (39: 14-26). God resigned, and Mikhail angel drove them out of paradise. When Adam looked back he saw the writing on the floor. There is no other god, but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of God. Therefore he cried and said, hopefully this is a good pleasure Allah, Muhammad came immediately save us from the misery (41 paragraphs 29-31). These statements are more in line both in word and spirit with the ancient Muslim writings, such as Al-Ithafat Saniyya bil al-Ahadith al-Qudusiyyah and Al-Anwar Al-Muhammaddiyyah terminal Mawahib Al-Laduniyyah and Al Isra Mujiza Kubra, and others. CONFLICT WITH VERY HOLY GOSPEL Innumerable evidence that shows that the author of the Gospel of Barnabas is no relation at all to the apostles of Christ, or His disciples that they wrote the book under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Here is some proof of it. The first evidence is the authors ignorance about geography of Palestine and the state where the tale-tale nature of this religion. He said, Al-Masih went to sea Gelilea, and got into a boat to sail to the city of Nazareth; within in the event of a hurricane at sea, until finally the boat was nearly sunk (20 para 1-2). The same has been well known that Nazareth is located on a hill in Gelilea and not a city on the coast, as was said by this author. In the other part he said, Remember that God has mentaqdirkan to destroy Nineveh, as he met no one who feared God. Allah has called the Prophet Jonah and sent him to the city, but he had fled to Tarsus, for fear of the population it, therefore God caused him thrown into the sea, and swallowed by a fish and leveled out near Nineveh (63 para 4-7). It has been found well that the city of Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian Empire and founded upon the path east of the river Tigris, above the exit door (gate), known by the name Al-Khirs. Because it is not located in the city of the Middle East region, as reported by the authors. Second, lack of unfamiliarity author of the history of Christs life. In the third chapter of this false gospel, it is written, when Christ was born, Pilate was a governor, while the post of head of the religion held by Annanias and Caiphas (3 paragraph 2). This is absolutely not true, because Pilate being governor of years 26 to 36 AD. While Annanias served as head of religion in the year 6 AD and AD Caiphas from 8-36 years. In Article 142 is written that the Messiah will not come from the seed of David, but of the descendants of Ishmael, and that the agreement was given to Ishmael and not to Ishaq (124: 14). This is a big mistake because every person who reads the genealogy of Christ in the true Gospel (right) will see that the pedigree was, according to the flesh, He came from the seed of David, of the tribe of Judah. Third, the authors incorporate the stories are not entirely rooted in Christianity. The following excerpts are examples of such stories. And the word of God to the followers of the devil, Repent ye and bersyahadatlah to me, because God, your Creator. They replied, We have turned away from implementing bow down to thee, because thou unjust; Satan is only fair and innocent and he is our God. ..then Satan, as he had spit on the ground away the earth, and the Angel Gabriel mengangkatkan spit it along with a little soil, so that the center now has a man in the stomach (35 paras 25-27). Al-Masih replied, Truly I tell you, I have compassion for Shaytan, when I knew about his downfall; and I pity the man who digodanya to sin. Therefore I have been praying and fasting to God we are talking to Me by the hand of his angel Gabriel, O thou whether charges Messiah, and whether the application Thou? I said, God, you know about sin and Shaytan caused through temptation-the temptation that many should perish, he is your creation I beg therefore forgive them. O Lord God said, Al-Masih notice, I will forgive him, just when he said: My Lord God, I have sinned, grant forgiveness to me, and I will forgive him and return it to its original position. Christ said, when I heard this, I was thrilled believe that I have made this peace. Thats why I called Shaytan, and he asked What shall I do for you, O Christ? I replied, You will do it for yourself, O Shaytan, because Im not happy about what you did, but for your sake have I called thee . Shaytan replied, If you do not wish for my help I also do not want your help, because I was more noble than you, you do not deserve to serve me, you are of the dust, while I was a spirit (51 para 4-20). No sensible person can believe that the story of this superstition comes from the gospel of God-inspired. First, because God is not pleasing to Shaytan when Shaytan fall and discarded from His presence. It is also not in line with Gods divine sanctity was to discuss peace with Shaytan. Secondly, since the beginning of Al-Masih has entered the battle with attitude never succumb to Shaytan. The Bible says, He that committeth sin is of the devil (Shaytan), because the devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God Himself declares that He might destroy the works of the devil (I John 3: 8). Third, in wars with Al-Masih, Shaytan does not dare to say that he is more powerful than the Messiah. In contrast, in the midst of the crowds in Capernaum when he was ordered to get out of a person, he cried with a loud voice, O Thou, the Messiah of Nazareth, what do you want with us? Thou come about to destroy us? I know who you are; Holy One of God (Luke 4:34). Thus there is one absolute certainty that the author of the Gospel of Barnabas is a Muslim. Everyone who read the Gospel of Barnabas carefully will find a lot of the teachings of Islam in it. First, this book contains a story likeness of Christ. In the said article 112. Know, O Barnabas, this is not because I have to be careful one of my disciples will betray me with 30 pieces of silver to the next Im sure that the people who would sell I would be killed by my name, because God will lift me out of this, and will change the traitors in such a way that every person would believe him when he dies he is naturally a bad death, I will remain a long time in a few spots in the world. Yet if Gods holy Messenger Muhammad, came the bad name it will diangkatkan (112 paras 13-17). This story fits in well with the teachings of Islam in the Middle Ages. Secondly, there is a strong opinion that the Bible has been distorted. In the article cited L12 as if Christ is saying, Verily I say unto you, that if the truth was not eliminated from the books of Moses, God did not give David the father of us, the second Book. And if Davids book has not been corrupted, God will not give the gospel to me, remembering that the Lord our God does not change, a mandate to speak for the entire human. therefore when the Messenger of Allah will come, he will come to purify the things that has tainted my book has done by people who do not believe (124 para 8-10). This statement is an attack on the validity of the Bible, and can not be derived from Jesus Christ, who said, Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words shall not pass away (Matthew 24:35). GOSPEL OF BARNABAS IS A FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THE KORAN From the beginning I have to emphasize that the book is attributed to Barnabas is a false witness to the Gospel as a whole it is contrary to the Gospel. Below I have put forward some of the parts contained in the false gospel, which also in turn is the false testimony of the Quran: So Joseph set out from Nazareth, a town in the region Galelee, with his wife Mary, who is pregnant, .... so that he can register the name as a decree of Caesar. After Joseph to Bethlehem, as a city, and a large number of them feel alien there, he found no place, therefore he took lodging outside the city in lodgement made a shelter for shepherds. While Joseph lived there, fulfilled time for Mary to give birth. Virgin was surrounded by extraordinary light, as he gave birth to her son without pain (3 paragraphs 5-10). While the contents of Koran confirmed that Mary gave birth to feel pain like other women generally, because it is said: Then Mary conceived him, and then he moved to distant places. Then he took refuge to the palm trees, because child labor, he said: Would that, I had died before this and was I forgot the forgotten (Surah Maryam 22-23). Woe to the world because it is doomed to eternal torment. Shithead Oh mankind, because God has chosen you as a child, and put you in paradise, in the meantime thou, O wretched by Shaytan movement has been included in the things that are not blessed God and was thrown out jannah .. (102 para 18-19). While the Koran confidence to look to-fathers God as a blasphemy, and deserve punishment in hell. He voiced a warning to those who say: Allah has a son (Surat al-Kahf 4-5). Let a man be satisfied with a woman whom God has given to him and let him forget about the other woman (116.18). While the Koran teaches polygamy (may have wives more than one person) by saying, you marry the women are good for you, two, three or four people., But if ye fear that nothing will do justice, then marry only one, (Surah Al-Nisa 3). When God created man with the freedom that he may know that God does not need a man, just like a king that freedom to His servants in order to show mercy over His servants love Him mighty his power, .... (155 paragraph 13). This is contrary to the Koran which says: Every man We tie her business (charity), respectively kedudukanya (Surat al-Isra 13). Tafsir Al-Jalalayn, Muhajid citing as sources of support, explains this verse thus: No one who was born without a piece of paper that hung around his neck and if he reads hard or happy. Then the Messenger of Allah would say, O God, is among those who believe that have been in hell 70,000 years. O God, where the hell pardon thee? Servant beseech thee, God, to liberate them from the painful doom-doom . 4 Then God commanded Gods favorite angel that they should go to hell and remove any person who has embraced his aqidah Messenger and led into heaven (137 para 1-4). This verse contradicts the Koran completely would deny the petition for forgiveness, for it says: Allah cursed the Unbelievers and prepared for them a flaming fire (hell). Currently they shall live for ever, they gained no guardian and no helper anyway (Al-Ahzab Letters 64-65). Al-Masih confessed and told the truth, I am not the Messiah. They said, Are you Elijah or Jeremiah, or one of the first prophets? Christ replied, Do not. Then they said, Who are you? Lets say that we should give testimony to the person who sent it to us? Christ said, I was a voice that cries through all Judea, and shouted, Prepare ye the way for the Messenger of God (paragraph 42 5:11). Koran says: (Remember) when the angels said, O, Mary, indeed Allah gives you glad tidings to the sentence of him (ie a child), his name Messiah Isa son of Maryam, who has greatness in the world and the Hereafter and among those who are near to God (A.Surat Ali Imran 45). Can there, in fact, a false witness who oppose the Gospel and the Quran of the Gospel of Barnabas? Shall there is a Muslim who believes in this fraud that the Messiah is Muhammad son of Abdullah and not the Messiah, son of Mary?
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 18:29:22 +0000

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