The Gospel is Not Complicated Even though most Christians claim - TopicsExpress


The Gospel is Not Complicated Even though most Christians claim to believe the entire Bible as the inspired Word of God, for some reason, many times we hesitate to blindly trust in Gods Word. Even when we study the Bible, we often have a point to prove and merely use the Bible to substantiate our already established belief. When we open the Bible, we should not have preconceived ideas. Wouldnt it be great if we could open the Word of God, not as Baptists, not as Methodists, not as Presbyterians, not as fundamentalists, or not as Charismatics, but simply as Christians and accept clearly what Gods Word says? It has been said that there are two things that you shouldnt talk about. One is politics and the other is religion. When you talk about politics, people sometimes get so hostile and mad they become unreasonable. They have their opinion and nothing you can say, no logic discussed, will change their mind. Even if they know they are wrong, they wont admit it. Sadly, many Christians are the same way with their religious beliefs. Some get a belief and hold on to the idea as truth, regardless. We must go to the Word of God, the Bible, in prayer asking God to show us His truths and then believe what He shows us! We shouldnt believe something just because of tradition. We must believe what God says. Jesus said in John 8 that if we would abide in His Word then we would be His disciples and we would know the truth and the truth would set us free. How can we find the truths of God? Second Timothy 3:16 says, All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. A missionary, after returning from a non-Christian country, related to me that he had seen great miracles take place. He had seen the blind healed and the lame walk in the name of Jesus. When asked why the natives received their healings so easily, he replied that the natives had nothing to unlearn. They just simply believed the Word and acted on what they believed. We need to clear our minds of mans ideas and philosophies and abide in the Word of God. In these last days, God wants to teach us to be receptive to His Word. Only when we believe Gods Word enough to act on it will we receive the promises of His Word. A man once told me that the Bible was too complicated for him to understand. He didnt have a great education and he felt this kept him from understanding Gods Word. He went on to say that instead of reading the Bible, he just listened to preachers because he knew they must be right. Well, quite frankly, thats goofy thinking. If Satan can make us believe the lie, that we cannot understand the Word of God on our own, then we wont study it. God commands us to study His Word. Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.(2 Timothy 2:15 KJV) Satan knows that without the Word there is no faith; and without faith we as Christians are ineffective. Second Corinthians 11:3 tells us that the gospel, the good news, is not complicated, but simple. You dont have to be a scholar. The gospel is for everyone. So, read the Word of God. Believe what you read and act on what you believe. Thats faith! PS. We need to guard against ever believing that we are better than or a firmer believer than the next person. Unless you hear the voice of the Lord for yourself and take your burdens to Him directly, the doors are already open to deception and deceit. Nobody walls away in one fell swoop, it starts subtly, little by little ever so subtly a small thing here and another there, still feeling good about ourselves because we have this great understanding and know where to draw the line. Thing is once you have left the narrow way, there are no more lines to draw. The only way back is on your knees in humbleness, always remembering that Satan is going around like a roaring lion but also as a sneaky tempter to devour whoever let their guard down. Not one of us have arrived yet, let us persevere and keep our noses to the grindstone. There is no room for pride and arrogance. Let us keep following Jesus, obey Him and follow His commandments. YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES : “For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, He will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you” - (2 Corinthians 9:10, NLT) When Jesus sent His disciples out to heal the sick, meet their needs, and share the Gospel, He told them, “Give as freely as you have received” (Matthew 10:8). In other’s words, God has given you everything you need to do what He’s called you to do in this life. He has equipped you to be successful and has empowered you to overcome in this life. He’s given you seed to sow in order to have an abundant harvest in your future. You have what it takes! God has placed seed in your hand today, but in order for that seed to produce, it has to be planted. It has to be watered. It has to be fertilized. Today, ask God to show you where to plant your seed. Make sure you are sowing in the right ground and tending to the seed He has given you. Remember, God has a good plan for your future. He has plans to bless you and increase you. Today, you have what it takes to move forward and receive the blessing He has prepared for you! A YEAR OF ABUNDANCE : For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. - Jeremiah 29:11, NLT What are you planning for this year? Are you planning this year according to the news reports, or are you planning this year according to the Word of God? Its good to be informed about whats happening in the world, but remember, God is not limited by what we see in the natural. You may be planning to have an ordinary year, but God is planning for you to have an extraordinary year. You may be planning on just barely getting by, but God is planning on a year of abundance for you. God wants to do supernatural things in your life this year! He wants you to be an example of His goodness. Start declaring that this year is going to be your best year yet. Start declaring that this is the year you will see your dreams come to pass. Start declaring that this year will be your year of abundance! CALL FORTH WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE! …God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did. - Romans 4:17 How does God respond to our problems? For example, how did He respond to the problem of darkness? The Bible tells us that when God saw darkness on the face of the deep, He said, “Let there be light,” and there was light (Genesis 1:3). God saw the light and it was good. He saw good after He spoke! He didn’t speak about the darkness He saw. Instead, He spoke forth what He wanted to see. My friend, you are made in God’s image. And God wants you to deal with the problems in your life by speaking forth what you want to see. Unfortunately, many of us tend to speak about our problems instead. We keep talking about how bad the situation is and then we wonder why the whole situation just seems to get worse! Now, I am not telling you to deny that your problem exists. The darkness was there and God saw it, but He did not speak about what He saw. Rather, God chose to speak forth what He wanted to see. In fact, He called fortheverything of creation—the sun, moon, stars, land animals, sea creatures and vegetation. By simply speaking, He brought all these incredible things into existence. Beloved, if you want to see good, then speak the good that you want to see. Don’t say, “This headache is really killing me.” Say, “I am healthy and strong for by Jesus’ stripes I have been healed!” And don’t say, “My boss hates me. He’s always picking on me.” Instead say, “Because I have favor with God, I have favor with my boss!” Call forth the good that you want to see and you will see it!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:24:32 +0000

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