The Gospel is offensive to the carnal mind. The bible even says, - TopicsExpress


The Gospel is offensive to the carnal mind. The bible even says, The carnal mind is enmity against God—Romans 8:7. Im never surprised when people are offended when truth is spoken. In a world of self-pleasing, self-seeking false gospel, will you dare to speak truth? Jesus spoke truth and gave instruction on HOW to judge. Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment John 7:24. Now most would jump in and try and use Matthew 7:1 (Dont judge lest you be judged) out of context and say we arent supposed to judge. However, if you read on it says- Take the log out of yours so you can RIGHTLY remove the speck from your brothers. There are two keys from that passage- 1.) Make sure you are clean 2.) Help your brother by rightly judging. You will be persecuted for speaking truth... but again that was another promise from Jesus. And dont be surprised when it comes from your friends. Love isnt wimpy. Love is righteous. Love speaks truth. Love never fails. Have a great day in Jesus! Speak Truth! Walk in Love!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 16:18:21 +0000

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