The Gospel of Thomas; sayings 9: Jesus said, "Now the sower went - TopicsExpress


The Gospel of Thomas; sayings 9: Jesus said, "Now the sower went out, took a handful (of seeds), and scattered them. Some fell on the road; the birds came and gathered them up. Others fell on the rock, did not take root in the soil, and did not produce ears. And others fell on thorns; they choked the seed(s) and worms ate them. And others fell on the good soil and produced good fruit: it bore sixty per measure and a hundred and twenty per measure." *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Consider the parable of the seed given by Christ. The seed was sown. Some seed fell on the road; some fell in the thorny hedges; some fell on the rocks; and some seeds fell on the quite clear land which had been divested of all foreign matter. That seed which had fallen on the hard open ground or the road is eaten away by birds; the seed that was thrown on the rocks grows but there is no depth of soil beneath such seeds and, little by little, such growth fades away; and naturally, those seeds which fell in the thorny hedges will grow, but they cannot fully grow — they are retarded; and any seed which fell in the quite prepared land will grow abundantly. If you put in one seed of anything, that one will give you hundreds of seeds like that. For instance, you put one mango in the ground, and that will give a tree which will give you hundreds of mangoes. So there is abundance in nature. This parable, then, shows what? The “seed” is the contact with the Light and Sound Principle, which is the expression of Word, or Naam in the hearts of the initiates. For those who simply take it, the Negative Powers use it up because they never put in time for that, although they are given the “seed” — the seed is sown in them — but as they do not put in time at all, and they don’t care, after Initiation the seed is lost. Concerning those seeds which fell on the rocks and beneath which there is little or no underlying soil, after Initiation that seed should be fed by Satsangs; for if those seeds are not watered by Satsangs, you see, naturally they fade away —they also don’t grow — they come for a few days, then leave it. So that is why I tell the people, “LEAVE HUNDREDS OF URGENT WORKS TO ATTEND THE SATSANGS.” Those seeds that fell in the thorny hedges won’t grow there encumbered by the distracting thoughts and other kinds of hedges; they are just like those who have too many irons in the fire, they have no time to attend to these things; they say they have no time. Such people also don’t grow. Only such a seed which has fallen on the quite prepared land grows fruit in abundance. So you will find that the purpose of this diary, which I always enjoin to be kept, is to weed out all imperfection from the soil of the heart. Those who keep the diary regularly, naturally they progress. If they are not progressing, there is something wrong somewhere, which is explained to you by just referring to this parable given by Christ. Spirituality, being the highest goal in life, is also the most difficult. Only those who are really in search of the Truth should venture forth to travel on this path. ~ Sant Kirpal Singh ~ Taken from: THE HOLY PATH; Chapter 10 "The Commitment: Responsibility of Initiation."
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 18:10:01 +0000

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