The Government has gone a step too far yet again, which seems to - TopicsExpress


The Government has gone a step too far yet again, which seems to happen on a day to day basis nowadays. The DRIP bill and changes to RIPA establishes a snooping charter outside of GCHQ and OUTSIDE OF LAW, that makes the stasi look tame. In this case, this sham democracy has shown itself for what it is by virtue of the fact it has cross party support and that it was agreed in a secret meeting behind closed doors. This use of emergency powers is Cameron railroading unpopular and illegal laws through Parliament before anyone has a chance to really examine the implication and frankly it stinks. Frankly, Im disgusted. I am not the only one. Cameron, Clegg and Miliband are a trio of MORONS who think that we the people THINK they are our leaders. They are one and the same thing. How can a law have cross party support? Arent the parties supposed to pretend to be different? We all know they are not. The Police have been involved in umpteen coverups of serious crime and so this is the response from Government? To punish the public? The line about protecting us from terrorists doesnt work any more you fools and there is no reason it should. I am livid with this circumventing of what used to be a pretense of a democracy and if this hasnt spelled it out in black and white i dont know what will. The elite, as Tom Watson rightly identifies them, are lying through their teeth. This rush to legislation is just another notch in the ratchet of ever diminishing freedoms to the benefit of those individuals and organisations who have shown themselves to have utter contempt for the existing laws of this country. Under no circumstances are the politicos to be trusted - I dont differentiate any of them, they are all equally to blame - Cameron (duplicitous), Clegg (opportunist), Milliband (blind and stupid). Just as happened under Labour in the 70s with the emergency laws to tackle the IRA, we are promised time limited legislation. I guarantee that, when the time comes, its renewal will go through on the nod, and eventually these gits will tell us that this draconian temporary law isnt so bad, and it will be allowed to sit on the statute book in perpetuity. And so we inexorably slip ever further towards a state controlled by the unseen and the unknown who will determine what we can say, what we can watch, who we can visit, where we can go - and all in the name of freedom. God - how much Orwellian can it get? If the government signs away all our rights by agreeing to the TTIP then the people will have every right to be angry and no legal means of expressing that anger. This is why it is illegal: We are not currently in a national emergency so Parliament should not rush through emergency legislation. We need proper scrutiny by MPs, Peers and civil society. The European Court of Justice recently ruled blanket data retention incompatible with human rights legislation. New laws should comply with that judgment. The UK has an obligation to comply with the European Convention on Human Rights, which we have signed onto and which we should uphold as an example internationally.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 17:46:18 +0000

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