The Government of Sierra Leone fails to educate its children I - TopicsExpress


The Government of Sierra Leone fails to educate its children I was born and raised in Port Loko. As a result, I have a direct stake in the educational outcomes of the children in that town. Therefore, I dare some of you to accuse me of being an SLPP. This has nothing to do with party affiliation. I am neither against the APC Party nor am I against the president. In fact, not too long ago, I came home and gave financial support to the market women in Port Loko. In addition, I have now put a call to Mr. Kamara, the principal of Schelenker, to determine just how I can help. This, however, does not exonerate the government from doing what’s right. All children deserve a decent education, period! The President has no excuse to not ensure that teachers are paid and children are educated. Now, for a country with a GDP of 3.8 Billion, and a population of 5.9 million people, it’s a complete disgrace to hear news of the government not paying teachers, or educating the children. The question is, why has the teaching profession become the least honorable, and the least rewarded in Sierra Leone? The Minister of Education talks about corruption in schools. Who is to blame for this mess? Does he ever go without his monthly salary? Does he ever have to worry about where to come up with the money to buy a bag of rice to feed his children? Therefore, if there is any corruption in schools at all, President Ernest Koroma and his government are to blame. Again, where does nearly $5 billion annually go to the extent that the government is unable to pay teachers and educate the children. Why does the most valuable resource of our country get so neglected? The misguided government policy of children not being able to register for their WAEC exams is so prevalent – it’s awful. Two years ago, 500 teachers in Kambia also went unpaid. So, Mr. Minister, before casting aspersions on principals and teachers try doing some introspection. Look within yourself and see if it is fair to blame teachers and principals about the failures of the government. You pay the teacher, pay them timely, and pay them a living wage, and you will see what happens to corruption!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 21:58:06 +0000

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