The Grand De-Unification Theory of Gravity What if a single - TopicsExpress


The Grand De-Unification Theory of Gravity What if a single simple concept could change everything about Physics as we know it? What if it could explain quantum foam, virtual particles, the arrow of time and above all else, explain gravity without the need for a particle? What if it explained why the force of gravity is so small compared to the other forces. What if the theory showed that most everything we already hold to be true still fits, but with one new variable? What if it showed that there really is no difference between the effect of acceleration and the effect of gravity, for a real tangible reason. First lets examine the effect of speed on time and how that effect is unfelt by the affected party. Einstein teaches us that a person traveling near the speed of light appears highly distorted to a stationary observer, yet the traveler detects no time dilation and no sense of distorted space. Two travelers, traveling together at nearly the speed of light could carry on a normal conversation, unaware of the dramatic effect they are experiencing. The space-time they occupy is warped to the extreme, but they are part of that reality, and as such, have no comprehension of the distortion. The Theory in a Nutshell Every bit of matter exists not as a source of gravity, as we have been taught, but as a result of it. The space-time that wraps us, and the entirety of everything in our universe, is expanding at a high rate, but at an uneven rate, measurable by the existence of matter. We are within this expansion, and the acceleration of the expansion is felt as gravity. We are hidden from experiencing this effect by the compression and distortion of space-time. We experience it only as gravity. Working to Understand This expansion would cause wild distortions of the space-time fabric, yet the inhabitants would be fully unaware, except for the resulting gravity. I don’t speak of the 3 dimensional expansion of the universe that we witness as the stars flying apart from each other… well at least not directly. Give me a few more moments before you give up, confused, to help bring this back around for the reader. To understand the previous comments, lets first take a short walk through dimensions. We are going to talk about M-Theory for a moment. The 0-Brane - A Point First lets study the result of the collision of two 1-branes. A 1-brane can be thought of as a line, a 1 dimensional object. If we have 2 1-branes and they exist within a 2-brane, we’d have something like 2 lines drawn on a piece of paper. If the coordinates of these two 1-branes exist in such a manner that they intersect, the resulting intersection is a zero dimensional point, or a 0-brane. The 1-Brane - A Line Let’s take this example to the next level. If we have two 2-branes existing in a 3-brane, and their coordinates are such that they intersect, the result is a 1-brane. We have a 1D intersection, of two 2D spaces, moving in a 3D space. The 2-Brane - A Plane The next step gets a bit more complex, but it is really the exact same thing. If we have two 3D spaces, moving in a 4D space and the coordinates of the 3D spaces intersect in any way, except to be exactly the same, the result is a 2D intersection, of two 3D spaces, moving in a 4D space. The 3-Brane - 3D Space Now lets describe the how the 3D space we occupy exists. Before our 3d Space existed, there was a 5D space, a 5-brane. Within it there are two 4D spaces, 4-branes, that have different coordinates and motions, but which intersect in such a way is to create a 3D space, the 3-brane we call the Universe. These two 4-branes are still in motion. The moment they first intersected we had the big bang. At the very first moment, there was but a single nearly infinitely small point of intersection, but the 5D velocity (translation AND rotation) of the collision causes the overlap to be constantly increasing. Try to imagine the intersection of the two 4-branes in the 5-brane space, to be constantly increasing the total 5D volume of the 3D space, but because the intersection is of two 4D spaces, the 3D space, while it’s volume is increasing, would contain 3D observers with no sense of this massive expansion, except for the sense of gravity. Better put, a constant sense of acceleration. So, if at the Planck distance, space is expanding, with that overlapping expansion resulting in a compression/distortion of space-time, emanating from every point in 3D space, but unevenly, the measure of the imbalance is the existence of matter. The gravitational force would not not be a factor of the existence of the matter, but instead, the expression of an expanding intersection as gravity. Gravity is acceleration Acceleration is the overlap of two 4D spaces, pouring into a 3D space, but warping the 3D space in such a way that the human occupants are unaware of this event, because it is hidden from their view by the elastic 3D space. String theory is really the explanation of the vibrations caused at the fine points of intersection of the two 4D spaces as they push into and create the 3D space? The arrow of time itself is a result of this same expansion, pressing into the 3D space-time? Feel free to add another dimension to the explanation to account for time if that helps you visualize or formulate this concept. Forever Growing in Scale, Yet Unaware Imagine, that at every moment, we are literally larger (in 4D space) than we were a moment prior, but that the expansion is distributed at the planck scale, and from every point where there is mass. From a 3D perspective, we expand with the space, so we don’t detect this expansion. We ride this acceleration and expansion unaware, because the fabric of our universe warps to accept it, and we warp with it, each human observer going along for the ride, no different than the two highly distorted travers near the speed of light, who were likewise unaware of their distortion in time or space. In Closing The universe may have just gotten even weirder, but I suspect that we havent seen anything yet! I bring this only as a general concept. I lack the mathematical skill to represent it and merge it into the framework of real science. I leave that to the truly brilliant, but I do hope I created a spark that changes our understanding of reality forever. My guess is that few people will read this last paragraph. Nearly everyone will be confused by the concept and this short introduction to it. Someday, when this reaches the right person, someone who can visualize and formulate this concept concretely, it will change physics at a level not seen since Relativity, which this is simply an expansion of. Yes, I meant the pun.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 09:18:41 +0000

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