The Grant Horner Bible reading system -- a Review! Well, it has - TopicsExpress


The Grant Horner Bible reading system -- a Review! Well, it has been 250 days since I last posted that I was going to start into the Grant Horner Bible reading system. Today I realized I finished the first 250 day cycle yesterday! So what do I think. First of all, bible reading and devotions are very individualistic and so dont take my opinions as the way to do it. The Grant Horner system is not so much a system of having quiet times, but a system of learning the Bible well through volume reading. Before the GHBRS I used to do a variety of things in my quiet times. Usually, pick a text, diagram it, think about it, ponder it, pray to the Lord about its application in my life, read some devotionals, hymnals, whatever, and that was kind of my thing. Slow, plodding, exacting look at smaller texts. However, the GHBRS system is nothing like that! You read ten chapters a day, each from a different book of the Bible, and are supposed to force yourself to move along little doggie! You dont stop, mark up the text, ponder the text, because its purpose is to make you familiar with the breadth of the Bible through repetitious reading. For the Pros, I liked the volume. I liked covering ten chapters a day. I liked the cycling through Acts and Proverbs, a chapter a day, going through the books over and over again every month. Im not sure I would have picked Acts as my over and over again NT book, but I think I can understand why Grant did it. I found that if I sat down and plowed through the reading I could get through it in about 30 to 35 minutes most days. Some days had long chapters and it got into the 40 to 45 minute range. However, one of the blessings is that you can use an app on your IPhone, if you have one, if not, too bad. The App is called You Version and I think it is produced by ChurchTV or something like that, But anyway. The app allows you to download different Bibles. I used the ESV, even though I preach and usually read the NASB. The app has the Prof Horner Bible reading system in it. You can either read the bible of your choice or in many instances listen to the audio. I found this very helpful when i was working in the garage, yard, exercising, or driving around. I could listen to the ten chapters I needed to be exposed to that day and it was wonderful as the You Version app does all the skipping around for you. When I wanted to read, I used my IPad and the You Version app and so didnt have to worry about skipping around which is one of the cons of the system. You get exposed to all of the Bible, some books many times, but all books several times. Cons are that without an app to help you know where to turn next, it can be a bit painful trying to skip around using a bunch of book marks or a chart. I also didnt like the skipping around part. There were many times when I was in the middle of an exciting narrative and then the chapter ended and I had to wait until the next day to get another piece, and it often took multiple days to finally get through the book. I prefer to read larger portions of the same book and absorb the story in its context. I also like stopping, pondering the text, making notes, etc., and this system doesnt allow that. I think what I am going to try next is a combination of my old way and the GHBRS. I am going to read or listen to large chunks of the bible, when I can, like driving, working in the garage, or whatever, but then make sure I have that slower consideration of a smaller texts too during my devotions. Either way, it is a great system and anyone who sticks to it will find their knowledge of the Bible explode!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 01:51:41 +0000

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