(The Grappling Blueprint)- Has anyone ever asked you this - TopicsExpress


(The Grappling Blueprint)- Has anyone ever asked you this question? Hey, can you keep a secret? Why did they ask you that? The answer is simple, they are making a decision whether or not to share something with you that you do not know. They want to see if you can keep a secret. There are people that say there is no secret to grappling success, it just takes hard work, I fully believe in hard work but there is a secret to my success in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and there is a secret to our teams success in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu also and its called....... The Grappling Blueprint 99.8% of the athletes that have trained under me has no idea what the blueprint is, many of them probably wonder if its even real like others throughout the World wonder also. Its VERY REAL! These results are not from simply hard work, drilling and luck. There IS a highly thought out, simply, yet highly complex process that I created in 1996 and over the last 17 years made tweaks and changes to. I first mentioned it to the World in 1997ish on a Jiu Jitsu forum and everyone laughed at it, I was trying to share what I had come up with to help others that were in a similar situation like me, but they were non believers at that time. So I kept it to myself, continued to refine it and then in 2003 I created TheGrapplingBlueprint to let the World know about it and help other grapplers that didnt have instructors to teach them but wanted a way to train themselves. I got my blue belt in 30 days, opened my own school when I had 6 months total of training, got my black belt in 3 1/2 years and have gone on to build the strongest American BJJ Team in the World. When my Instructor Master Leo Dalla told me that he was moving back to Brazil 6 months into my training in 1996 I thought my BJJ journey was over. It was some of the worse news Ive ever heard in my life at the time, total heart break. But he motivated me to start my own school and thats what I did. Since I was a Blue Belt and not a Black Belt that had trained under a successful team for 5-10+ years I had no model to follow, no system to replicate, nothing to build on besides my 6 months of training in a room full of white belts trying to learn bjj like I was. So I created my own model, my own system, my own process and did the best I could with what I had. The BASE MODEL I created in 1996 is still FLAWLESS to this day and has never changed. But the process and implementation of the model has taken many different variations. PLUS how to implement the Model for different people with different goals, different body styles, different mental processes, different attitudes, different everything was something that has been a major challenge and took quite some time to work out. I do not believe anyone in the BJJ space has had my level of success and had to do it the way I did. What do I mean by this? Take all of the top teams that place or do well at any major IBJJF event. They are all from powerhouse teams. All of the instructors that train guys/gals for their teams have come from training in their program or another power program. All of the athletes go through their program, achieve black belt and when its their time to teach they have a successful model to teach from and then add onto it whatever they choose. For my first six months of training I was the highest belt in the room at blue belt, from six months until today as I write this 17 years later, Ive never been in a room training under a successful model for any extended period of time, Ive always ran my school in Maryland of all places and created my own system. (The best times were when I could bring Master Dalla to Maryland to teach at my school and when I got to go to Brazil) but those were far and few between. So I basically had to figure it out myself when I virtually knew nothing. Well I created this Grappling Blueprint model/process and followed it to the tee. I started achieving great results. But as Haters do, they attempted to make excuses for my personal results ie. hes black and just a natural athlete, he was a judo black belt before he started BJJ (I didnt start judo until I was a purple belt in BJJ),he was a sombo black belt before he started BJJ (I started training sombo with one of my students named Eric when I was a purple belt) and the list continued to grow...... At one point I started feeling sad that I began Jiu Jitsu at such a late stage of my life (26) got my black belt at (30), that I wondered what it would have been like being an actual student under a successful program and going through it myself. I wished I couldve trained under my Master my entire time in BJJ and then after feeling sorry for myself I made a crazy decision.... I told myself that I wanted to give other people that had my drive and determination (or at least appeared to have it) a chance that I didnt have. As more and more results poured in and as time flew the results could no longer be denied. Everyone wanted to know what was this guy in PG County Maryland doing to get such great results. In 2003 when I first put up the website TheGrapplingBlueprint I had all intentions to creating a product to deliver my blueprint system to the World. Then for specific reasons I decided not to release it and just keep it to myself but after 15+ years Ive decided to do something very STRANGE..... Im going to have a meeting with a few key members on the team before I announce anything officially so stay tuned
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 19:16:06 +0000

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