The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement stand in solidarity - TopicsExpress


The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement stand in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street Movement. Although the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement focus on liberating the working poor and the underclass African Americans who are trapped in American Ghettos first. I want to be sure that we don’t lose our focus and our voice by others with hidden agendas/motives. The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement will be a private for profit service base business. It will have three main components: a social service component, a spiritual component, and a political component. Our social service component – Would focus on bring in necessities such as goods and services that are lacking in the low income African American communities. We will assist single black mothers, single black fathers, and low income two parent families, who reside in the inner city of Chicago, and eventually in 25 other cities within 25 states in America. We will provide such services as violence prevention, job training, onsite child daycare, and pending on our budget we would hire our future clients and members by offering them private employment within our organization. We would also provide a second chance program for ex offenders, former gang members and the homeless. Those who are business minded we will teach them how to start their business and work with them until it materialize. Our goal is to first stabilize the community through our outreach programs and create legitimate jobs within the community for our clients and members so that our young people won’t become career criminals. Our goal is to have our clients and members raise their family in a safer environment. Our spiritual component – Would be optional for secular people. We will have both Christianity department and a Islamic department for spiritual people to develop in their personal faith. In this organization both Christians and Muslims will pool our resources together for betterment of the community we will serve. Our political component - We will create our own independent political party at the local level known as the “democratic socialist party.” We will create our own laws which will be compatible with the dominant culture. They will focus on local issues within the community and focus on changing current gun laws within the city and state of Illinois. We will also do cooperative alliance beyond the black community with other community organizations so that this can be a win win situation for the people of Chicago and throughout the state of Illinois. We will pick up where Dr. King and the Civil Rights Movement ended “The Poor People’s March.” In 1968 Dr. King lead an effort to gain economic justice for poor people in the United States. They demanded economic and human rights for poor Blacks, poor Hispanics, and poor Whites. Once we’re established in 25 cities within 25 states we will expand this organization abroad to Africa, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. I’ve been pushing this virtual organization for two decades I lack support from established black organizations in my city because this organization is a democratic socialist organization that stands against black capitalist, the financial elites, and urban terrorist. I also lack the capital to start my organization and to recruit other educated black professionals to join my team because they see no monetary value in creating businesses in the black ghetto. This is why I wrote my book “The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America” Second Edition in order to generate capital/seed money so that I can offer incentives to thirty talented individuals within the state of Illinois or beyond who have read my book and agree whole heartily with the plan/vision I have laid out in my book for them to come to Chicago and work with me directly in getting the Grass Roots Community Activist Movement up and running. I want to make Chicago a model first before I expand to 25 other cities within 25 states. As soon as we are established in America I plan on expanding my organization abroad to Africa, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. I also plan on turning my book into a movie in order to gain cash flow from my book sells and the movie in order to do all the things I discuss in my book. Those who agree with my vision for Black America I only want to speak with them people are entitled to their opinion but if they are not part of this organization their opinion is meaningless to me. I wrote my book to spread my vision beyond cyberspace in hopes of reaching reasonable brothers, sisters, and others who will work within my organization in eliminating racial disparities in healthcare, housing, education, and economic parity, so that we can create a society which will provide opportunity for all. Believe me if I had the proceeds from my book sells and 30 people already in place then I would start GRCAM today. I don’t have time to debate we will focus on solving our social problems once and for all. My organization is open to all law abiding citizens and all racial groups. You have a right to reject Christianity but if you want to join GRCAM everyone must accept all of the principles in my book and sign a consent form and have their name and Photo ID in our database. This way I can know who is doing their part in this organization. No man or woman on earth will change the vision my creator has given me. I believe that my creator will do a miracle on my behalf in assisting me with finding the right people to be on my team and for me to be in a position for me to do all the positive things he wants me to do. For we all are on borrow time I want to use my time wisely. I thank my creator for all of the rejections I have experience for it has strengthen my faith even more. This is my contribution back to my community and throughout the African Diaspora. Real Christian Socialist Online https://facebook/OccupyWallSt My You Tube Video youtube/watch?v=vP1OaQswoiI& My Book Link on Amazon amazon/Solution-Black-America-Reclaiming-Rebuiling/dp/1480074365/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1353183068&sr=1-5&keywords=The+Solution+For+Black+America
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 00:23:10 +0000

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