The Grave Mistake: Intro Allaah says: “Verily, Allaah - TopicsExpress


The Grave Mistake: Intro Allaah says: “Verily, Allaah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him (in worship), but He forgives except that (anything else) to whom He wills; and whoever sets up partners with Allaah in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin.” [Surah al-Nisaa (4): 48] Shirk, associating partners with Allaah, is a sin which will not be forgiven by Allaah, except for the person who sincerely repents from it and stops doing it. The person who dies doing Shirk will never enter Paradise, nor will he ever come out of Hell. Allaah mentions what ‘Eesa عليه السلام said to his people: “But the Messiah [(Jesus)] said: O Children of Israel! Worship Allaah, my Lord and your Lord. Verily, whosoever sets up partners (in worship) with Allaah, then Allaah has forbidden Paradise to him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong doers) there are no helpers.” [Surah al-Maa’idah (5): 72] Since Shirk is a sin, the doer of which will be condemned to eternal punishment in Hell; it is astonishing that the vast majority of the people in the world are Mushriks. Unfortunately, even some groups among the Muslims have fallen prey to it. They might pray five times a day, but still commit Shirk. Allaah says: “Most of them who believe in Allaah also commit shirk.” [Surah Yusuf (12): 106] Ibn Katheer narrated in his Tafseer that Hammad bin Salamah narrated that `Asim bin Abi An-Najud said that `Urwah said, Hudhayfah visited an ill man and saw a rope tied around his arm, so he ripped it off while reciting, “Most of them who believe in Allaah also commit shirk.” One of the types of Shirk is “grave worshipping” about which we have been clearly warned time and again but still fell prey to it. This topic has been discussed by the scholars a number of times. Numerous books have been written on it. No subject of Tawheed is complete without warning against the Shirk of grave worshipping.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 02:59:42 +0000

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