The Great Divide And Chaos Governance September 16, 2013 by Bob - TopicsExpress


The Great Divide And Chaos Governance September 16, 2013 by Bob Livingston UPI There is an ever-widening divide between the statist elected class and its enforcers (government) and the mundanes, or hoi polloi. The general populace would prefer to go about its daily business without interaction with or interference from anyone in or representing government. That is because government on almost all levels is at best oppressive, intrusive, unsympathetic and autonomic. There is now an awakening and growing recognition that the U.S. government is self-serving, unrepresentative and supererogatory and that it needs to be reined in. The divide and awakening are best demonstrated over the past couple of weeks in the reaction of the people to the possibility of Syrian intervention. President Barack Obama and his neocon toadies have been desperate to make a case for military intervention in Syria in order to fulfill the will of their globalist masters. I explained why this is so last week. However, the mundanes recognized the folly and hypocrisy of such an endeavor. The United States has been embroiled in Mideast wars against radical Islamists, jihadists and the CIA-created terror organization al-Qaida for decades. The people bought into the notion sold by the elites that the wars were necessary to protect American freedoms and export democracy to regions that had known only oppressive theocracy or totalitarianism. They suffered the expenses of nation building under the false notion that the radicals and Islamists might come to either like the U.S. or at least stop hating the U.S. for its “freedoms.” So when Obama and warmongers like Senator John McCain and his lackey Senator Lindsey Graham embraced al-Qaida-backed “rebels” in Syria — a group of violent and barbarous fanatics who are slaughtering Christians; raping, beheading and dismembering women and children: eating the hearts of vanquished foes; and executing surrendered captives — the slumbering masses looked up from their entertainment devices and began confronting the elected class en masse. By more than four to one (and, according to some in Congress, 10 to one), the people came out against taking sides in the Syrian conflict and especially against aiding those committing the atrocities. The people recognized that the entire Syria narrative is a lie. They are coming to understand that the lie expands to Libya as well as the reasons given for deposing Moammar Gadhafi and the excuses provided to explain the attack on the Benghazi consulate and the murders of CIA agent Chris Stevens and three others attached to the gun-running operation that was transferring arms to the Syrian rebels. It is attempts to keep this operation under wraps and out of sight that are behind the Benghazi cover-up and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s screed before Congress that the incident didn’t matter. The mundanes are finally recognizing that decades of war have led to the expansion of the intrusive spying apparatus and the growth of the surveillance state. Revelations by Edward Snowden that the NSA is collecting and reading all telephone calls, emails, text messages and electronic data from every American served to give pause to even the most ardent supporters of the big government nanny state. Of course, the divide first manifested itself in public in the fall of 2008 and early 2009 when the masses recognized the fix was in and that the banksters and Wall Street were getting special dispensation during the economic crash, while the people were getting shafted. This dispensation was made possible only by the Federal Reserve’s inflation of the money supply — a subtle means of theft from the people. Talk of bailouts sparked the rise of the Tea Party, a disparate group of patriotic small-business owners, blue- and white-collar workers, military veterans, homemakers and retirees who opposed first the bailouts then the monstrosity of legislation that came to be known as Obamacare, then other oppressive and unConstitutional government actions. In 2010, the Tea Party was successful in removing some of the old guard of the elected class and installing some of their own in government. Though some of the newly elected lawmakers turned out to be wolves in sheep’s clothing, many of the Tea Party-backed Congressional candidates continue to work to disrupt the old guard party apparatus and attempt to reign in big government, much to the chagrin of the statists. The elected elites responded to the rise of the Tea Party with slander and special targeting by several government agencies like the Internal Revenue Service and the Environmental Protection Agency. The people are now using the 10th Amendment and their State legislatures to roll back oppressive and unConstitutional Federal laws and to combat illegal “executive orders” issued by the undocumented alien currently occupying the people’s house. In Colorado, voters just dismissed two statist gun grabbers — an event unprecedented in Colorado history. Voters are also seeking to secede from that State, as well as from California and Maryland. As Obamacare nears implementation and the mundanes finally begin to grasp what some of us have been warning about since before its inception, their opposition to it grows. However, the old guard of the elected class is resisting acting as the opposition party and working to defund it. In fact, the members of the elected class are effectively thumbing their noses at the mundanes by exempting themselves from its provisions, even as Obama has exempted many of his sugar daddies and favored constituent groups. It is telling that even the union leaders who ardently supported the passage of Obamacare are now echoing the mundanes in calls for the law’s repeal. Yet statists and progressives in both parties continue ignoring the will of the people. The U.S. government is currently experiencing a collapse of its moral, economic and legal foundations. The collapse was inevitable from the establishment of the Federal Reserve. The elites created fiat paper money. With it, they have polluted the planet and put the people at the mercy of a cannibalistic bloodlust of dog-eat-dog depravity. Just think; America’s top 1 percent income earners took up 8 percent of total income in 1970. Today, this same 1 percent takes up 17.4 percent of overall income. No wonder they promote the stock market, with $175 billion in dividends being paid out by the top companies. Economic depression brings on this kind of inequality. The United States has the highest income inequality in the world. Hey, where are the jobs the political psychopaths have been promising? They have disappeared into the black hole created by the U.S. fascist system, overregulation and Obamacare. The constant chaos and crisis-mode governance are both symptoms and expediters of the collapse. As the collapse intensifies, the statists and progressives will intensify their oppression. The divide between the people and the elected class and their enforcers will continue to grow. The collapse will be ugly, especially for those who — blinded by normalcy bias or just ignorance — aren’t prepared. Once we come through the fire, then, I believe, Constitutional governance and a sound money system can be restored. Filed Under: Conservative Politics, Personal Liberty Digest™
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 17:06:22 +0000

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