The Great White Plague By William Schnoebelen ©2013 My son, eat - TopicsExpress


The Great White Plague By William Schnoebelen ©2013 My son, eat thou honey, because it is good; and the honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste: (Prov.24:13) This time of year the sale of candies skyrockets in preparation of the coming “helliday” of Halloween. Sales will continue to rise as we approach Christmas. Because of this, it seems a good time to explore one of the greater spiritual and physical perils of the season. Candy’s poison! First, there is the possibility that candy being handed out could be poisoned or cursed by satanists to defile the minds and bodies of our children. We have addressed that previously in articles on our Free Resources webpage and also in our new DVD, Halloween, Unmasking Hellnight. But that is NOT the primary concern of this article - we want to warn people about a larger problem, the Great White Plague! The GWP is an absolutely vile plague upon both the spiritual and physical health of Believers and their children. It consists of three things: white sugar, white flour and high fructose corn syrup. As many of you know, I am a naturopathic doctor (ND) and have dealt with many folks suffering from chronic illnesses. Most were consuming large amounts of these foods. Before we go further, I must share this warning our govern- ment (pretty much run by Big Pharma) requires I say before discussing health – even though we supposedly have freedom of speech: “I am not a medical doctor, and the statements contained herein are for educational and religious purposes only and are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease. You should seek out the advice of a qualified health care professional before making any changes to your diet or health programs.” Now you might ask – preacher, what does this have to do with spiritual matters? Why are you telling me what to eat and not to eat? What does this have to do with the Gospel and the Kingdom? Well, be patient. The answer just might shock you. Let’s begin with a Scripture discussing our bodies, which are temples of the Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19). Paul tells us here that our bodies are not our own. They have been bought and paid for by Yahushua (Jesus) on the cross of Calvary. We belong to Him. Are you with me so far? Good! If your body belongs to Him, doesn’t He have some say about what you put in it? Well, you might ask, “Where in the Bible does it say it’s wrong to eat white sugar or white bread?” Of course the answer is – nowhere. Neither even existed in those days. They were unheard of! But neither were childhood obesity or heart disease. That right there ought to give pause. But before we pursue this line of teaching further, let me give you some essential facts. A Modern Epidemic? It has really only been in the last century these things (the GWP) existed. They are artifacts of 20th century greed. It has only been since the refining and processing of sugar and flour that health issues plaguing our nation have skyrocketed. Why white bread and white sugar? Simple answer: Economics. With the rise of industrial food production and supermarkets, refined and processed foods were highly sought by manufacturers because in general, they have longer shelf life. Why do they last longer? Because most bugs, rats and other varmints have a survival mechanism that keeps them from eating poison. Bugs, bacteria and enzymes cause spoilage and these “items” (they are NOT foods) have been utterly denatured. Do you remember the slogan, Wonder Bread Builds Strong Bodies 12 Ways? That wasn’t just marketing. White bread came along in the first half of the 20th century and folks discovered children were getting profoundly sick eating it because of vitamin deficiencies. The flour was stripped of all its goodness! Your body cannot recognize white bread or sugar as food! You might as well be eating Styrofoam. So the government mandated that bread makers add synthetic vitamins to their bread. One of the MD’s who trained me said that this was like mugging someone (the whole grain flour) and stripping them absolutely naked (white bread). Then, you give them back their socks (“enriched” flour)! Not a good arrangement. The Bread of Death Bread – and wheat in general –causes health issues because of the way it has been grown during the past century. It has now become virtually indigestible – in any form! This is why so many people have celiac disease and gluten sensitivity! Gluten is present in all forms of wheat, including whole wheat. It is in many other grains too - like barley and rye. The spread of gluten sensitivity has become so profound that many supermarkets and almost all health food stores now have large “gluten-free” sections where you can buy breads, mixes and cereals that are free of gluten. Here is the problem! Wheat has had the living daylights hybridized out of it. This is forbidden in the Bible (Deut. 22:9). Even though the verse deals with vineyards, you can see by the context that the chapter is dealing with not mixing diverse things of any kind.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 01:38:25 +0000

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