The Greater Miracle The Apostle Paul defines his role in the - TopicsExpress


The Greater Miracle The Apostle Paul defines his role in the simplest of terms: “Sent to nations, in order to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light”. The apostolic man appears, sent from Heaven, with an assignment of no small measure. He is selected and sent for the accomplishment of things which lies beyond, far beyond, the capacity of man. The speaking and acting before nations, in order to produce a turning from darkness to light, involve operations which no man can carry out as being mere man – well-versed, well-educated, well-mannered, well-tempered, not even the finest combination of virtues will add to the outcome of the project. Apostolicity is at any given moment involved in the most perplexing seeking after the Greater Miracle. Prophet Ezekiel delivered a promise to the people of Israel – to be shared with the Church, a promise regarding the Greater Miracle. “I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you.” Darkness no more – but light, light from within, because of the very presence of the Spirit, whose role it is to bring structure in every situation in which disobedience and disorder have had the upper hand. “A new heart” – the opening to and the beginning of a heavenly life, to a life lived unto God. An old heart, mended and improved, does not cover the intention of Heaven. Something totally other, even strangely other – at least in the eyes of the blind man – is to be given from above as the heavenly solution to man’s predicament. Isaiah, the prophet, describes the Greater Miracle in the following terms: “He, the Lord, wakeneth mine ear to hear as they that are taught. The Lord God hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious”. The opening of an ear unto adherence and obedience is indeed the Greater Miracle, for which we ought seek, for which we ought to wait. Our churches are set up as storehouses for a compact disbelief in miracles – and the Greater Miracle is regarded as an outright impossibility, something which has no place in the emerging church which, it is said, ought to adjust to and reflect the days in which it serves as a part. Restless religiosity strays, running to and fro in search for entertainment – that which seems to be miraculous becomes the main ingredient in the religious dish notoriously served in glamorous settings. Miracles in the sky as prophetic predictions, miracles among wheelchairs – seldom truly confirmed, (and I say compassionately, bless them that struggle physically), miracles in the forth-telling of data, which the prophet/fortune-teller has no access to. The apostolic brokenness compromised by haughty claims. But, the Greater Miracle neglected, forfeited, even shunned. A small company of disciples were on their way to Emmaus, and the risen Redeemer came alongside, spending “quality time” with the band of brokenhearted men. And the miracle happened to them, as He opened the texts of the old prophets to their minds and to their hearts. They found no other way to describe their experience than the following: “Was not our heart burning within us, while he spake to us in the way, while he opened to us the scriptures?” Theirs was the Greater Miracle, theirs was the perennial experience, which brought them to spiritual maturity. Theirs was the gift of the new heart, spiritual reality was theirs according to a promise made by the Holy one of Israel to each and everyone who are ready to abandon their old ways and their old heart in the acquiring of a heart which is ready to accommodate heavenly fire. This is the Greater Miracle rarely seen, but desperately needed among us all. This is the Miracle of Greatness and Glory, which is available to the disciple… Lars Widerberg Reading: Acts 26:17-18, Ez 36:26, Rom 6:4, Isa 50:4-5, Luk 24:32 You may find hints to further material on issues of this kind – Apostolicity, Israel and the Church, as well as the praying Church – on the FB wall of mine... Apostolicity@gmail -- -- --
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 10:13:16 +0000

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