The Greatest Mystery Ever.. A Must Must Must Read For - TopicsExpress


The Greatest Mystery Ever.. A Must Must Must Read For Everyone... ---------------------------------- A man is driving down the road & breaks down near a monastery. He goes to the monastery, knocks on the door, &... says, My car broke down. Do u think I could stay the night? The monks graciously accept him. As the man tries to fall asleep, he hears a strange sound; a sound like no other that he has ever heard. The next morning, he asks the monks what the sound was, but they say, We cant tell you. You are not a monk.. The man is disappointed but thanks them anyway & goes away. Some years later, d same man breaks down in front of d same monastery D monks again accept him. Dat night, he hears d same strange sound dat he had heard yrs earlier. D next mornin, he asks wat d sound was, but d monks reply, v cant tell u. Ure not a monk. D man says, Im dying to know. If d only way I can find out wat dat sound was, is 2 becum a monk, hw do I becum a monk?. D monks reply, U must travel d earth & tell us how many blades of grass der r & d exact number of sand pebbles. D man sets bout his task. Some 45 yrs later, he returns & says, I hav travelled d earth & hav found wat u had asked 4. Der r 371,145,236,284,232 blades of grass & 231,281,219,999,129,382 sand pebbles on d earth. D monks reply, U r correct & now u are a monk. V shall now show u d way to d sound.. D monks lead d man to a wooden door, where d head monk says, D sound u seek is behind dat door. D man reaches 4 d knob, but d door is locked. He asks 4 d key. D monks give him d key, and he opens d door. Behind d wooden door is another door made of stone. D man requests d key 2 d stone door. D monk gives him d key, & he opens it, only 2 find a door made of ruby & so it went until d man had gone thru doors of emerald,.. silver, topaz & amethyst.. Finally, d monks say, Dis is d key 2 d last door. D man is relieved 2 no end. He unlocks d door, turns d knob, & behind dat door he is astonished 2 find d source of dat strange sound. But I cant tell u wat it is coz Youre not a monk!!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 17:02:38 +0000

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