The Greatness of almighty Allah-swt or God or Creator to the all - TopicsExpress


The Greatness of almighty Allah-swt or God or Creator to the all Creations. Logical Analysis: There is only One Creator and one management or system for whole the Universe and there would be different opinions, collision if many Creators? So, there is might be One, Who maintain and take care all of Us, the Universe accurately. The Earth is a wonderful dream and the stage of Arts: In fact this Earth is drama & dream for all the Life and the most temporary. This is created by the almighty Allah and to His very kind full to the all creations to maintain their life comfortably. In fact every life is temporary and certain periods in this Earth. The next world will be ever Life for us and have good life for good works of human life. Final Judgment will be issued only for the Principle Creation “HUMAN” forever Life either in Heaven or Hell. So, we are Staying/Living in this Earth enjoying with all kind of facilities convenient & comfortable of human Life and using Leading to all other Creations. So, Holy Quran is introduction of basic history between almighty ALLAH-swt (God or Creator). We need to read Holy Quran attentively to realize about the interesting things in the Universe. The Earth is wonderful Stage of Arts, containing with different Cultures, Traditions, and different languages. Such as all facilities arranged or Planed from “ALLAH-swt”. There is only One Greatest Owner of all creations, we can feel, He is the Greatest in all respect in all subjects related in our life. This is easy to understand, about the subjects between Creator & Creations when read/study Holy Quran (Guide Line) for human. If we think about the Earth: The Earth is magnificent place, which contains all the necessary elements: Air, Heat, Water and Soil to sustain all forms of Plant, animal and human life. Using these basic elements, man has been making life on this planet even more comfortable and convenient by improving communication system in each country and those communication systems that connect countries to countries. Therefore we can realize that there is only One “ALLAH-swt” or God or Creator for whole Universe and Creations. If there would be different Creators, must be occurred fight among the all Gods/Creators and whole World and Universe suddenly would be destroyed. And all creations and Universe are serving own duty in Law of Nature. But here is one guidance, that is almighty only One Creator almighty “ALLAH-swt” so we all must obey and grateful to Almighty Allah. These improved communication system have helped bring the cultures, opinions and tradition of nations in the World to be closer together. If we think how beautiful only a part of creations in our earth is created by almighty Allah-swt. in every time it is highly thankful and grateful to our Allah-swt. REMARKS: For all kinds of solutions: Prophet Muhammad Mostafa (s) is an example Creation over all creations, introducer between Allah-swt (Creator or God) & all creations and Holy Quran is the guide line & brightness through Prophet Muhammad Mostafa (s) for the the World peoples. Everyone has right to read this Holy-guideline in native languages and who want to follow, is the best way in a Life for both Worlds forever..........! Best regards, The Voluntarily Expression……….!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 00:30:51 +0000

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