The Green Lakes Endurance Run is a 50k / 100k race that goes - TopicsExpress


The Green Lakes Endurance Run is a 50k / 100k race that goes around Green Lakes just outside of Syracuse, NY. I have had my eye on this race for several years, wanting to run what I heard was one of the most beautiful ultras around. But every year, the LM5K is the same weekend, and since im the race director for that 5k, I havent been able to do GLER. But alas, this year the LM5K is September 6th! So I signed up, along with several of my Running with Kelly peeps! Training for this ultra was unfortunately nonexistent. My last long run was June 21st, the 65.5 miles on the canal. My last trail run was...oh lets see...well, that would be about 18 months ago! So to say I was prepared for the 50k trail run would be untrue. I was still excited! Finally I get to do this! My family and I brought our trailer up to the camp ground there along with my mother, two days before the race. My in-laws also had a 5th wheel trailer right next to us. We walked along the trails to check it out just before the rain started. Pretty much 2 days of rain with short bursts of sun. The night before the race Chris, the kids and I went to Skaneateles to visit with a couple of his buddies from high school days. I was anxious leaving the site, pre-race nerves thinking I should just stay put. The visit ended up being exactly what I needed. My family moved as I was entering my junior year in high school. I never made any lasting friendships there. But I had met Chris through church. We went to different schools, and his friends were my friends. It was as much of a reunion for me as it was for him. But the best part was visiting with Julie Jackson, the wife of one of his friends. She prepared an awesome meal full of carbs for me. She and I talked about her Half Ironman event that she had recently accomplished, and I talked about my measly little sprint tri. Julie was a wealth of knowledge and a super awesome person too! She was exactly what I needed! Thank you, Julie! So race morning, after eating oatmeal and drinking water I met many of my RWK peeps at the race start. We were all chatty and a bit anxious and ready to go. The course is 4 7.6 mile loops, starting with a generally flat soft trail around half of both lakes, then a steep incline up the trail to get to a field area, the Serengeti (this section was 4 miles of NO shade and some significant hills too), Then back into the trails, down to the other half of both lakes. My first loop I caught up with Greg and Wayne, a couple ultra friends I met years ago, and Deb Patterson, a wonderful woman who I see as competition. I finished that first loop in about 1:23. The second loop I was mostly by myself and I took the time to notice how incredibly beautiful it was up in the field area. I could see so much from up there, fields of wild flowers, deer, lakes down below, it was such a spiritual moment! I was slower that loop, about 1:32. The third loop my hip was hurting REAL bad. I slowed way down and walked a good amount. I chatted with Jared, a first time ultra runner who works at Fleet Feet. I really enjoyed chatting with him, a super nice guy!!! I did see some RWK runners at some turns and they all looked so strong, almost like they were having fun:) I saw Chris and my family just before entering the trails again and they gave me some pain reliever for my hip and more Gatorade, which I was so glad I brought, I did NOT like the orange vanilla beverage at the aide station. Believe me, it did not taste like a creamsicle!!! I shared about 1/2 mile with Kristin Kelly along the side of the lakes. She shared her pre-race story including a wrong turn on her way there, leaving her race bib in the car, and a bee sting...but yet, she was moving along so smooth and seemed quite happy! This loop took me 1:55! And then one more loop to go! My friend Greg had just finished, getting a personal PR for a 50k. He walked with me through the aide station and got me on my way. And then I shared this last loop with Robert. Robert is a gift with a wonderful story. In fact, he and his awesome wife, Kara named their daughter Story. He and I talked a lot about what brought us to running and what keeps us running. We talked about our families and spirituality. I was tired and my hip was still sore. I found myself starting to say how glad I was that this was my last loop. But it wasnt Roberts last loop. He was doing the 100k! He had another 4 loops to go, going 2ce as far as me! I have been Roberts coach through this training and I have been impressed with him, always doing the workouts he needs to do. I had no doubt hed be finishing this 62 miles. Just before coming around the last bend I saw RWK runner, June ahead of me. I caught up to her and ran with her for a bit. She was so full of positiveness, just what I needed. She was on par for setting a new 50k PR, with one loop to go and was very happy about it. I finished the race in 6:45. I wished I was able to run faster and stronger, but Im happy. After I finished, I stayed to watch some incredible finishes, including 8 Running with Kelly runners! I watched the first 100k finisher break a course record: 8:02 for 62 miles! It was inspiring! I watched a 79 year old man finish the 50K, saying he wanted to quit after the 3rd loop, but finished because he was told all finishers get a pint glass. And I saw Robert finish his 100k, crossing the line into Karas and Storys arms. The Green Lakes Endurance Run was everything I had thought it would be and more. I neglected to mention that it rained most of the morning, and the sky was cloud covered all day. It made plenty of mud, but we runners were quite happy about the lack of a hot sun! I may not have been trained for this 31 miles, but I am so very glad I did it. Wonderful race, awesome people, and beautiful views! Check out my muddy shoes!!! :)
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 11:46:25 +0000

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