The Ground Reality for elevation of Sixth Schedule Areas of - TopicsExpress


The Ground Reality for elevation of Sixth Schedule Areas of Tripura into a full-fledged state:- Over the last 63 years of merger of independent Tripura state to the union of India,the Indigenous People(IP’S) of Tripura (son of the soil) are continuously suffering from all kind of exploitation,deprivation,oppression and atrocities. Resulting which the very existence and survival in their home land facing uncertainity to them(I.P’s).The Factors responsible can be broadly enlisted as under:- 1.The indigenous people were the preponderence and majority population in Tripura state from the time immemorial and till the crucial date of merger as on 15-10-1949. 2.The enormous infiltration of foreign nationals emigration and settlement of refugees from Bangladesh (erstwhile east Pakistan) in to Tripura reduced the I.P’s to slendering minority in single decade from 1950 to 1960. 3. Almost all the cultivable Land owned by I.P’s were legally and illegally occupied by the the neuro settlers and the I.P’s having no alternative but to move and take shelter in remote hilly areas. 4. The safe-guard and terms and conditions as laid down in “Instrument of Accession” and Tripura Merger agreement were grossly violated. 5. The written assurance to the People of (I.P’s) by not less than one of the towering personality Sardar Ballav Bhai Patel the then Dy. Prime Minister of India on the on the crucial date of merger was not honoured and implemented in letter and spirit during the subsequent decades of merger. 6.”The Tripura Administration order-1949” as enacted and notified by Govt. of India as on 15-10-1949 was grossly violated during the administration of chief commissioners followed by T.T.C Administration and full-fledged Tripura govt. Administration. 7.Inorder to protection of land rights for Royal subjects,Maharaja Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya proclaimed 2060 sq. miles of land as reserved exclusively for “Pancha Kshatriya Tripuris” vide his order of 1931 & 1943. But thousands of Refugee colonies were set up in those reserved areas violating the reservationorder and Tripura Administration order 1949.8.The so called “Swasty Samity” a society of Refugee Migrants had been alloted 1000 drones(Hectare) of arable land in kanchanpur areas in violation of the aforesaid order on 1948.Subsequently the aforesaid samityforcefully captured additional thousand drones(Hectare) of Tribal land. 9. Although there is a provision of restoration of illegally transferred land to Non-tribals(Under Section 187 of TLR& LR Act,1960). But this provision was not scrupulously followed.As a result,out of 29 thousand of restoration cases, 20 thousand applications had been rejected outrightly without showing any reasons whatsoever. 10.The Scheduled Areas had been demarcated in Tripura state vide TTAADC Act,1979 under the 7th Scheduled to the Constitution of India and subsequently provision of sixth scheduled has been extended as on 1/4/1985. But over the last 30 years, TTAADC Administration had been kept as a ‘puppet’ at the whims of successive State Govt. 11. In sixth Scheduled areas(Tribal areas) there are prohibition afresh land allotment to non-tibals.But the successive state govt. of tripura indiscriminately alloting thousands of acres of land to the non-tribals in sixth scheduled areas. 12. As per the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers(Recognition of Forests Rights) Acts,2006, no non-tribals could be alloted forest land unless they can prove their permanent habitation in forests areas at least for 75 years continuously.But the state Govt. encouraging to occupy forest land to non-tribals who are not eligible for suchallotment.As on now more than 35 thousands non-tribal families have already occupied forest land illegally. 13. The Govt. of Tripura adopting tacit policy for acquiring land of the Scheduled Areas for the so called publicpurposes such as Construction of hydel projects, Airport/Air Strip,Battalion H/Q’s of Police,CRPF,BSF etc., and for land bank for future industrial purposes. 14. Almost all the Wild Life Sanctuaries located in the tribal areas evicting the local I.P’s from their homestead and cultivable land.A fresh Wildlife sanctuaries in Baramura and Atharamura Ranges including its adjoining areas are also under the active consideration of the Tripura Govt. 15. The population ratio of I.P’s in Tripura state is ever decreasing.As in 2001 it was 31% and in 2011 census it is only 26.7%. Alike in the subsequent decadal censuses it will be rapidly decreasing and lowering down to less than 10% during the next few decades.16. Because of indiscriminate allotment/occupation of land of the scheduled areas to the non-tribals in connivance of Tripura Govt., the I.P population ratio inscheduled areas also rapidly declining.As on now it is 82%.17. Unequality and distribution of developmental activities including service sectors such as basic amenities potable drinking water,all weather roadconnectivity,health & hygiene,power supply etc. in the Scheduled Areas(Tribal Areas) and the plain urban and semi-urban Areas.During the last few decades there are virtually two regions have been emerged out i.e. developed and under-developedareas.Obviouslythe latter part is the Scheduled Areas of Tripura State. 18. There are under representation of ST’s in the state Govt. employment.Evenafter elapse of more than 63 years, the representation of ST’s in the State Govt. service is far lagging behind of their prescribed quota as per population ratio. 19. Almost all the Scheduled areas are clamped by draconian black law ie. The Armed Forces(Special Power) Act, 1958 during the last 15 years.All the tribal hamlets have been covered by deploying T.S.R, S.P.O’s, CRPF by setting up more than 300 camps in disguise of combating extremist activities.But the State Govt. & Union Govt. Virtually agreed that extremist activities in Tripura lowering down near the zero level. 20. There are sporadic and intermittent incident of atrocities on I.P’s(Tribal People) such as killings, gang rape to the women flock but without any protective and remedial action for such gross violation of Human Rights. 21. The “Inner Line Permit” Act not extended in Tribal Areas of Tripura inspite of continuous demand put forward by I.P communities.In these scenario, it is the need of the hour to upgrade the existing TTAADC Areas to Convert into full fledged State for long lasting solution of the aforesaidchronic Problems on the one hand and to endow full Political empowerment and achieve self-determination of the I.P’s of this State on the other. * Some Doubts and Clarifications thereof on the issue of elevation of Scheduled Areas to a full fledged State:- 1. It is not a demand put forward for separation of Tripura State? Ans:- No, Scheduled Areas has already been demarcated and created conforming to the provision of Sixth Scheduled to the Constitution of India and this has been agreed by the total population of the state and TTAADC Administration is functioning for the last30 years. 2. Is it not a demand Unconstitutional? Ans:- no, Article 2 & 3 of the Constitution of India empowered the Central Govt. through legislation in parliament for creation of new States in the entire Indian Territory. 3. Is it not a Communal, Separatist, Seccessionist Demand? Ans:- Absolutely not. Creation of a new State is not a new one. Conforming to the IST State Reforms Commission’s recommendations, 25 new States have been created in early sixties. Furthermore, 3 new States such as Chattisgarh, Jharkhand & Uttarakhand had also been created in 2000 AD.Creation of new states as above having no instance of Communal Conflict what so ever. 4. Is it an Isolated Demand? Ans:- No, Over the last few decades, there are demand for creation of as many as 30(thirty) new States including Tipraland and all the demands under Consideration of Central Govt. 5. Is the Safety, Security and general livelihood of the non-tribal population will be affected in a new State? Ans:- No, All the bonafied citizen of India irrespective of Tribals and Non Tribals shall enjoy every
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 10:45:00 +0000

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