The HIDDEN MESSAGE in WATER Masaru Emoto If we have a clear - TopicsExpress


The HIDDEN MESSAGE in WATER Masaru Emoto If we have a clear understanding of water, we will better understand the human body. ... Water serves as the transporter of energy throughout our body. ... Existence is vibration. The entire universe is in a state of vibration. and each thing generates its own frequency, which is unique. All that I have to say in this book is based on this one fact. My years of research into water have taught me that this is the fundamental principle of the universe. ... ...things like wood, rocks, and concrete - are all vibration. ...the science of quantum mechanics generally acknowledges that substance is nothing more than vibration. 40 ... each thing consists of nothing more than atoms, each atom being a nucleus with electrons rotating around it. The number and shape of these electrons and their orbits give each substance a particular set of vibrational frequencies. 41 Human beings are also vibrating... 42 The fact that everything is in a state of vibration also means that everything is creating sound. ...Whether we can hear the sound or not... the unique frequency of all objects can be interpreted as sound. ... the human ear is capable of hearing frequencies from 15 Hz to 20 000 Hz (Hz, or Hertz, indicates the number of cycles or the repetitive waveform per second.) 43 And as sound is created, there is a master listener to receive the sound: water. ... Water - so sensitive to the unique frequencies being emitted by the world - essentially and efficiently mirrors the outside world. ... The written words themselves actually emit a unique vibration that the water is capable of sensing. Water faithfully mirrors all the vibrations created in the world, and changes these vibrations into a form that can be seen with the human eye. see the teaching about Vibration in Godchannel Truth and Reality Class IV The Fundamental Questions of Manifestation 4.2 The What of Manifestation * Body is everything * Vibration is what manifests * The seven levels of manifestation vibration is both the cause of manifestation, and the stuff of it 46 The words gratitude and love form the fundamental principles of the laws of nature and the phenomenon of life. ... Its likely that only vibrations of love and gratitude appear in nature... The trees and plants show respect for each other by the way they live in harmony. ... In an article 1989... Hamerman wrote that the organic matter that forms human beings generates a frequency that can be represented by sound at forty-two octaves above middle C (the note near the center of the piano keyboard.) the modern standard for middle C is 262 Hz, so this means that the sound reaches roughly 570 trillion Hz. 47 Since Hz means vibrations per second, this indicates that human beings vibrate 570 trillion times a second, a number that ... indicates incredible and wonderful hidden potential. ...The human being holds a universe within, filled with overlapping frequencies, and the result is a symphony of cosmic proportions. ... the frequency of everything in the cosmos can be summarized in seven parts - do, re,mi,fa,so,la, ti The universe consists of an uncountable number of things ranging from the lowest to the highest frequency. It might help to imagine keys aligned in order on a piano keyboard, starting from the lowest sound. If you press down on the white keys, you will hit do,re,mi,fa,so,la,ti. When you move up the keyboard one octave, from one do to the next, the frequency doubles. In other words, the doubling of frequencies divided into seven parts is do,re,mi,fa,so,la,ti. Therefore, the repeating of these seven sounds expresses all sound from the lowest to the highest. 48 But what enlightenment can be obtained by seeing frequency as sound? The most important revelation is that of resonance. Sound of the same frequency resonates ... the tuning fork and the voice create a single frequency sound wave. This is called resonance. When one side creates a frequency and the other responds with the same sound, they resonate. 39 ... resonance can result even when frequencies are not identical. This happens, for instance, when the frequency is doubled. Playing the la key on the piano at 440 Hz and the la key an octave lower at 220 Hz creates quite a pleasant resonating sound ... No matter how distant the frequencies, resonance will result if one of the two numbers is a multiple of the other. We can also say that for every sound on each level there is a resonating sound on every other level. 51 Love has the effect of raising our frequency level and making us shine. .. Most of the objects found in nature emit stable frequencies. Each sparrow sounds basically the same (though sparrows themselves might recognize slight differences), ... By contrast, the human being is able to make full use of the do,re,mi,fa,so,la,ti scale to create beautiful melodies. ... Humans are the only creatures that have the capacity to resonate with all other creatures and objects found in nature. We can speak with all that exists in the universe. 52 How will you choose to live your life? If you fill your heart with love and gratitude, you will find yourself surrounded by so much that you can love and that you can feel grateful for ... From Chapter Two: The Portal into a Different World p. 53 54 One of the most mysterious things about water is that ice floats in it. ... If water behaved like other substances, and ice sank to the botton, ... we would probably not be here. Every time the temperature dropped, the bottoms of the lakes and oceans would become solid ice, and all living creatures would die. 55 Water also has the unique ability to dissolve other substances and carry them away. 59 The ocean is where the first speck of life emerged, some 3.8 billion years ago.... Then, some 420 million years ago, life took its first step out of the water... The birth of our humanoid parents is believed to have taken place only 20 million years ago in Africa. If we consider the earths 4.6 billion year history as constituting one year, the human being was born at eight oclock in the evening on the final day - all made possible by the formation of oxygen and the ozone layer. And the force that created life and allowed life to evolve was, of course, water. Water was able to do this because it has the unique ability to dissolve the required nutrients for life and carry them from the mountains and rivers into the oceans. 61 Water that falls from the sky it takes sometimes hundreds of years to seep into the ground and become groundwater. Joan S. Davis of the Zurich Technical University has conducted research into river water for some thirty years in Switzerland, and she refers to it with the expression wise water. By contrast, she refers to water that has recently fallen as juvenile water. In the process of falling to the earth, seeping into the ground and then emerging, water obtains information from various minerals and becomes wise. 64 The response of water to love and gratitude is nothing less than grandeur. These words give spirit to water, which materializes it, to reval life at its fullest. I also have the impression that the act of looking at water crystals is an act of creating life. This is because when we look at the crystals, the water changes its appearance moment by moment. Your gaze has a special energy of its own, and ...a gaze of good intentions will give courage, 65 After a month, the rice that was told Thank you, started to ferment, with a mellow smell like that of malt, while the rice that was exposed to You fool rotted and turnt black. ... The rice that was ignored actually rotted before the rice that was exposed to You fool. ... It seems that being ridiculed is actually not as damaging as being ignored. To give your positive or negative attention to something is a way of giving energy. The most damaging form of behavior is withholding your attention. 69 We have seen through the crystal photographs that water is the mirror of our souls ... What is our role in protecting this planet? Such questions can only be considered when we recognize the greatness of the human being. Perhaps it is time that we stop seeing the human being as the evil agent. ...we have enormous power. Scientists estimate that there are betweeen 108 and 111 elements.. Thus far, 90 elements have been verified in the human body ... I suspect that there are still elements left to be discovered within us (or that we will obtain the remaining elements as we evolve, moving closer to becoming complete human beings). ... We can deduce that fewer elements means a smaller capacity for emotions. 74 Perhaps the miracle water of Lourdes in France, which is said to have healing powers, is filled with the feelings of appreciation of the Mother Mary. As a result, people who have been made ill by the vibrations of hate can be miraculously healed by drinking this holy water. This is the same principle involved in homeopathy. 78 I know now that it is not love alone that forms immunity, but love and gratitude. I became convinced of this from the following experiment: I heated water in a microwave oven and then attempted to see the impact of the magnetic field on crystals. I used two types of water: distilled water, and water from the tap shown the words love and gratitude. The crystals formed from the distilled water were deformed and incomplete, but the water shown the words love and gratitude formed complete crystals. In other words, love and gratitude were able to make the water immune to the damaging effects of the magnetic field. 79 I also discovered that the love and gratitude crystals actually look more like the gratitude crystals than the love crystals. 84 After youve enjoyed participating in a sport or other exercise, water - even just tap water - tastes delicious and refreshing. ... When you drink water with a feeling of gratitude the water itself is physically different than when you drink the same water with clouded feelings in your soul. 88 On the afternoon of the invasion of Iraq at the onset of the first Gulf War, I measured the vibration of the tap water in Tokyo, and found an unusually sharp increase in the values of vibrations produced by mercury, lead, aluminium, and other substances harmful to the human body. ... the weight of the bombs dropped on this first day of war was equivalent to all the bombs dropped throughout the Vietnam War. in Japan, thousands of miles from the Middle East, I was able to measure the vibrations from harmful substances at almost the exact time that war broke out. ... the harmful vibrations of the bombs being dropped on one side of the earth did reach the corners of the earth immediately. 89 These vibrations spread out beyond the limits of time and space. I suspect that ... when something occurs on the earth, . .. water is the first to detect it and relay this new information to us. ... Let me give you one more example in which vibrations had an immediate impact on the physical world. In this case, the power of prayer was used to purify water. 90 This is incredible! The water is gettng clearer right in front of our eyes, ...The crystals made with water from before the incantation were distorted, and looked like the face of someone in great pain. But the crystals from water taken after the incantation were complete and grand. 92 According to the theory of Dr. Sheldrake, when the same thing repeats itself, a morphic field is formed, and resonance with this morphic field increases the likelihood that the event will happen again. A morphic field is not energy-based information, but more like a blueprint for building a house. We can see this as an example of resonance theory. Dr. Sheldrake has propsed that events are also capable of resonating in the same way that sound resonates. 94 ... when someone becomes aware of something, other people also tend to become aware. 95 According to Dr. Sheldrake, DNA isnt the only reason that people in the same family share similar features - morphic resonance also plays a part. Dr. Sheldrakes theory also heps us to understand so-called coincidences (synchronicity), ...The important thing about Dr. Sheldrakes theory is that once the morphic resonance has spread, it extends to all space and all time. 98 ...This is because the act of looking at something has an effect on it. ...Each one of us has a magical ability to change the world. 99 Whenever you sit in front of water and send out messages of love and gratitude,, somewhere in the world, someone is being filled with love and gratitude. You dont need to go anywhere. The water right in front of you is linked to all the water in the world. The water youre looking at will resonate with water everywhere, and your message of love will reach the soul of all the people of the world. We can cover the world in love and gratitude. This will become a glorious morphic field that will change the world. 135 She sent the following message: I have two children, and I know that theres a completely different effect when you speak to 136 children with love and when you just order them. Its the difference between Lets do it, and Do it. I also clearly understand that this is felt in each one of our cells. 143 No matter what your intentions, announcing them is an important step. ... From the time when I was a child, I was always telling people what I was thinking and what I wanted to do, and I was constantly being told that I talked too much. But the simple act of saying something is a way to gather energy towards you. 142 If you express your intentions, the realization of those intentions will follow. ... Words have their individual and unique vibrational frequencies, and weve already seen how words have energy that influences the universe. 144 ... a strange thing happened to Lake Biwa... I have no doubt that the spirit of words generated from the determined prayers for world peace had the affect of cleansing the water in the lake in only a matter of moments. Another important point is the fact that 350 people gathered and chanted together. The combined will of so many people acted as a force to change the universe. 145 The general understanding is that E-MC2 means: energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. However, we can also interpret C as consciousness instead of the speed of light. Since M represents mass, we can interpret it as the number of people consciously focused. 148 Another important issue is test repeatability. Many times we have seen that crystal formation depends on the observers consciousness. When water samples are put into Petri dishes - we usually make fifty samples - the resulting crystals differ, depending on how the water is handled and on the thoughts of the researcher. and the condition of the fifty samples of water changes moment by moment. 149 water crystals change depending on the thoughts and even the health of the observers. from Epilogue 154 ...everything that takes place in the universe also takes place within our own bodies. ...Each day, your liver filters two hundred liters of water and sends this purified water to the other organs in your body.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 17:07:07 +0000

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