The Haitian Revolution began today, August 14th (1791). The people - TopicsExpress


The Haitian Revolution began today, August 14th (1791). The people wanted their Sundays off/Sustenance Garden Day back. Sunday was the ONLY DAY that they had off from the fields, where they worked 6days a week - starting before Sunrise and ending after Sunset, day after day. There was no pay from the Profits that their Overlords took in. The Truth was that they were hardly even Fed Properly.. These Gardens made a Quality-of-Life difference for the Nursing Mothers, Small Children, The Elderly, The Weak and Infirm. People were constantly sick in some form due to the huge amounts of stress that living under the Dominion placed on their emotional well being and immune systems. These Meager Plots provided nutrition that they would Die without. The Dominion was not interested hearing their words and in characteristic behavior, simply ordered more Human Replacements for Losses they might incur in the execution of the Grand Scheme. The people began with a peaceful protest. They simply refused to go along by not showing up and not doing what they were told to do by the Overlords. In typical overreaction, the Overlords responded with countless acts of Brutality in order to TERRORIZE their Captives back into the fields. The People made a life-saving Spiritual Quantum Leap in their Placement within this Divine Universe. They Knew They Were RIGHT. They were The Victims in a Great Evil Scheme and that ATrulyGoodGod would hear their pleas as they fought back to Save Their Own Lives. The People began to win - and the idea of Complete Freedom blanketed their souls at night. They began to actually liberate some who had been held Captive for decades,some so stunned at their freedom that they refused to take a step to leave before falling upon their Knees, thanking God and The Ancestors for answering their humble prayers. The Overlords decided to call on their WarLord, Napoleon.He came, striking doubt into the many that now lived in small, but effective gatherings in the mountainside of the island they occupied. The FaithFull stepped forward and in another Spiritual Quantum Leap, they called on Their Own Goodness as Petition Before the Ear Of the Divine. They made Negative Confession. We Have NOT Forsaken the Way! We Have NOT Done Evil! We Have Kept Our Agreement and Call Upon Your POWER - O Lord Above ALL Others! Show Our enemy YOUR POWER! - And a Miracle Happened. Millions of Mosquito eggs began hatching and a biblical horde descended on the Warlords army and destroyed it before any battle was fought. The People went on to win their war for Complete Freedom, but the chicanery/tricknology of the Overlords won again in a protracted aggression that ended in an economic embargo against this new Nation but peaked when the Overlords sent in elite soldiers to rob the banks of The People of over $35M of Gold Bars and Bullion in 1935. This is ALL TRUESTORY and the Struggle Continues. We can Learn from Our People. #We Should Not Beg like Dogs for That Which be Grown Among Us, whether that is Skills,Goods, or Services. #We Should See Ourselves as Standing on Moral High Ground in Our Current Domination. #We Should Call On The Divine on the Grounds of Being the Most Hated, but Yet the Most Loving. #We Should Say To God and Our Ancestors that We Have Not Done Evil to None that is Balanced by What is Being Done to Us! This is IMBALANCED! WE CALL ON THE FORCES OF DIVINE JUSTICE TO PROTECT US! That is what Our People did these centuries ago and the Divine Creator of Our Ancestors is Still Yet Alive... And like Moses and David - like Mary/Auset-Isis/Yemoja- We Have the Right to Expect Miracles... They Believed and Received. The Overlords called themdevil worshippers to discredit The People,but if You have not Fallen Asleep, then the position of Those Who Worship Evil can only be occupied by the Overlords. Know
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 21:10:30 +0000

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