The Halbig case: or, the banality of conservative evil ::posted - TopicsExpress


The Halbig case: or, the banality of conservative evil ::posted Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:45:02 +0000:: rss@dailykos (Dante Atkins) Theres so much evil that weve just come to take it for granted. If youre familiar with the action film genre, theres a type of conclusion youre likely familiar with: the hero defeats all the villains henchmen and thwarts his nefarious scheme, leaving him alone, defeated, and without purpose. The hero will say, give up; its over. The villain, however—because hes a villain—will refuse to go quietly and seek to cause as much destruction as he can on his certain path to oblivion. In this analogy, the villain is the conservative movement, and the evil scheme is the repeal of the Affordable Care Act. The refusal to go quietly? Well, thats the Halbig decision handed down by the DC Circuit Court this past week, in which a two-to-one panel ruled subsidies provided by the Affordable Care Act to insurers covering policyholders under the federal exchange were not lawful. If the United States had anything resembling a sane political system, the case of Halbig v. Burwell would not have existed at all. It does, however, because of the unfortunate combination of imprecise language by the authors of the Affordable Care Act on one hand, and the destructive psychopathy of the right wing on the other. More below the fold. [Forwarded by the MyLeftBlogosphere news engine. Link to original post below:]
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 23:11:45 +0000

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