The Harvest ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 5:1-11 Over the past month - TopicsExpress


The Harvest ~ 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 5:1-11 Over the past month my wife and I have talked about getting some purple hull peas. While at the farmers market, we spoke to one farmer regarding when would the purple hull peas be ready? He said in the next two to three weeks they will be ready for harvesting. Just out of curiosity, I asked him, “how can you tell they are ready?’ He laughed and said when he sees the change in their color he knows he can gather them. As my studies continue, the Lord has brought me to some scriptures that seem to interlink with one another. With several who have prophesied about earthquakes in this country like we have never seen before, I sought the Lord as to what was being said. He led me to Romans 11:25 which says that Israel’s eyes will be opened soon when the fullness of the Gentiles occurs. So what does the fullness mean I asked? He revealed while I was in the Spirit that the fullness is when the final gentile believer accepts Jesus before the Day comes. The Scripture references the Day many times in various ways. So as I continued to pray in the Spirit I was quicken to the parable of the five wise and five foolish bridesmaids in Matthew 25:1-13. In this parable it is about the bridegroom coming for his bride. So then he comes at midnight, a shout or blow with a ram’s horn announces his arrival. To understand this parable you must understand a Jewish wedding ceremony and I don’t think you want this post to be extremely lengthy. However, this parable references the return of Jesus coming for His bride (genuine believers).Still praying, I was brought to the theme’s scripture references. At the jail worship services, one of the ministers made the statement that Jesus will come as a thief in the night and we will not know when He is coming. Now I am not giving the exact day and hour Jesus is returning because He said this, but understanding the Jewish Festivals, Jesus spoke about it in the Scripture as a Jewish idiom. Anyway, since this comment was made I felt led to search the Scriptures regarding this statement. This brought me to 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11. Paul says in verse two that we (believers) know Jesus will come as a thief in the night. The references of a thief in the night are those who are not alert or slumber. As you read further Paul tells those who are spiritually alert that when the Day comes, it will not be a surprise or liken to a thief in the night. The Day here is about the Seven-Year Tribulation which is God’s judgment against the world. This is also referred to as “Yom HaDin”. However as you continue to read we are to be as the day meaning “light”. This light references to be liken to Jesus. We who follow Him do not walk in darkness (Luke 11:33-36). As we come closer to this appointed time, we are encouraged to be ready and also to be suited up with the armor of God (vs. 8). Why? The world is full of wickedness like it was in the days of Noah and Lot (Luke 17:26-29). Yet Paul gives us comfort in his words. In verse 9 we are told that God will not allow His wrath (extreme judgment) to be poured upon those who have truly accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord. Just as Jesus referred to the days of Noah and Lot, both times God protected those who were righteous in His eyes. One who has truly accepted Jesus is made righteous through Him. Prior to chapter five, we are told that prior to the beginning of the Day that those who died (sleep) in Christ will be resurrected from their graves and that we who are alive will be immediately transformed (1 Corinthians 15:50-58) and caught up to meet the Lord in the air. If you will notice that this scripture reference does not say that Jesus’ feet touch the ground as it is referenced as His second coming, but this is the snatching away as translated to the “rapture” (harpazo aka natzal). How do we know this will soon occur? As Paul told the believers of Thessalonica that he did not need to explain the times and season because that they would know it (1 Thessalonians 5:1), just as the farmer who told me and my wife he would know when the purple hull peas will be ready. Look around and see the signs of the times. The lawlessness is abounding (Matthew 24:12). The Middle East (Israel) is the center stage of the headlines. Israel is surrounded by her enemies. Also understand that any nation that tries to divide the land of Israel will also be divided. Sadly the United States (our leaders) is one who is trying to do such. This country is being warned but because many walk in darkness, they cannot see the signs. Soon this country will suffer terrible judgment for its sins and lack of support for Israel. When the earthquakes that are prophesied happen, then understand that we who are called by His name will be going to the fields to tend to the crops for the Harvest of God is at hand. Be ready or be left behind.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 17:00:20 +0000

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