The Heart of a Friend "BROKEN friendship." says a writer in an - TopicsExpress


The Heart of a Friend "BROKEN friendship." says a writer in an exchange, "like china, may be repaired, but the break will always show." And it is a bit of real truth and wisdom. Friendship is a precious thing too precious a treasure to be carelessly broken or thrown away. The world handles the word "friend" lightly; its real, true, deeper meaning is forgotten, and the acquaintance of an hour or the chance comer is designated by the term which in itself bears a wealth of meaning. Your friend is the one who appreciates you, your faults as well as your virtues, who understands and sympathizes with your defeats and victories, your aims and ideals, your joys and temptations, your hopes and disappointments, as no one else does or can. It is your friend to whom you turn for counsel, for comfort, for praise ; he may not be as learned as some, or as wise as others, but it suffices that he understands you, and even his quiet listening gives strength and renewed courage. Blessed is the man or woman into whose life has come the beauty and power of such a friendship. Prize it well. Do all in your power to keep such a friendship unbroken. Avoid the break, for when it comes, it can not be easily mended, and the jarring note mars the harmony of the whole glorious symphony. It is not alone a question of forgiveness ; that may be full and complete. It is the hurt in the heart that will not readily heal, and the confidence that will not fully come back. The Pilgrim
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 05:37:45 +0000

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