The Heart of the Matter True religion dwells in the hearts. It - TopicsExpress


The Heart of the Matter True religion dwells in the hearts. It is not an intellectual construct. In terrestrial terms, the revelation began in the heart of our Prophet, peace and blessings of Almighty God upon him. We read in the Qur’an, “Say, whosoever is an enemy to Gabriel, and surely he brings it [the revelation] down to your heart, by the leave of God; as a confirmation of the scriptures preceding it, and a source of guidance and glad tidings for the believers (2:97).” Once the revelation entered into this worldly realm, the ability to successfully follow it is intricately associated with the state of our hearts. Almighty God rhetorically asks concerning those who find no guidance in the scripture, “Do they not ponder the Qur’an, or are their hearts impenetrably sealed (47:24).” Conversely, those who are guided benefit from the ability of their hearts to internalize the message. This ability is rooted in those hearts possessing God consciousness (Taqwa). Again, we read, “This is the scripture. There is no doubt concerning it. It is guidance for those possessing God-consciousness (2:2).” Most importantly, salvation itself hinges on the state of our hearts. Almighty God reminds us in the Qur’an, “On a day no amount of wealth or children will be of any benefit; unless one comes before Almighty God with an upright heart (26:88-89).” This is where we really get into the crux of the matter before us - healing. An upright heart is one that has been freed from all of the diseases and imperfections that might afflict it. It has been rid of jealousy, envy, avarice, greed, covetousness, sloth, selfishness, rancor, hatred, fear, despair, impatience and all of the other characteristics that are displeasing to God and loathed by people of character and discernment. When these characteristics permeate a heart, the person is not well. In this state, the ability to extend a helping hand to others is severely restricted. The ability to empathize, to perceive the suffering of others, to understand the pain that may ensue from reckless, sinister or ill-conceived actions is sadly lacking. Such hearts can be healed, but the process it involves is slow and unglamorous. They are healed by a sincere belief that once rectified their possessors will be moved into realms of God-consciousness and self-realization that will bring an unfathomable sweetness to life. That belief pushes the aspirant forward to undertake the hard work of litanies, prayer, invocations, supplications, fasting and quietly reflecting on the words of the wise, begin with the words of the All-Wise – Almighty God. Over time, if one is patient enough, a transformation occurs. Where there was jealousy and envy, magnanimity will reside. Where there was selfishness, greed and covetousness, charity will reside. Where there was rancor and hatred, love will reside. Where there was fear, courage will reside. Where there was despair, hope will now reside. And finally, fittingly, where there was impatience, patience will reside. These are the fruits of an upright heart. Their benefits help us to negotiate the many frustrations, disappointments and oftentimes daunting challenges life presents us. When we ourselves are able to make our way safely down the road of life, we find ourselves in a position to assist others. These are days when there are many people needing such assistance and by rectifying, buttressing and then opening our hearts we will be able to assist others. By so doing, we will be further healing ourselves and helping others to heal. IZS
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 00:57:22 +0000

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