The Hellenic Training Academy -- An Announcement to the Noetic - TopicsExpress


The Hellenic Training Academy -- An Announcement to the Noetic Society (and whoever else may read it!)- Im a Greek teacher actively seeking Serious, No-nonsense, warrior-like Greek pupils, interested in learning the Greek language, the language of the Hellenes (Hellenes --> how the Greeks identified themselves is different than the Latin root for Greeks, Gracae. Like Pierre I prefer Hellenes to Gracae), aka Classical Greek, and furthermore challenging themselves on the highest level (i.e. perfection and total excellence), due to gaining an insight into the harmonic nature of the languages grammatical structures and its superstructure, and, thereby, through special modes of concentration and self-turning mindfulness to experience the unification of Intellect one has to achieve in order to acquire this ancient language, making the learning of Greek an ousia-like and metanoetic turning about of the mind, in other words, a yogic experience and practice, which has recently come to be known in some quarters, as resulting in unanticipated enlightenment experiences in dreams, and this includes the insights I can humbly provide about the Hellenic language, and the words and ideas and grammatical noumena of profound depth extending to the Forms and their relation to things here, the role that substances (like the divine luminosity, or intellect, or the world soul) and these substantive expressions play in it,* that everyone of philosophic temper and training must and do take a keen interest in, and even in some way fuse with and become mystically and occulty united to, lets call it what it is. * Such as He Arete (transliterated from the Greek into English), which is translated Virtue or Excellence Itself, a monad, an idea that can be expressed with the noun and article combination alone, that is, He Arete, for example, and not necessarily need it be said, He arete aute, The Virtue Itself, or Arete Aute, Excellence Itself, but just He Arete, thats virtue,Excellence! shes a she! a singularity! and a monad! or the verb estin/einai/ontos in Greek Is, or how eide/eidos/idea Form/Idea is connected to horaein, seeing and oida, knowing, We will eventually, if you stick with me, study any of the great Hellenic writers we can get our hands on, and to whichever degree and depth you wish to keep pursuing it, like Homeric Greek and Homer, Proclus Elements, using the Dodds edition, Plato Himself, the Pre-Socratics, including Parmenides, Empedocles, and Melissus, Heraclitus and Philolaus. Herodotus, Sophocles, and Thucydides, etc... etc.. especially Plotinus. Since these goals are so noble both learning Greek and experiencing the divine union possible from doing so, and seeing the Hellenic world with such a transformed and inner perspective, through gaining (with me!) a holistic vision of the Greek language and its relation to profundity period, from the union of these goals, and since it demands as much from me, as it does from you, in terms of care and time, and work, Im sure youll agree that it is only just that I be compensated for my efforts, and as I have my own fair share of bills to pay (including rent or Ill be homeless) and goals that can be nurtured by the use of funds, as well, it is fair. The proof is in the pudding, as we all know. If you come out knowing Greek with me, you know your compensation was worth it from the practical perspective. If you get all that other stuff Ive promised, then you also know it was time worth spent, that a spiritual dimension opened up you may have never thought possible before, or if you suspected it, were nevertheless still apprehensive about it. At any rate, we can discuss the student fees privately. Just drop me a message @ ingmar_n@yahoo and well start a discussion. I already have a single pupil at this point, who pays, and we are up to Unit 6, in a 20 unit course: she is working right now on the exercises from Unit 6 of the Hardy Hansen & Quinn book. And I have to grade her finished work in terms of the goal of perfect translation into English, so I have to be perfect. Also, you have to shell out money for books, more proof of your seriousness about learning. The lions share of the work will be on you. I am my own kind of teacher, and with me, youll have to work, and learn the joy of working, such that you cannot even consider it work, while it will remain so. Learning Greek takes hours upon hours of undivided concentration. [The Grammar book is included in this post, or will be in a Comment below this if I make it a document.] Additionally, I will create a private, closed Facebook group for whoever joins me and my other pupil in this Academy (for discussion about any current unit being worked on by anyone, and joining brains on such matter, wherein everything must become clear) and school devoted to learning about Hellenic culture, but through the unific vehicle of learning its language, morphology and syntax, with yours truly, and in the variety of ways already mentioned above, which form will possess clearer contours as the tutelage develops, and morever, I have a Bachelors Degree in Classics - Greek from UCLA, and am otherwise more than qualified to take on this goal, and explore through the art of philosophical midwifery any blocks I may have in accomplishing excellence in the pursuit of it. Julia Hoigaard. Julia Postel, Regina L. Uliana, ladies, Joshua Bean, Brian Miller, Todd Clark, Pierre Grimes yourself, sir, and whoever else might take an interest in it, how about it? In philosophy, in amazon/Greek-Intensive-Course-Hardy-Hansen/dp/0823216632/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1403991362&sr=1-1&keywords=Hardy+Hansen
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 21:39:52 +0000

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