The Herald of Good Tidings- God’s Beautiful Messenger HE IS God - TopicsExpress


The Herald of Good Tidings- God’s Beautiful Messenger HE IS God ‘s Servant, God’s Minister, God’s Prophet, God’s Messenger, God’s Son, God’s Priest, God’s Child, God’s Bride, God’s Treasure, God’s Beloved, God’s Temple, God’s Ambassador, God’s Live Wire …. God’s Mouth speaks for Him, God’s Eye sees Him, God’s Ear hears Him, God’s Feet walks with Him, God’s Face is seen by Him, God’s Mind thinks of Him, God’s Host secures Him, God’s Hands keep Him, God’s Power strengthens Him, God’s Love embraces Him, God’s Spirit fills Him, God’s Light shines on Him, God’s Glory rest on Him, God’s Truth abide with Him, God’s Favor is upon Him, God’s Fear is in him, God’s Wisdom guides Him, God’s Counsel is with Him, God’s Peace resides in Him, God’s Presence dwells with Him, God’s Rod leads Him, God’s Enemy flees from Him, God’s Heaven is his Home! He feels God’s Pain, He seeks God’s Joy, He talks God’s Language, He utters God’s Word, He lives God’s Life, He thinks God’s Thoughts, He sees God’s Vision, He hears God’s Voice, He touches God’s Heart, He receives God’s Revelation, He dances in God’s Breeze, He is carried by God’s Wind, He burns with God’s Fire, He flows with God’s Oil, He is marked with God’s Seal, He does God’s Works, He picks God’s Call, He obeys God’s Law, He follows God’s Will, He walks in God’s Way, He fights with God’s Armor, He drinks God’s Living Water, He eats God’s Living Bread, He dwells in God’s House!! He was baptized into Christ, He puts on Christ, He is from Christ, He is for Christ, He stands with Christ, He walks like Christ, He thinks Christ, He talks Christ, He acts like Christ, He is in Christ! He lives Christ, He is one with Christ, He knows Christ, He is known by Christ, He belongs to Christ, and He lives with Christ, He Loves Christ, He obeys Christ, He adores Christ, He Trusts Christ, He Relies on Christ, He hears Christ, He follows Christ, He wins like Christ, Christ in Him, Christ with Him, Christ above & beneath Him, Christ of the Left & the right hand. Everywhere around Him, is Christ!! LETS US BECOME THE HERALD, GOD’S FINEST PIECE.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:09:04 +0000

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