The Heroes Pills With great delight in my spirit, I am pleased - TopicsExpress


The Heroes Pills With great delight in my spirit, I am pleased to welcome you this beautiful morning to the much awaited Heroes Pills (8th Edition) - The first edition in 2015. I am sure you had a great time last webinar with the insightful opinions I shared on what to do, when you don’t know what else to do! Last year, we had the most outstanding and record breaking feedbacks ever, thank you for your various comments, contributions and e-mails received over the past editions. Any feedback I receive from you keeps me moving, God bless you even as I await more. From my desk, I have chosen as the Spirit led, year 2015 is our year of SUNSHINE! This week, I shall be sharing my opinion on MAXIMIZING OPPORTUNITIES! According to Oxford Dictionary, Opportunity is defined as a chance for advancement, progress or a favorable circumstance. One truth about opportunity is that, it abounds everywhere. The man who is able to discover opportunities in its raw materials is the one who is fortunate enough to hit the periodic jackpot of success. In 2015, several opportunities are lying wait, you need to dig it out sir, discover them sir and pursue them correspondingly. Making timely moves is the best way to maximize opportunities. 2015 is pregnant of diverse good tidings, but I dare to tell you that you cannot afford to live your life like a jelly and expect to live a jolly-filled life. There would always be crisis! You have to step out of your comfort zones. Think, Think and Think vigorously! Sometimes, all you need is just an idea. A creative idea to initiate stuffs that never existed. Most Multi-national companies that exists today, all started as an idea in one mind. One crazy idea! Richard Branson said, “if your idea is not big enough to scare you, it is not worth it”. Maximizing opportunities begin from the mind. Setting and creating a right pattern of thinking for yourself. Find a problem, and fix it! Dr. David Oyedepo rightly said “Opportunity is forever in great demand, if it does not come to you, go for it” Opportunity is a chance for great possibilities in a man’s life. It is a gateway to success. Let me paint to you this graphic picture: If you get to the seashore, every shell that arrives and refuse to pick returns back to the sea, so you may be at the seashore till forever, even without a shell if you are not sensitive and smart enough to pick one as soon as it arrives. Let me also remind you friends, there is competition against every opportunity. There are several other men out there with similar opportunities with you; the smartest and swiftest wins the race! 3 Tips to maximize opportunities in 2015. 1). Prepare your mind – Sharpen your skills, broaden your knowledge, so you can be fully prepared against the arrival of opportunities. When you are fully prepared, you will just tap into it easily. You fast and pray consistently for you to travel abroad, yet you don’t have an International Passport, you are a JOKER sir! 2). Prepare others mind – Let people around you know what you do! Exhibit yourself as much as possible so that when opportunities arrive, you will be the first person to recommend. 3). Maximize your exposure – Besides improving yourself and branding yourself, you also need to consistently look out for opportunities. May I also add that, there are no limits to a man’s intellectual peak, every limit exists within the mind. Break the limits! There is no such beautiful thing as maximizing opportunities, sometimes it may not come often as expected, so one must be sensitive enough to receive it even in its crude form. I pray that God Almighty open OUR eyes to see beautiful opportunities around us, and may he grant us the Grace to utilize them maximally! See you at the top; my dear fellow HERO! For more enquiries and contribution, please e-mail heroespills@gmail or call 08033543167. You can also visit theheroespills.blogspot.I hope you are richly blessed via todays webinar, Please endeavor to like our Facebook page- The Heroes Pills. There is more to it than you can ever imagine! God bless you. DD Martins. The Strategist, Host, The Heroes Pills
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 11:19:17 +0000

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