The High Chaparral Reunion and the entire HC universe is seeing - TopicsExpress


The High Chaparral Reunion and the entire HC universe is seeing unbelievable growth and after the 2014 Reunion I knew things were at a turning point. It was rapidly becoming impossible for one person (me) to continue running what is essentially a full-time enterprise alone. To keep things moving forward I needed to quickly change gears and develop a team of people so I could manage the strategy and vision and ensure future growth. That meant I needed to find the right people to do the jobs I’d been doing myself. While there’s still a LOT of jobs yet to hand off – and new ones added to the list constantly…plus a Reunion to run in March – I’m very pleased at the progress of the last few months and want to share some high points. These dedicated ranch hands have taken on critical work for The High Chaparral and are cheerfully doing whatever I ask of them. Big thanks to: Ana Amos recently stepped into the role of HC Webmaster, and is managing the High Chaparral Reunion website. Soon she’ll launch a newly re-designed High Chaparral Newsletter website. The HC web presence is a critical piece of our communication to fans and Ana is keeping it up to date, relevant and now Mobile friendly. Yay Ana! Ann Bixby does all kinds of professional graphic design work from A to Z, whether it’s a logo for one of the stars, an advertising layout, an emergency flyer or much more. She makes The High Chaparral look good. Plus she’s now handling the official HC Instagram page. Thank you Ann! Marianne Rittner-Holmes handles special projects of all kinds – writing, marketing and promotion, Facebook admin, newsletter articles, public relations, and some that are secret for the moment. She’s a heavy hitter who steps in whenever and wherever needed. Woohoo Marianne! Pamela Jacoby s sharp eye for vintage memorabilia is adding lots of great items to The High Chaparral Reunion silent auction for 2015. Wait until you see all the fun things she’s found – Go get ‘em Pamela!! MJ Muller s talent at capturing extra-sharp screen captures is easier to admire now that she’s adding them to the new High Chaparral Pinterest page for all to enjoy. Love your screen caps MJ! Sarah Ortega has been busy on the new Youtube channel adding lots of her original High Chaparral tribute videos. It’s wonderful to have a single channel for all High Chaparral related video work – watch for this to grow even more. Yay Sarah! Susie McMullen Reincheneker’s customer service skills are taking a huge load off my shoulders as she fields new fan inquiries over the phone and email. Susie is a gem at this – Thank you Susie! It’s a mis-nomer to say Ginny was added to the team as she’s always been *on* the team. But now she’s taking on a new role. Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, Tumblr and much more …the High Chaparral world continues to grow daily and our Social Media reach is growing exponentially. Ginny Shook, in addition to being an administrator of the High Chaparral Facebook group, is now Director of Social Media. Ginny will help ride herd on all the varied social media channels and be responsible for their promotion and growth. It’s a big job but we all know Ginny is up for it and there’s no one more dedicated to the High Chaparral world. Saddle up Ginny – YeeHaw! Michele Simmons is heading up our new Mentor/New Fan program for the 2015 Reunion, and building a stellar team of mentors to match up with new attending fans. This program adds tremendously to the 2015 Reunion and make it much easier for new and single fans to feel at home for their first time. Go Michele! A huge THANK YOU to each of these dedicated workers who have stepped in to selflessly give of themselves. The work they do helps produce The High Chaparral world we all enjoy, and I couldn’t do it without them.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 01:31:59 +0000

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